SOLVED: The Last of the Travelers: The Third Fragment

I already tried and only got as far as the rest of you, but I saw online that non-rhyming passages are sometimes marked with an “X” instead of a new number in rhyme schemes. Maybe that in concert with the last passage might work? Just throwing everything in the air at this point.


ABABCDCD gives you Obenhedge


Thoughts on whether I should ask CRSumner on if they have heard of Obenhedge? Could phrase it as a word I heard over and over again in my dream?


So it’s telling us that a rhyme scheme is the correct way to access obenhedge but we haven’t found the last phrase yet so can’t have it. Like @Mike said… it seems like the Burrow rules.


Awesome work finding that word! I tried pasting my schemes in there but failed, because apparently it’s case sensitive. Curse you caps locks! shakes fist That has to be the next clue.


Worth a try to ask crsumner.


Haven’t found anything on the word Obenhenge itself but it is an anagram of this guy’s last name: Henri Debehogne - Wikipedia


Also it could be “Bone Hedge” or “Hedge up” (when translated from German).


Its a stretch, but could it be stonehenge?


Well… we’ve freaked him out. I can’t copy and paste right now from tumblr but CRSumner has heard of the word Obenhedge, and had a dream of someone trying to recite a poem. And he’s a bit…on edge…understandably.

I asked him if he’d like to see the poem we’re compiling.

Edit: I found a way to get the details of his response. It’s worth reading.

Okay. So I just found the magic guide site. I didn’t know people didn’t remember it. Is this real? Somebody else emailed me about the word obenhedge. I thought it was a joke. I dreamed about it last week. The word obenhedge I mean. It was like the fraylily dream I had but… not. In my dream I was in the woods and I met a man, a traveler. He was sitting on a bench with a bunch of green branches in his lap. He was trying to recite a poem but kept forgetting how the words went. He saw me and said that the road ahead was broken. No one could pass. He said something happened before the road was finished being built and it was all his fault. And then I realized I could see right through him. He was half there, half gone, like a ghost. He told me I could help. If I could recite the poem I could find a way around the broken road. He tried to give me the branches in his lap (he called them obenhedge) but I didn’t want to take them. I don’t know why. I kept telling him that I remembered them being called something else, but I couldn’t remember the word. He said the poem he was trying to remember could help me, because it’s about remembrance. But the poem was broken too. He shook his head and then he disappeared. It was so sad. That’s when I woke up. So… what does it mean? It’s been driving me crazy for a week. I can’t get it out of my head. I’m completely freaking out. Who are you?


Great investigatory work, Robert. It seems that CR Sumner is most definitely tapped in to BoB and may prove to be a valuable resource. That is, if he doesn’t get too spooked by all of this and runs to the hills.

From his description of his dream, I am now more convinced that we need to find the missing couplet to find the fragment. I know it could be a wild goose chase and that we might be able to figure it out without those two lines, but the Traveler said the poem is broken. Which I take to mean incomplete. So making it whole again might get us “around the broken road.”

Another interesting point is Sumner’s belief that Obenhedge goes by another name. Maybe that’s the key to unlocking this fragment, or maybe finding the missing lines. I’m not sure.

Last night I tried looking for those lines and came up with nothing. The Last Traveler’s comments are gone from Deidre’s blog and Instagram site. Only the comments we left are there. However, I did notice that on her post “Paranoia and Cupcakes” it shows that there is one comment. However, there are no comments in the comment section. This could be a technical glitch, but part of me is hoping this is a clue that the missing lines are still somewhere on the site. Wishful thinking, I know, but I’m feeling a bit desperate at the moment.

I went through Google Cache last night as well to see if I could find some of LT’s comments, hoping that we overlooked one, but I was only able to find a couple that we already have. Unfortunately the Cache didn’t take a snapshot of all his comments and I wasn’t able to find it.

It seems that Sumner was in contact with LT just as he and his comments disappeared. Sumner knows of the word Obenhedge and believes it goes by another name. It would be fantastic if he read the poem and remembered the missing lines, but that sounds too much like hope and not a plan. Either way, Sumner could be a great help, but I’d hate to scare him off. Maybe it’s best if, for the time being, Robert be the Mountaineer’s liason with Sumner since he’s already established a report (there is another Recruit who contacted Sumner about the Fralily I believe, perhaps they too should keep in touch). But if we all go at Sumner like we did the Traveler, it may frighten him away.

Obviously, we can all do what we want, but I’m just thinking out loud here. If any of us have questions for Sumner, maybe have Robert and the other recruit who contacted him ask them?

And Robert, if you’re not comfortable with that, no worries. I’d just hate to see another valuable resource disappear into the Aether again.


I think until we get the guy comfortable with the fact his dreams are actually messages from another reality we should probably keep as low key as we can. I can do that or someone else, I’m easy. Let’s get him through this one poem first though.

Well, I’m guessing like you that the missing piece is important. If it’s the toad’s part, then the magic word we’re looking for might rhyme with ‘toad’?


Yes, I agree.

As for the rhyme, I think you’re right. I think that all six lines of the toad stanza have to rhyme with each other. But I’m not sure how to do a search Deidre’s blog for words rhyming with toad. That is, if the missing lines are even on her blog. Was there anywhere else other than the blog and her Instagram that LT posted?


Nowhere I know of. He had a tumblr presence long enough to make that post. I believe, but he’s got nothing on there.

The dream kept saying the road was broken. Road rhymes with toad. Wonder if there’s a plant named like that.


I am guessing you are “Srial”? It is interesting that he mentioned some lines are out of order. Would it be possible for you to post the order you sent to Sumner? I am willing to spend some time working through this poem to see if I can find a better way to rearrange the poem.

EDIT: I saw it on your blog post. I will work on that as soon as I can.


Deidre posted and added a picture with a note from LT that says:

From the Crook of Ghyver’s Cross
to the Fallen Mokorode

Could this be our last set? Also, should we share it with CR to see if this line jobs his memory?


This is huge! I think this is the last couplet we’ve been waiting for.
With these new lines, this is what I have for the poem and the rhyme scheme:

“The Minnying of Ojorad”
A The minnying of Ojorad
B was held at Vidivinty’s glade
A a notion Good King Capra had
B that proper reverence be paid
C The four who stood in mourning voiles
D with deep respect their tributes said
C to one who fell on Baryn soil
D in diamond coat of blue and red
E In vermulid tones the cat first spake
E Through briaring fronge her tones did rake
F Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies
F A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
G from catafalque to ancient tree
G bereft of home, his light soars free.”
H The second, the Unowl
H evinced a brillatent scowl
I for she found not the words to mote
H So she unfurled her cowl
H to charm fallen and fowl
J with the weaves of an outstretched wing
K From the third, a mouse with girlish hair
K as her mournful tears clad hallowed air
L declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra
M “Lo, the stars shine less intently now
M in the firmament of glory’s crown.
N The lustre of our friend moves on.”
O And finally, the julbous toad
O in his gown of winking woad
O sang a stark yet stirring ode
O on the hauce his master rode
P From the Crook of Ghyver’s Cross
O to the Fallen Mokorode
Q Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
R and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing
Q The Merest part a way of weather
R when Watch elects the final frinning
S To mark the end of their lament
T King Capra rose o’er gathered sways
S “We’ll sing no more! Dance our assent
T to morrows and our yester days!”

I entered this new rhyme scheme into the BoB and it still gives me Obenhedge. It’s possible we have the arrangements wrong, but it appears that we now have all 40 lines.

Though I’m sad about the unknown fate of LT.

It also appears from her post that KR has stolen the pocket watch.


Awesome work but one quick edit. The line “from catafalque to ancient tree” actually goes after “Through briaring fronge her tones did rake” and before "Sad she, "Here magister woodland lies.

I have spent a good chunk of the night trying different arrangements of the poem to see if they make sense, but the only way I can really alter @Robert 's post to Sumner is swap the last two stanza’s. Which Mike already picked up in his post above. It doesn’t change the rhyme scheme at all however. I get ABABCDCDEEFGGFHHIHHJKKLMMNOOOOPOQRQRSTST. The middle is so close to being a pattern but yet so far. EEFGGF HHIHHJ KKLMMN OOOOPO. Maybe it is just because it is getting late here and everything is melding together in my mind. Tomorrow is a new day, and maybe something will hit me once I get a little sleep.


Good catch, @Brendon. As I read the poem, part of it sticks out for me. Let’s put aside the rhyme scheme for a moment and look at the story being told.

The first stanza is about Kind Capra thinking it’s a good idea to hold a dirge for Ojorad. So everyone gathers at Vidivinty’s Glade. We are then told there are four mourners ready to offer tribute. The first of these four is the cat. Second, the owl. Third, the mouse. Fourth, the toad. And then Capra ends the show. Makes sense, right? But look at this stanza:

Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing
The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning

It doesn’t follow the story being told in the rest of the poem. As someone observed earlier, this seems to be a reference to the six magic guilds: Ebenguard, Balimora, FlinterForge, Thornmouth, Gossmere, and Weatherwatch. but because it doesn’t follow the narrative of the poem, it could, technically fit in anywhere. So where exactly should it go?


Alright, its been a week since i tested to see if she could see comments and it still seems like something is still not letting her see anything, maybe because travler is still around, just not strong enough to communicate. It seems though that shes kind looking for any kind of aknoledgement from the latest post. I’m not sure if anyone else is trying, but I’m going to keep trying to get a message through