SPORTS! Get the Thing in the Thing!

Anyone watching the women’s World Cup? Which team/s are you ready to track/root for?
I’m looking at SKorea (mom’s home), Brazil (because Brazil), England and the US.


I’ve just been pleased that they’ve had a noticable uptick in advertising for it vs. men’s a year or two ago.

I’ll keep an ear out for how the US is doing, but that’s probably about it.

And just to mention it, I love the thread name. :laurensmile:


I know the England team is doing well with them recently beating Scotland! But that’s all I know about sports :laughing:


I had no intention of doing any sports things, but the Fire Dept. needed party fillers, so I’m watching the Raptors game at the fire hall now I guess :ascendershrug: there’s a barbecue out back, and everyone is praying that they don’t get called out during the game.
Apparently it is Rookie’s job to shout down the stairs when the commercials end so everyone can get back to the tv in time :joy:

Edit: is it the Raptors? I can’t tell. It’s red uniforms vs. dark uniforms. Dark uniforms are impressing me so far. Chief does not like the dark uniforms. He complains under his breath every time they score.
Okay Raptors are the red team. I think I’m catching on now.


Oh, that game! Yeah, I think it would be nice for Toronto to win. Warriors have won more than enough the last several years, it’s getting to be like the Patriots.


Our stream froze :grimacing: no one is sure what happened, but it is probably Rookie’s fault.
I used to live in Ontario so I think I have no choice but to hope for the Raptors to win.
Also why are there so many men in suits on the front row? And they all look disappointed no matter what happens?


Goodness this is a close game
Right now Raptors are at 79 and Warriors are at 80.


Little late in here but just wanted to say I live downtown Toronto and wow last night was wild! Needlessly to say the city (including myself) was VERY happy to win. Finally bringing a trophy back to Canada :grinning::grinning:


Nicked from NBC Sports Soccer’s page

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