SOLVED: Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: "Stray" Documents

I’m creating this topic to examine the documents that we haven’t yet connected to the RPG elements in the files on the Forest site.

A fourth “stray” document was moved to its own topic for discussion.


Thanks for starting this @Endri, this is something I am hoping to focus on tonight when I have some time to look through things a little more


I’ve been thinking about these a lot. I was thinking that maybe the first 3 aren’t necessarily supposed to be part of brandon’s story about Beyell, but there is some kind of message in them. Like, the first excerpt talks about someone searching for something magic related, the second talks about magic being released from something, and the third talks about trying to put magic back into something. Maybe thats not it at all but it is something!


I think the stray story fragments were parts of Brandon building the world of Brin/Brynephar (Brin, afar), the world he was trying to escape to with the Traveler’s Disc. Just a theory. Could definitely be helpful, knowing what he hoped to find there. Seems like a lot of very powerful magic. Probably why the Devoted are so keen on finding him.


I am still racking my brain over these documents, I have read them over and over so many times that I could probably recite them line for line at this part. I feel like there is definitely something hidden in there somewhere, it is just a matter of determining what it is. These fragments of text were given to us for a specific purpose, and I am intent on figuring out what that is haha.

Edit: Even if that purpose is that it is just added “lore” then I will be content, because then I know we can cross this off the list


Remember what Brandon said, “Imagination is the same as memory” These aren’t just things he made up, they’re memories. The reason we’re all here in the first place is that memories, and the timelines they belong to, have been tampered with.
Brandon is trying to get back to a real place he has broken memories of


Hey @Endri how do we separate out a topic? I think the last stray document here isn’t related to the first three. The first three are all stories about types of magic: a bed of flames, a mirror made of water, and a stick that you have to frighten the magic back into. The last one longer and there are no magical objects (well there’s a monster, but…) This one feels like it belongs to the RPG - it refers to places we know are on the map, like the word terminus in it, which is not an everyday way of saying train station. Just my very early morning thoughts.

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Fair point, @Tom. I can move it to its own topic. I worry about moving it to an existing topic because I fear we’re already missing things in this morass.


The latest email stated, in part:

“We still need you to create the fourth element and the fifth entity.”

These ‘stray’ documents pertain to flame, water and earth.
Maybe we need to write a short paragraph or two about air an email it off.


Alright, well, who wants to write a small story with air/wind in it? I’d do it but it probably wouldn’t be very good ^^;

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Well, I went ahead and made the small story excerpt. It has two mentions of air, “wind” and “breeze”. I’ll go ahead and send it to them, and see what happens. Will keep you posted if anything happens.


Brilliant - they’ll probably reply at the usual 3.33pm EST tomorrow


Done and done, hopefully @YankeeWhite is right, I don’t want them to yell at me about “This is not the fourth element. You have misunderstood us.” or some cryptic bull$%#& like they always do haha