


I have a rune card deck somewhere. Lol


evil evil enabler cackle


Is this based on the DnD Pathfinder series, or something else?


Hahaha awesomesauce!


That would be a cool concept, but this is unrelated. :slight_smile:


Aw I’d love to see a D&D themed tarot deck!


Once upon a time in college, my dorm was down the street from a used book store. Their metaphysical/witchy shelf was straight ahead as you walked in, so naturally that’s as far as I ever went into the shop. :deirdrexd:

Basically, if there was a deck with a book explaining everything, it came home with me almost every time.

There was also a witchy store heading toward the bridge that I always looked at from outside as I passed, but only ever went into once. I’d needed a tarot deck for a photography project my senior year and got this one:


@BrokenVoid -That could be a fun way to character build, too! Have different back designs for race, class, skills, and character descriptions - shuffle and draw! Bingo, you’re now a [Half-Orc], [Bard], with a specialty in [building sandcastles], who is [109 years old] with [chronic migraines]. It would certainly save a lot of time for newcomers who just want to get to the game play.

@Ashburn Those are GORGEOUS! What’s are the Phoenix cards like? I’ve been super interested in past life studies, and those look like a potentially familiar way to start learning more.


Honestly, I don’t recall if I ever did more than look at them since I obtained them. :sweat_smile:

The Book of Doors divination deck was the one I’ve toyed with most recently, but even that was a year or so ago…

I can definitely take another look at the Phoenix deck when I get home later. :laurensmile:


Ooo, I love the Egyptian styling on The Book of Doors!! I also really approve of your dragon bag (though it’s facing the wrong direction to be Welsh! :dragon_face: )


Okay, apparently I did look at the Phoenix deck at least once…

Go past me for writing the results down! :eaves:
I’ll lay them out and come back with my findings. (The book for these is thick)


Welsh dragons only face one way?


You could say they never turn the other cheek :wink::joy:


The Welsh flag is a dragon facing to the left.


Okay, so here is the spread I drew years ago:

Chances are high that the first card would never change, because Athena’s on there. May do another one at some point to see if anything’s changed in the different layouts in the back.

The main layout they detail is the Past Life Mandala, but there are also much briefer descriptions of a Five Star Spread that sounds like it’s good for daily meditation, and a seven card spread divided into the Triangle of Manifestation and the Four Elements.

Each of the cards looks to have 4-6 pages of descriptions for various aspects of the time and place represented, finishing off with a rather lengthy conclusion of how a past life in that setting could manifest itself.

It was a lot to read through, but a lot of it seemed to say I’m so introverted it hurts so there’s definitely some truth there. :deirdrexd:


That’s fascinating! It kind of correlates things your soul has gone through to how your life is currently manifesting… Those cards are gorgeous, to boot!
Thank you for sharing!!





I like to do “get to know you” readings with my new decks, and I thought I’d post one here with my Synesthesia Deck in case anyone else wants to use this method to get to know their decks as well.
It’s a pretty simple spread, with a card to answer each of the following questions:
How does this deck see itself?
What does this deck like to talk about?
How long will this deck be in my company?
Where will working with this deck lead me?
Why did this deck call to me?
How will this deck help me grow?

The way I am interpreting this:
Ten of Pentacles - This deck sees itself as very powerful and very nurturing, it seeks to offer practical knowledge about how to become successful in it’s querent’s endeavors, especially in a way which supports Home, Family, and Financial Stability.
King of Wands - This deck wants to talk about passions and ambitions. It wants to help re-ignite the flames of desire that nay-sayers have dampened. It wants to help it’s querents go after the dreams that logic says are impossible, and prove the nay-sayers wrong.
Page of Swords - This deck is eager to teach me and learn from me, and when we have learned as much as we can from one another, it will find someone new to teach and learn from. It’s sort of an indeterminate timeline, but I get the sense that it will let me know once it’s “bored” with me :sweat_smile:
Justice (Inverted) - Working with this deck will lead me to explore what I truly believe is “right” and “wrong”, what is “deserved” and “undeserved”, and where I stand in the face of “injustice” (inverted Justice :face_with_monocle:). I also get the sense that it’s going to call me out on a lot of my own subconscious prejudices, which is a little intimidating, but I’d rather work through that stuff than casually or accidentally hurt anyone, so… So be it.
Death - Now this deck is just being cheeky, because Death is my favorite Tarot card and I 100% bought this deck because this is a beautiful representation of the concept of time and transformation. (I also got the Death enamel pin from the Kickstarter. Cheeky, cheeky.)
Knight of Swords - This deck will teach me how to transform my overactive mental energy into actionable plans. Anxiety can become a useful motivator for me if I will stop hiding and worrying, and start going and doing something about it.

Does anyone else have “new deck” rituals/spreads?


That’s gorgeous!!! It looks like a friendlier version of my Synesthesia Deck :joy::joy: I especially love the focus on color theory with the Simplicities deck :star_struck: