SOLVED: Phase 3 Assessment: Fletcher Dawson

Maybe I’m misunderstanding your meaning here, but once we have the locations, mapping the constellations should give us the order the enter the cities on the site since the Dawson site has you choose a city for each constellation, not just blindly enter the four cities.


If we do want to link to Battleships the game, I think a while ago we discussed the French predecessor to Battleships and thought maybe the office where the patent was granted. That seems like a bit of a stretch though, and we could only link to Paris. If there’s a way to link the game to something else (and maybe not Paris since we’ve got so much going on there), that could be interesting…


We could also possibly link battleships to Russia? It’s a stretch again though:
“the game of Battleship is thought to have its origins in the French game L’Attaque played during World War I, although parallels have also been drawn to E. I. Horseman’s 1890 game Baslinda, and the game is said to have been played by Russian officers before World War I.”


Also does anyone know how to log into the Archives? I can never log in to it


@EliseCeri I’ve only just got in to thanks to this further up the topic :slight_smile:


When people are mapping out the cities, they are currently putting all 4 constellations in the city. And when people they are guessing each city has four or more clues to each one.


I see what you mean, but here’s my understanding of how it’s going: Regarding plotting more than one constellation in a city, I think that’s just been to see what fits best. In the mock ups I’ve seen, none of them fit perfectly, so different options were tried to see if any fit relatively well or had a star that didn’t line up with something we identified as a landmark but could actually fit a clue. Nothing was a really convincing fit so far, though, which means we need to work a little more on some of the clues (we’ve mentioned in the past couple days that some clues don’t have guesses that fit well/guesses at all). Given the number of stars in a constellation, there should be four or more clues relating to each city (one constellation has 5 stars, three have 6 stars).

Edit: That’s not to say that if trying a different route or trying to brute-force the order makes sense to you, you shouldn’t do it. That was just my interpretation of the logic so far.


I get what you mean with the the multiple clues to a constellation. I’m just saying why not try a new angle instead of the one we are currently using.


I’m all for a new angle and new ideas…I’m just a little skeptical that just trying the 800-some possibilities with our master list of cities is the right angle. (We might have misinterpreted a clue and therefore be missing a city, we might need the clue solutions for something later, etc)

Again, not saying that you shouldn’t try it because I’m skeptical, just that there might be a different approach that will still give us the information we need/might end up needing.


Thinking of potential new angles to pursue…is it possible that maybe one city has one category of clue? So if we group the clues into themes and match the themes with the constellations we might be able to identify the city? Preliminary example: Haussman’s Sanctuary, Rumyantsev, Obregon’s Requiem, Legorreta’s Interior, and Maximillian’s Execution are related to real historical figures as far as we can tell. The problem here (either for this specific category example or the theory in general) is that we already tied Haussman to Paris and Rumyantsev to Russia…I dunno…food for thought I guess…


Here’s what I got. For the past day I’ve been taking all 22 clues and searching for them against a specific city (in this case Mexico City). I even searched for the spanish translations, and these are the only two hits I like.

Sorry I didn’t add these earlier, I left my notes at home and couldn’t post til I got out of work.

Player’s Frigate - Frigate is Fragata in spanish. Mexico City has a ton of Fragata’s. Restaurants, an office building, even a massage parlor (It was for research…i swear) but the word Player’s has to mean something. I can only find one thing people play in (keep it clean) ‘La Fragata’ A sports park.

Here’s it on google maps.

Argonauta - I literally cheered and woke up my son when I found Maria Teresa (Tereza) who was known as ‘Argonauta del Arte’. She has a theater called Teatro Maria Tereza Montoya . Here’s the locale.


Oh my gosh, those are fantastic! Looking at translations of words could help with some of the other vague clues too!

Edit: Also, after a quick glance at the spreadsheet, that might give us enough points in Mexico City to make a constellation???


The way “Player’s Frigate” is structured makes me think that Player is a person, possibly a last name, as the 's can only mean belonging too as “Player is Frigate” makes no sense. So the Frigate has to belong to whoever Player is. Food for thought.


I looked up the Camino Real hotel chain; luckily their website has English translations (I know almost 0 Spanish, haha). They have profiles for each individual hotel in their chain, and several note the architect. The only two that mention Legoretta are the Camino Real Monterrey which says it was designed by the Legoretta+Legoretta firm but easily eliminated from the running since it’s not actually in Mexico City. The Camino Real Polanco seems much more promising–it’s actually in Mexico City, it was created by Legoretta himself rather than the firm, and it opened July 25, 1968.


Polanco it is!


@Rimor I can’t fault you’re logic. We’re trying to find a single location on planet Earth that matches a 2 word clue. It could probably refer to a thousand locations and some way better than the one I suggested. That’s the best one I’ve found so far in the cities we’ve identified as high likelihoods. I’m totally open to other ideas.

At some point we need to settle on answers and see where they lead though. At least then we’d know we were wrong.


These are with the two points @Robert added above in Mexico City - What do people think?

As usual, neither is a perfect fit.


I found a new possibility for The Royal Hoop: in Montreal, there’s a mountain called Mount Royal, and the roads converge to loop around a park at the top (there’s also a circular path in the park itself).


And I know it’s not as ideal as using the actual Bersimis-1 location, or the area I found down-river called Bersimis, but Hydro-Quebec, the company that built and runs the generator, is based in Montreal. I haven’t looked up the location of their headquarters yet.


Also in the vein of ‘trying to force these clues into cities we think are likely’

Looking for ‘The Swallow’. In Spanish swallow is Golondrinas.

There’s a ranch Ranco de las Golondrinas that outside Mexico City, and the famous basejumping caves the ‘Caves of Swallows’ farther still outside the city. Neither of these are in the city though, so I’d call them low chances.

In French Swallow is Hirondelle.

Paris has a Bike Shop called L’Hirondelle Bike Shop . Paris also has a street named Rue d’Hirondelle and yes, another Massage parlor called ‘petitehirondelle’. I’m not making this stuff up. Maybe Fletcher is a bit of a freak?

There’s a town called Hirondfelle somewhere in Quebec province.

In Montreal there’s a Social service center called L’Hirondelle Service d’Accuiel. I think it’s kind of like a hostel?

Also there’s a Park called Parc de Hirondelles in Montreal.

In Saint Petersburg/Moscow…I’ll be honest trying to read maps in Russian makes my head hurt. I don’t see anything obvious though.

Anyone feel strongly about any of these?