Spells and Incantations for Those With a Will to Use Them

So basically I’m interested in what spells or rituals you all may be doing that you have found have successfully gone off… what worked, what didn’t, what have you not tried? I’m especially interested in those spells you have found or made that are directly connected to you guild powers… Lets discuss some esoteric knowledge.


So, fun thing about Magiq at this moment in time…it’s kind of in crisis. Like, practically endangered kind of crisis. There’s very little left, and we’re hoping we can do something about that, but at the moment we’re being pretty cautious about when and how we use magiq given how scarce it is.

In the meantime, a lot of us have found that the majority of spell work that we on the Forum could accomplish in this world was done together, as a group, multiple people lending will to a spell, or anchoring a protection, etc. I won’t list all of those here, but a good example is Calling the Corners, which is a sort of “grounding hex” to anchor and protect someone. Another we used a few times during the Book of Briars shenanigans was the Consolatory Teatime for Misplaced Memory Ritual, which we successfully used to help bring back people’s lost memories.

I don’t know whether any of us here have really been able to do much with our Guild’s Affinities so far. We still know so little about the Guilds aside from what the MAGIQ Guide tells us, we’re not completely sure what they are, or whether they work the same for everyone. Some people have stories of how they were lead to the Guide and the Forum that sound like they may have connected with and used Guild affinity, but ultimately we’re not really sure, at least for the moment. But we have speculated a lot on what they could do, with more magiq and better understanding.


The first spell I ever tried to cast was out of desperation as I was trying to end a bad marriage. I found it off some sketch google search; it was called “The Water Closet spell”. The idea is to “flush away” the person, thing, or habit you needed out of your life.
I wrote his name on a piece of toilet paper every time I had to go for 3 days, so that the last day coincided with the New Moon (which represents death/transformation/change/letting go/etc).
I did this for two months and it only got worse.
The third month, I wrote my name - my married name rather. I didn’t like who I had become, I was the thing that needed to leave.
It worked. The day after the New Moon, a friend called me and said I could move in with her - 600~ miles away.
What I learned; how one person uses a spell/expects magiq to work, does not translate universally. Pay attention to the intent of a spell, and augment it as needed to suit your purposes/path.


Honestly, given the scarcity of Magiq, it seems less like a situation where we should be sharing ways to use it, and more like a situation where we should share ways we’ve found of nurturing it. I mean, we ARE Balimora, natural growth should come, well, naturally.

For instance, we know stories have Magiq. Some stories were even so powerful that the editing out of those books in particular dragged all Magiq with them, apparently. So writing might be a way of ‘seeding’ the world with more Magiq, as might art (given Anne of Brittony was an artist not a writer) or in theory any creative practice. Each guild has something that calls to them, Thornmouth has knowledge, Flinterforge has creation of the build-y sort, we have the Great Chaos. Perhaps pushing to expand that which calls us will also act as a seeding/defending action. So as a Balimoran author, if I write stories of whimsy and magic, or impassioned defense of natural wonders like Great Bear Rain Forest, then maybe I’m putting out more Magiq to stabilize the whole thing.

Or maybe I’m just finding an overly elaborate justification for writing absurdist fantasy with a socially conscious bent.