Tending the Mindflame

I am almost definitely borrowing Feverfew from you on occasion :sweat_smile: I can mend clothes or something in return, though.


@Sellalellen deal :relaxed:


Hello, all! My screen name is Violet, and Iā€™m so glad I stumbled into this little pocket of the universe! ā€œTending the mindflameā€ is something that echoes through existence for me.
When I was a child, I was fascinated by sciences and the occult (and I still am!). Iā€™ve held a wide variety of jobs as an adult - including advertising and video production, dealing blackjack and poker, and I am now a psych nurse. I love engaging with people, getting to know them, and helping them work on their own thought processes.
Iā€™m currently reading Flora and Fauna, and itā€™s fascinating to me. I canā€™t wait to dig in and get all caught up! Some of the story shares parallels from things Iā€™ve observed in both magic and psychosis.
Iā€™m also a pagan of sorts, and my personal practices largely revolve around growing a wide variety of plants and learning about the native species in my region. One of my favorite ā€œmagicsā€ is drinking teas that enhance dreams (and none of the plants are illegal). Iā€™ve found a lot of inspirations that way.
I also love going on hikes, photography, fire dancing, D&D, and spending time with my family. I hope to get to know you all better and share in tending the flame! :fire:


Welcome to all our new guild mates!


Wooo I can finally post here.

Yā€™all can call me Mikasi. Figured an older word for ā€˜coyoteā€™ would be better than being blatant.

Iā€™m kind of surprised I didnā€™t end up in Flinterforge, to be honest. With my love of working with my hands and penchant for daydreaming up ways of mixing magiq and technology, I would have figured myself a full on match for that. I guess thatā€™s me underestimating my ADHD and penchant to deep dive/binge new things that catch my interest. I mean, Iā€™ll at least admit to reading both Monarch Paper books in likeā€¦three or four days and then catching up as much as is easily available since then. Or maybe the time I read almost 200 chapters of a light novel with over a thousand chaptersā€¦

Iā€™m probably a better fit for the Mindflame than I think. Plus, with all the research into ā€˜weirdā€™ things Iā€™ve done, Iā€™m sure my mad magiscientist side will still get a nice stretch. Perhaps itā€™s time to delve back into that one site about manipulating energy again. Hmmmmā€¦

As far as ā€˜mundaneā€™ things, Iā€™m probably your stereotypical ā€˜omni-nerd/geekā€™. I love computers, despite their finicky natures; I watch animation from around the world, but currently focusing in on Japan and Korea; Iā€™m a rusty martial artist who would love to get back into it, but is worried 20 years of rust will cause something bad to happen; I play plenty of board games and tabletop games, from wargames to D&D and more.

I do wonder how my high school research into ā€˜psionicsā€™ and my experience in personal and dwellings wards may help or otherwise evolve. Maybe Iā€™ll properly figure out how to take larger crystals and make them into communication devices? (Shhhhh LCDs donā€™t count)


I honestly canā€™t believe I never posted here! Mustā€™ve gotten lost in the sprawl of exploring the forum, but anyways, hi!

Iā€™m Aster, and Iā€™m really jazzed to get into this whole thing!! I have a degree in psychology and work in social work currently, but I also have interests ranging from fashion history to tabletop games, and many other geeky things in between. I joined a while ago and drifted in and out, but Iā€™ve wandered on back and am really looking forward to interacting more with the folks here, especially other Thornmouths.


Welcome! Iā€™m kinda new too. o/


Hello fellow guild members! New recruit here. My nameā€™s Scarlet, or Ms. Ashcroft if you want to be formal. Iā€™m a bit of a novice when it comes to all things magimystical, though I have had a fair number of strange experiences throughout my life. Things like floating around my room at night as a disembodied consciousness, or being levitated by spirits as a small child.

Iā€™m hoping that now that Iā€™ve found this place, Iā€™ll be able to learn all about magiq. It will certainly be easier with the help of others rather than stumbling around all on my own. Granted, I do rather enjoy my solitude but Iā€™m big enough to admit when I need help.

As far as my more mundane life goes, thereā€™s not a whole lot going on there. I dabble in all sorts of things from mycology to circuitry. Iā€™m a bit of a jack of all trades and a master of none. About the only thing thatā€™s stayed the same throughout my life is my passion for learning new things, and my flair for gothic extravagance. Oh, and video games, been playing those since I was 2 years old. Some things never change.

Anyway, I am excited to be here! And I look forward to meeting you all and helping out where I am able.


Ooh a fellow goth?


Yes indeedy! Though my wardrobe is ratherā€¦lacking at the moment. Hoping to get that fixed in the coming months.


Hi Iā€™m iluminara, singer bookworm and into loads of stuff.


Call me Blue. It works well enough both in the Magiqal and the mundane worlds. Doc Blue if you wish to be formal, but I donā€™t really talk much about my PhD. Iā€™m a little jaded from my time in academia.

I am, at heart, a puzzle solver. I like discovering the pieces of things and finding ways to piece them together into something of value. Magiq? Magiq is one of those pieces I couldnā€™t find until now. One of those pieces that starts to draw all the others together into a coherent whole.

I am excited to be hereā€¦ and to help tend the Mindflame.


@DocBlue @Iluminara Its nice to have you both. I hope youā€™ll stick around while we unearth whats left of magic in our world :cjheart:


I donā€™t remember if I already posted here? Haha. Iā€™m sort of absent-minded maybe even forgetful. So if I did ( I didnā€™t see a post but I might be having an obtuse moment) I apologize for the repeat. Hello fellow Thornmouth guildmates! I really love the idea of tending the mindflame. I homeschool my three younglings and the philosophy of education I adhere to is feeding their minds with mind-food - or ideas. And itā€™s really amazing to me that I would fall into a guild with such leanings. Through books we we pass the torch of ideas to minds and so on. Not my original thought on the topic and itā€™s a terrible paraphrase but when Iā€™m excited itā€™s like I canā€™t quite get the words out right in text or speech.
I enjoy phrases like ā€œflora and faunaā€ and ā€œflotsam and jetsam,ā€ or words like kindling and marsupial. Nature study, painting, mixed media, candles, thick books, old books, old words (like mizzle !), retro furniture and patterns, bright dishes and saffronā€¦ the whole universe is a place of wonderment. I really just want to learn and learn some more. There isnā€™t enough time on this earth to do all the learning one might want.
Happy to stumble upon like-minded people :slight_smile: Looking forward to magiq exploration.


Hi everyone, Iā€™m Fae. I found this world on my birthday, so I thought that it was pretty great timing. Iā€™ve figured out that Iā€™m a Luminast leaning Thornmout, and I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. I am currently going through finding a job and dealing with some severe health issues in my family so I havenā€™t been around as much as I thought I would be. But after reading a lot of the threads on here, I am so excited to get to make some new friends, because everyone here seems lovely.

I am a puzzler, and a lover of words. A non-crafty person who longs to be crafty. I am a math person, and have a lot of problem solving experience. I also have been deemed the manic pixie dream girl type, but Iā€™m still nobodyā€™s side character. I look forward to everything the future may hold.



Hello, lighthouse keepers. Iā€™m Django and Iā€™ve recently found myself here at the tower so I suppose Iā€™m ready for the work to come.

In the mundane, Iā€™m Tom, an IT guy in a weird transitional phase, career-wise. I live with my wife and three dogs which means that I own a house and am allotted just enough space on the bed to breathe at night.

Iā€™ve recently come to adopt paganism as a spiritual pursuit in place of the organized religion I grew up with. Though the lens has given me a much more fascinating view of life, ā€œpracticingā€ alone is, well, lonely and itā€™s difficult to find a group to work with. Anyway, if anyone is interested in talking pagan junk feel free to PM me.

Magic (Magiq? Iā€™m not sure if the distinction exists and where the line is) to me is the miracle of everyday life. Thereā€™s some follow up to this statement but the miracle of my various mental disorders makes it impossible for me to elaborate at this time. Forgive me.

Anyway, umā€¦ I guess thatā€™s it? Feel free to ask questions or whatever. I look forward to working with you all and exploring the world together!

You say cult like itā€™s a bad thing!


Well, hey everyone! Iā€™m going by Alecto at the moment, andā€¦ wow. Iā€™m still incredibly new to everything here, but Iā€™m quite excited to learn and catch up. Which, I suppose, is why I wasnā€™t exactly surprised to find I was a Lunivox-bearing Thornmouth. Well, wasnā€™t surprised beyond the whole ā€œmagic existsā€ thing, that part was just a little unexpected. But still, when I settled into things and started reading everything I could find on the subject, well, I think this guild suits me quite nicely.

Anyway, I should probably actually talk about myself, shouldnā€™t I? Iā€™m an avid reader, so much so that Iā€™ve turned to web fiction of various forms so I have new chapters of stories to read nearly every day of the week. Iā€™m a fan of puzzles, though they tend to stick in my brain and absorb my focus until Iā€™m worrying at the thing like a dog with a bone. I also haveā€¦ difficulties being social, to put it politely, so please donā€™t fault me for mostly lurking when things havenā€™t stolen my attention or I donā€™t have enough spoons for interaction. Still, Iā€™m very excited to learn more about, well, everything here, and to meet and get to know all you lovely people.


Hey folks, itā€™s been a while since I was last here. An unfortunate mix of life events and depression pulled me away, but, Iā€™ve found my way back.

Anyway, let me introduce myself (again for some people).
Iā€™m Lander (Andrew irl) I have a passion for reading fantasy, sci-fi and more recently LitRPG. The Dragonlance Chronicles are what really sparked my interest in fiction and from there my love of RPGs & LARPGs like D&D, vampire the masquerade and most recently Whatā€™s Old is (Now) New (W.O.I.N) though these days I mainly run and help out at games.

Iā€™m a huge lover of tech, music and photography, though sadly I donā€™t have much time to dabble with these, other than through my job as a Sales Monkey at one of the UKā€™s biggest tech companies.

aside from the above, I have a fondness for puzzles and learning new things, from the obscure to the daft. eg Mathematically there are 5.9 popes per square mile of Vatican city! (yes I know there is only one popeā€¦ but math!)

My home city is known as the UKā€™s City of Stories! and has a rich history that I love to learn about from having an intact Castle that is now a museum, once having enough pubs (bars?) the be able to drink in a different one each day of the year and enough churches to confess your sins in a different one each week! and even being rich in occult and mystical history, and the final resting place of the physician and Alchymist Arthur Dee.

All that aside, I look forward to exploring the world Magiq and learning more.


@Lander Two things

One: I know so little about you other than that I need to book a transatlantic flight likeā€¦ soon so I can meet you and enjoy your incredibly interesting home

Two: That pope fact is fascinating and I plan to commit that to memory so I can spout it out at every opportunity


That pope fact absolutely just killed me. Youā€™ll fit in well here for sure.