The Cabinet (General On/Off Topic Thread)

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A song for my frens :heart:


So, unless we have more votes coming in today, it looks like the next Town Hall will be March 2nd at 6pm on Discord! (Iā€™m going to create a channel during Town Hall time that is available to everyone regardless of trust level on the forum.)


UGH every time I think my aggro-feels for Incubus have died this song comes back to me, and then I go listen to the whole album again.


On a complete sidenote (maybe not even a sidenote since this thread hasnā€™t been updated for a week).

Huh, Iā€™m a bit nervous here cause CJB knows this side, Catherine probably too but Iā€™ve never been certain of my skills. The other side to the nervousness is the fact Iā€™m really bad at starting threads.

A bit of a background here: my friends and I dabble with music to some extent but we all come from different backgrounds - she grew up on musicals, theatre and country. My friend, who has a band, is more of indie rock/rock and if Arctic Monkeys had a church, heā€™d probably be its pope :joy: Iā€™m the only person in this trio that had classical education followed by a plunge in folk (both classic and neofolk/neo-medieval) as well as metal.

At this moment - if you like rock, check out my mateā€™s band - Aurora Blues. Huge things are coming for them this year and Iā€™m excited!

Anyway, we have this wee circle in which we sometimes challenge each other to write something and sometimes either the lyrics or the music is being taken and repurposed. So I was recently asked to write something more rock-style, causeā€¦ well, I donā€™t write rock. As they joke, my gist is coves, forests and an occult existential crisis here and there :joy: Anyway, I wrote two songs, one of them fitting the theme, the other one being less of it.

Then I re-read it a couple of times andā€¦ well, curse you, CJB :joy: Seems like I spent too much time with The Monarch Papers recently.

Personally, I donā€™t feel like this is the best thing but at the same time - this is the only thing I could not improve after dabbling with it for a while. Sorry for the sentimental dolphins :3 Anyway, hiding this behind the spoiler line so your eyes donā€™t bleed:

We are the watchers
Standing between the dawn and the night
We are the dreamers
Looking below, all things in our sight
We are believers
Weā€™ll ring the bells when moon hits the sky
Till the walls crumble
And rivers run dry

Canā€™t but relive life
The one we had led
Before the storm came
And burst sheets to shreds

Canā€™t but forget notes
From stained music sheets
Symphony of broken
The cull of the meek

We are the watchers
Standing between the dawn and the night
We are the dreamers
Looking below, all things in our sight
We are believers
Weā€™ll ring the bells when moon hits the sky
Till the walls crumble
And rivers run dry

Remember this black shore
And wavesā€™ crushing tides
Us waiting for dolphins
To join them in ride

Cannot but shake off
The burden of lies
Weā€™ve never been kids
Yet none of dreams died

And I curse my sleep
And bless the awakening
Under the star
That bleached the charcoal sky

I wish we together
Ran on this black shore
I know we together
Would stand up once more

(still delicately)
We are the watchers
Standing between the dawn and the night
We are the dreamers
Looking below, all things in our sight
We are believers
Weā€™ll ring the bells when moon hits the sky
Till the walls crumble
And rivers run dry


Wait this is the coolest, let us know if you ever record this!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!


I want a Mountie Rock concept album.


This is so cool. @Cj_Heighton look another songwriter!




Iā€™m sorry if it looks like Iā€™m trying to take your spot :slight_smile:

And as for the album - Iā€™m in. Unsure how it would go with music but lyrics should be alright :wink: Would be a nice complimentary part to the soundtrack :slight_smile:


Massive late reply because of health reasons but I absolutely loved the song! I ended up getting myself the mini album (which looks just sooo pretty) and all the songs are really good tbh. Thanks for thinking of me <3


my dude, im MORE than excited to see another musician here. once you find your way to the discord itā€™ll be a legendary pairing. Im mostly a singer, youā€™re a writer, and i play guitar. Things will go famously.


And if you ever need a soprano voice, Iā€™m happy to do anything music related.


Iā€™m glad you liked it! Iā€™ve been a fan of Dreamcatcher for a while and I roped CJ into it relatively recently. I know generally, Japanese music is more your thing, but itā€™s got a similar sound to some of the things you recommended me so I thought you might be into it.
Theyā€™re more popular overseas than in Korea though, so there are always disbandment rumours floating around.


I really like them as well! I loved their Chase me / Emotion. Somehow most of the people I know that really like kpop donā€™t really care for them that much either, but theyā€™re probably my favourite female Korean group at the moment. (Though this was the first album of them I bought).


Chase Me is great. I love their supernatural concept. All their MVs are mysterious and creepy and itā€™s just so unique.


Yes, I like how their MV stick to a theme. I know kpop groups love picking a new ā€˜conceptā€™ for every release, but I like how Dreamcatcher just sticks to their image.


30 Minutes until Town Hall!


Ballad Of Balance - Connor Heighton - YouTube I wrote a song about @Balimora! sorry to the 57 people i just atted, but i figured most of you would be interested owo

all in all, its a great song, and im gonna keep writing more songs in the future! ill probably start a custom page for all of them soon, so keep an eye out!


The only thing I donā€™t like about it is that I wasnā€™t atted! :joy:

Youā€™ve got a great voice (and mind this comes from baritone who doesnā€™t like tenors cause they tend to be really weepy) and I like your way with words! The lyrics also fit the theme perfectly and depict this sense of longing I love.

Almost tempted to hit you with a PM for a possible colab :wink: