
Over the holidays I acquired this one, and I LOVE it!!


That artwork is gorgeous, I love the celestial/cosmic theme!


Does anyone follow any monthly challenges or anything like it? I’m thinking of doing something next month since I found a bunch on Pinterest.


I have had many decks over time—I got my first one in second grade or so—but have limited myself to a few at this point.

Relevant to AG, I recently found one that draws on the parts of New York City that are unique, but also universal: The Urban Tarot (The Urban Tarot). I’m becoming a big fan.

My old standby for years now—I think I’m on my fourth or fifth deck because I wear them out—is the Cosmic Tribe Deck (Stevee Postman). The images are so stunning and photorealistic, across a wide range of people and bodies.

I also wanted to mention a new curiosity a friend sent, the Printers’ Tarot (https://www.radicalemprints.com/theprinterstarot). I figure some of the bookish crew here might enjoy it: it is set entirely in Garamond, a font invented in the same area as the first Tarot decks.


I just rediscovered the Tessera Oracle and I love it all over again. It’s a set of enamel diamonds that serve as talismans on their own and can be used for divination in a set. The fact that they’re all enameled means the full set is pretty expensive, but I might get one or two individuals if I have some money left after vacation.



Oh. Oh my.


They’re all so beautiful.

Me: I have three decks and a fourth on the way. I don’t need more!

Also me: But I don’t have one like that!

My Budget: :sweat_smile: :skull_and_crossbones:


So I’m doing this daily draw challenge:

What’s everyone think of 7 Pentacles? Because I got that card for the 2nd, and it’s totally got me stumped as to meaning.


I think this depends somewhat on the deck, which I acknowledge is not a good answer. The meanings have changed from early pip decks through Rider Waite Smith style.

My pip deck reads seven as challenges; coins (pentacles) would indicate a challenge using your more embodied senses, i.e. how you physically feel. So when you want to use your intuition, or inner voice, try this. Say “I make decision A.” And then check in with yourself and how that decision feels in your body. Then “I make decision B.” and repeat.

YMMV, of course.


Top Row: Visconti Tarot. The backgrounds of the court cards and trumps are all gold foil. Pips have gold foil details. It’s super shiny! Bianca Maria Visconti was an amazing lady and her story inspired me to get this deck.

Middle Row: With Your Shield Or On It. We’re all fighting battles of one kind or another. I use it for all of my martial questions.

Bottom Row: Mayhem Tarot. Actually an oracle deck. Saltier than a potato chip factory. I use it to call myself out on my nonsense.


I agree with @Frost that the deck matters a lot. Different decks have different voices.

That said, if it’s Rider-Waite-Smith, I usually read that as cultivation and patience bearing fruit … at some point. In the context of the question: your inner voice is quiet. Still yourself and listen for it. Cultivate it, invest in it.


@Frost: “YMMV”?

@Lexington: that actually makes sense. I have the most confidence in my intuition - my gut sense - when I’m able to stop what I’m doing and take a minute to feel out what my gut is telling me. If I try to take it faster than that, I feel like things go awry more often than not.

Thanks guys!


Your mileage may vary.


My online shopping habits have taken a dangerous turn ever since I realized that getting packages was going to be the highlight of my day for the next few weeks so…

…I caved and bought my own Antique Anatomy kit :heart_eyes:


So yesterday, I got “Some Enchanted Evening” stuck in my head.
I haven’t thought about that song for more than a decade.

So I turned to my Gilded deck and asked why that song is looping in my brain.

8 of Pentacles.
Only. I ‘saw’ the Knight of Pents.
I started shuffling again while trying to come up with a follow-up question and the Knight of Wands fell out with the 2 of Swords. Then a few seconds later, 4 of Wands.
“When will this happen?” King of Wands.
“How will I know?” Death.

The song is still repeating in my head today. Maybe I need to try meditation for this…