The Cagliostro

Interesting. The first (or maybe just the first widely known) Cagliostro was a Rosicrucian. I wonder if this one is a decendant and they’ve been doing this a while.


New things in the index, a file called Yule. Lauren also emailed Cags back -

Good evening,

It’s all been a bit of a blur the past two days. Nothing constant but a whisper in my head. A distant voice. You?

I slept for a day, then received your email and gladly opened the box. The things you’ve given me… I sifted through them until dawn. Magic is real and I will master it. That’s my mantra now.

And yes, you’re right, we have the performance to plan. I’ll make sure everything is taken care of for you.

Several boxes of large freight arrived while I was gone. There are now six car-sized wooden crates in the entry.

I have stacks of RSVPs to go through, and will this weekend.

And the reporter has emailed twice.

Also, I almost forgot… the journal. The Yule pages. I never scanned them.

I’ve uploaded them in a subdirectory of your index. There are six pages but the middle two are blank so I’m only uploading 1,2,5, and 6. I will keep an eye on them and try to figure what this man is talking about. He mentions a “she” that he maybe betrayed? Abandoned?

The previous pages are gone now from the journal. Blank. I assume these new ones will vanish come Imbolc.

Yours faithfully,


Looks like we have a new puzzle, especially with Yule6 -


Double post - wild thought STUDY is in red…or perhaps Scarlet? A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle which is about Sherlock Holmes? He likely could be a Thornmouth?

EDIT: what do we think the “soonest word within the story that begins with the 48th S” means? I perceived it as counting to the 48th word that starts with an S, and if it is A Study in Scarlet, then I think the location is “Stamford”. Also what is the word after follow in Yule6 - “follow ___ to the first location”?


A what temple? Did I miss something?


I believe the temple is for the magic show that Cags is throwing sometime this? month. And Rosicrucian are a group of mystics that the original Cagliostro, Alessandro Cagliostro, was likely apart of.


I think the word after follow is ‘me’.

Also, brilliant idea of it being a Study in Scarlet. Well done!

So, how do we follow him (it?) to Stamford? I figured maybe but nothing.


So Rosicrusion is a cult, one of Magic. But that cult was based in Europe… how did the cult get a temple in Grand Central?


There is also an interesting collection of words crossed out and underlined. Maybe something else to help us crack what this is all saying

Edit: 48th, S, to (with 3 struck out before it), a (with 4 struck out before it), he (with 1 struck out before it), was, problem


I feel like it’s worth noting that Stamford, CT is pretty dang close to NYC. Maybe there’s some kind of landmark we need to locate in the city?


Maybe then we are looking for an adrdress? Some place in stamford CT with 341 in its address. I mean the person in the text talks about arriving somewhere. Seems like a lot of places it could be though… I dunno, just a thought!


I’m rethinking what the clue means. I’m guessing “the soonest word that beings with the 48th S” would actually mean to count the 's’s and find the word that stars with the 48th one.

If we start with ‘A Study in Scarlet’ and include the text under Part 1 that would be ‘served’ I believe.

If we start with Chapter 1. That would be ‘subclvian’ I think.

I’m still not sure what ‘follow me to the first location’ is. If it means ‘subclavian’ . Then the subclavian artery brings blood to the brain. So follow me, could mean go to the brain.

,none of which is useful or seems to work as part of the cagliostro url however. If that’s even where it goes.


Okay so in case no one can tell i’m very curious about The Crimson Hall.

So here is what I have found.
No record of it exists online. However the religion is very real, with a public base in NYC. It seems to be a rather odd belief system that looks very much like a cult. But nothing about magic or Magimystics, so why is the Cagliostro performing at this spot?


Well I’m still not sure about the S thing, but maybe we will figure out what to do with it later on. For now, should we make a new topic - is this a new fragment? And what do we think the giant blurry circle is about?


The Crimson Hall is definitely interesting (seems like we are going on a red theme today). I feel like we mere mortals won’t be able to find The Crimson Hall on our own lol, but maybe we will find it later through a puzzle or fragment. I think Cags is primarily based in NYC, since that is where the loft and Lauren are, so he/she probably chose a magimystical place that is associated with the Rosicrucians. Just my speculation though.


How did I miss the Yule stuff being posted? I expect that this ties in with the info in the Cagliostro thread and the new BoB mail as well!!


Marty replied again! Looks like he’s ready to deal. This is what I responded to his last message with:

Who am I? Just an investigator, though not in the journalism field. Myself and some others got roped into some odd mysteries around New York and had some run ins with the Devoted. They were…unpleasant, but have disbanded recently, as far as I know.

Whatever the case, that same investigation led me to Cagliostro, and his assistant, Lauren Ellsworth. As I said before, I have his RSVP list, and a date for the next performance, as well as some information on his whereabouts. Oh, and his personal email address as well. I am curious, though, what exactly do you hope to gain from him? I may be able to help you gain some more specific information.

And this is what he sent me in return:

Who me? I just wanna know where city money is going if it’s not going to fix the city. What do you want for the list?

Still trying to figure out what to say in response.


This is our chance! We can bargain for information in return for the RSVP list. Date and location I think we may want to keep in the Magimystic community for now.


So, he’s asking for the RSVP list and is willing to give us something for it, yes? He probably has resources/connections we don’t, so it may prudent to ask him to share everything he finds. He may not be on board with that though. As far as I know, journalists aren’t exactly a sharing lot.

Other than that, what else should he give us?

I mean, other than money. Lots and lots of money.


Hmmmm, what we want. I’ve been pondering this for a while. He’s an investigator, odds are he can find people or things or facts.

What if we ask him to find something to help Deeds? Maybe he could track down copies of the missing 3 AG books? Or maybe we can have him look intoi Sullivan green? maybe find any other posessions he had? He had bought a lot of artifacts in his travels. Theres got to be a trail somewhere.

Just my thoughts. I think any help we can give her now might help alleviate any annoyance when she finds out about us. Also Id just like to help her.


Okay, so, there are two things I was thinking about asking. The first was if he could help us track down Sacha, since he’s already familiar with the Lachmann case and has apparently been harassed by the Devoted for some time. The other thing was just asking for information about Cagliostro and his secret society straight up, see what Marty can tell us.

I think having him help Deidre would be a really great idea. It makes me wonder if he could track down volume 2 of the Monarch Papers? Since D has vol 1 and Cags has volume 3. My only concern is that Marty may not be able to have much success, given that the books seem drawn to people who are magimystically proficient. I can definitely ask though.

So, Sacha. Info on Cags. And info on the Monarch Papers (and Sullivan Green’s other possessions). Anything else we want to request? He is getting a lot of information from us, so I feel like we can ask for a decent amount from him.

Oh! Lauren also sent another email to Cags. Now we know that there will be 27 guests in attendance so far.

Good afternoon,

The performance:

I’ve updated the guest list. Carfax forwarded me information to reserve The Crimson Hall (I have) as well as the floorplan he proposes for the performance.
There are 32 seats and we’re at 27 guests now. Will I cut off the list at 32 or will you choose from those who’ve responded?
The journal:

The clue is about A Study in Scarlet, I’m sure. The passage is referencing words in the book, I just haven’t figured out what they are and what I’m supposed to do with them when I find them. I assume I’m supposed to skip the crossed-out words and focus on those that are underlined. But I still don’t understand the ring. He mentions a location so I thought I might be looking for latitude and longitude but lat/long don’t begin with “48S”.
I’m interested in who this man is, and the “she” he mentions. He left this “riddle” for her after all, didn’t he?
I spent the weekend with the materials in the Brachursis box. Poring over them. I may have imagined it, but I think I performed what The Theories of Non-Corporeal Traversal calls Conduit Foretravel. I was in the kitchen, making tea. I was stirring honey in the cup and got lost in thought, remembering my feet in the sand at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, looking up at the surface, far above me, like it was the sky… breathing the salt water like I belonged there. It took me a minute to realize the spoon was spinning around the cup by itself, faster and faster until there was a whirpool of tea, and at the bottom I could see the surface of the green sea I was remembering. I reached down and touched it and the tea stopped spinning. But I swear I could taste salt in it. Is it really this easy? Could I have been doing this all my life? So much wasted time.

The voice in my mind is like music. It never leaves me now.

Yours faithfully,
