Tarot of 2021

So I don’t have a tarot deck…but last year I pledged to the kickstarter for the “Adventurer’s Tarot” by Weird Works (mostly because the art is GORGEOUS). It’s a tabletop gaming inspired oracle deck (it’s not really a tarot deck), so you can use it in games for like, deciding initiatives and stuff, but they do also give card meanings for personal readings. So there’s gonna be a little…figuring it out as I go…but I do want to start doing some personal readings this year. I might also 100% steal those journal ideas some of you all have shared…I’ve got plenty of notebooks to spare…

So…starting off I guess. I was looking for an intention for the year and I got The Undead, which they define as being the card of Rebirth (embracing change that you might be afraid of and starting something new) and Purge (releasing yourself from past trauma and reconnecting with your present self) and if those aren’t Whole 2021 Moods, I don’t know what is.



Hey I got those too, the 3 of Dragons is my favorite design out of the lot, mostly because dragons but that white really shines. I tried doing a reading with those and was slightly confused also a little hard to deal with considering i put the protective covers on them. So I switched to the deck I got in New Orleans a number of years back, so I did a full year reading and then just one card reading, pretty much the same ending, coming out with The Hermit and telling to break bad habits and ruts I’ve gotten into. So that was the intent this year anyways but got some back up forces telling me to do it too.


I’m definitely relying pretty heavily on the guidebook right now. I got the sleeves too, so I just parred the deck down to only include one of each duplicate card since there’s no accounting for the number in the guide anyway


I’m definitely still relying on my guidebook a lot too, but one of my goals for 2021 is to get to a place where I don’t need it! Doing one a day and doing a little bit of journaling with it is helping so far!


I felt the need to cleanse all my decks last night. So I put them all back into order and back into their storage. Tonight I’ll light some sage incense and hold them in the smoke.


I took @skylad s advice and washed my cards by moon light.
As I was shuffling my cards for a 12 month spread for the year, the Ace if Swords fell from my deck.
The tldr definition is Breakthroughs, new ideas, mental clarity, success.
I’m going to take this as my cards were grateful for the wash and future readings will be if not clear, at least not actively obscure and senseless.

There were a lot of higher arcanum cards in my draw for the year, the hanged man, world(inverted), the magician, the emperor (inverted), strength (inverted) and the lovers.
Some of them were very vocal and make sense, others I’m going to have to pick apart.

Was really nice picking up my cards again. Bit weird reading for myself, but I’m sure I’ll get over that. Thanks for the poke to do this :smiley:


Hi everyone! I’m new, and in love with tarot, so I figured I’d breath a bit of life into the thread.

Tonight is a full moon in Scorpio. I personally am going to need to cleanse or charge my cards or something because we have reached an empass for the first time since I’ve gotten them 7 years ago or so. But I found a few spreads specifically meant for this full moon and thought that I’d share them with you guys! I did one very late last night and got… interesting results, to say the least.

So when I did the pull pictured above, I thought for sure they shouldn’t all be in the reversed positions… And then I started reading them (still kind of a newbie after all these years) and by the second card threw my hands up and said “okay, I’m listening!” Anyways, I only recently started including reversals in my readings, and it has created more nuance in my readings. How do y’all feel about using reversals? Does anyone have one of those nifty circular decks? I always love seeing artwork on tarot decks, so what is everyone’s favorite cards? If you don’t know, what are your ‘birth’ cards? (If you don’t know how to find out, I can provide a tiny tutorial, just let me know.)


Oooooh these look good!! Thank you for posting here, I’ve been feeling so guilty for not using my tarot cards latley (life :sleepy:) but will use these spreads as an excuse to wipe the dust off my cards!!


You should never feel guilty for not getting to the things that you love and sustain you! I’m just glad to give a reminder. Nice to meet you!


Lovely to meet you too! I did see a few new members join but haven’t gotten around to posting on their intro posts!


Ok I feel nudged. I’ll pull the deck out.


My year card is Wheel of Fortune which represents a growth year. I wish I had this in mind from the beginning because reflecting on what has happened its 100% what I would call a growth year. Knowing this now though I will use that knowledge to keep shaking things up and keep my energy and creative flow going for my future endeavors. Many thanks to the original poster @Connielass


So the other night during the Lunar Eclipse I thought it would be a nice idea to do a little spread for myself. I always like to sit and reflect on my messages before I share them with others and I think that I’m ready to share this message
So I did my shortened version of the Celtic Cross,

  1. Self: Seven of Pentacles
  2. Trouble: Ace of Chalices
  3. Hopes: Three of Wands
  4. Fears: Ten of Swords
  5. Past Influence: Knight of Wands
  6. Future Influences: Knight of Chalices.

More than happy for people to weigh in on what the think, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got the message out of it that I needed to hear.



This looks like a great spread. I think I’ll do it tomorrow. :yellow_heart:


So instead of using the lovely spread you shared, I got really really angry and upset about something today and asked for advice.

I have issues communicating with people in a way that conveys how I need conversations to happen for me to feel validated and understood. So I asked how I could become better at communicating. I was told to take my feelings out of it, like don’t get your feelings hurt by someone being rude. It’s on them if they are rude, and you don’t have to take it to heart. You’re doing all of the emotional labor if you are upset by how someone talks to you, but you don’t tell them how you feel or how they can do better. So tell them when it happens and then it’s more evenly split, even if it does end up upsetting you.

Anyway, I thought it was some of the best advice I could get, so I thought I’d share. Hope y’all are having a lovely day!


I’m still puzzled by why I’ve only felt the Magician as a con-man.


I kinda get that vibe too. Maybe it’s because the Magician holds a “true neutral” or perhaps “chaotic neutral” vibe – doing what they want for their own purpose. There’s a bit of mischief in there. You never know what to expect from such a person (entity?).


I’ve been meaning to float this idea for a while. Would anyone be interested in adopting some decks?

I’ve been going through my collection and there are some that just don’t speak to me anymore that I would love to gift to good homes. If folks are interested, I’ll put together a list with links and pictures.

No worries if not, this is just the largest collective of Tarot enthusiasts that I know. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Sorrel I think I and many others would be interested. :eyes: