Stories in World

I thought we should have a place to talk of things that the diffrent guilds do for fun, short stories, and au’s! @Endri feel free to delete this, it’s more for fun than anything.


There’s a couple, living in San Francisco. One Gossmere and his Weatherwatch. They live in this apartment building, one they maqiced back in the 70’s. It was an orphanage of sorts, and both took in any young magimystics who needed help. Both seemed to have something heavy weighing on their soul. The Gossmere’s hair was white, his eyes so very distant, and he always clutched a box of faded photos. Once a child snuck a peak at the photos, and they where of this beautiful compound, some showed him in his youth dancing by a huge bonfire. The Weatherwatch was older, and had scars all along her face. She had once been a warrior but not anymore.

It wad whispered gossip among the older magi that she had fought a great battle against a great darkness and has ran away with a Gossmere healer, both had been cast out for running.
One selfish act, and an act of cowardice.
Forever binding the two in those less intolerable times.
I once knew a child from this orphanage, and she has grown to become a talented Balimora druid. So I thought I’d write of this place.