Summer Update

It could also be a lowercase b or q, I dunno.
I’ve been looking at this thing for about 5 minutes. Tried all angles, focusing on the negative space, etc, etc.
I might throw this into my photo editor and try fudging with it to see if anything else pops up, potentially. (Doubt anything will.)

Edit: Nothing.


It looks like a hebrew letter to me. Or… Something similar. Arabic perhaps.
A derivative of Phoenician maybe. It looks really similar to the letter ‘Ba’.


It doesn’t look Arabic to me, but my first instinct was definitely Hebrew! My familiarity is just with modern Arabic, but it’s definitely possible that it’s an ancient Arabic alphabet that predates my knowledge base.


I agree, the characters definitely feel familiar and reminiscent of other language’s writing systems, but if Saberlane is trying to help us understand the new laws of magic, and learn its secret language, then maybe these are two characters from that language, the beginning of the magimystic alphabet.


So is there anything else new at all? Do we need to draw that character in the book?

Is the codex like… some sort of magimystic kindergartener’s alphabet practice book?


FoDG is a codex within this codex… We used a glyph found in there to open the journal. Could this new glyph somehow allow us to get vs so in touch with Reader for more of that story? Maybe sending it via DM will transfer a protection to allow them time to settle & reconnect?


@DjangoSolare, I can’t wait to get the whole alphabet & give it to my 4-year old to practice. He’ll entered Pre-K with a very different skill art from his peers :cjmagiq:


Great now I need to make some gremlins and break them the same way


It’s what makes the gremlins all worth it


Hi @Eaves! Hope you’re enjoying summer at the castle! I’ve been wondering something and was hoping you could help. I know you and Gav can see the forum (I’m assuming Gav can still see it) but do you know if anyone else at Lion’s Heart has been able to access it since? I ask cause I’m curious and because, as an adept, I’d love to talk with Yuri if possible. I could share my experience of losing my power in the new age and hear what she and the others have been trying/learning/thinking…

I don’t wanna bug you (or Gav) with having to be the messenger, but I’d love to know what she and the others are up to, and heck, maybe I have insight that could help them?


I’m so sorry, everyone. The solar batteries finally charged today after ten days without power. This is the worst it’s been. We’re doing well otherwise, great even, aside from these connection issues, but yeah, I can only imagine how frustrating this has to be on your end.

There’s been no change in the codex, and as far as I know, no one can see the forum but Gav and me, @Aether, but I’ll double-check now that the power’s back. I’ll check in with everyone and ask them to try and connect when they have time.

@Endri, given everything that’s happening here, I think it might be best to send the codex to you in New York. That way, you’re not dependent on whatever’s happening here with the castle or with me.


First off, happy Cake Day Eaves!

Second, we aren’t dependant on you. We are in this with you. Saberlane could have deposited that anywhere. He chose right there. Maybe it only works with you? I’d bet you are extremely important to whatever the heck we are doing here.


@Robert is right. From the return announcement Saberlane sent, he knows what’s going on & I have no doubts that the codex is with you & Lion’s Heart for a reason. We need you.


I agree with @Robert and @eternalhearts. We need you and love you. If you need to take your time to figure out things with the castle or with other problems, that’s fine, we just like working with you and getting to explore the world with you.