SOLVED: Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: Maps

That’s been bugging me as well. In fact none of the locations he’s mentioned in his manual seem to be on the map. Odd,


It is odd, but since these docs seem to be Brandon’s Game Master notes, the map of Brin could be sort of a macro map and the new docs we found refer to a more specific area like the graph paper map (BL101186_trial1_1_100112).

Either way, that unnamed city sticks out like a sore thumb.


I’ve found a lot of info on landfills in NYC. A lot. In fact half of Manhattan seems to be a t least partly built on landfills. There’s a lot to sort through, (no pun intended :laughing:) will update as I know more.
Whoa, okay, Fresh Kills on Staten Island was America’s first landfill. It was also at one point the largest landfill and human made structure in the world. Fresh Kills Landfill - Wikipedia
It is now a public park area (quite lovely really),
but in Brandon’s time… I am absolutely certain this is the Junkyard. Looks like we’re all hoppin’ on the Staten Island Ferry for a little exploration.


@Valdione remember that W.H.O. Glaas report you found on water resources? The Hudson River would be a site they might cover, seeing as how there;s a water treatment facility there Brandon talks about retrieving a key from Professor Green’s desk at the Filtration Lab and notes " the file cabinet is empty,the reports are all gone".


A post was merged into an existing topic: Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: First Beacon

A post was merged into an existing topic: Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: First Beacon

Okay, got another location down, The Big Apple Circus has pitched its tent behind Lincoln Center since 1981. Lincoln Center is just a block away from Central Park. It’s a non-profit, involved with a lot of children’s charities, and helping needy families. “holding special performances for blind, deaf and autistic children” (outcast children)

It was announced on July 27th, 2016 that Big Apple Circus is closing down due to lack of funds. Its charity organization continues to operate. With No Heroes in Sight, the Big Apple Circus Will Fold Its Tent - The New York Times


Found Rubblefish Lake, the old city aquarium housed in Clinton Castle in Battery Park. Not far from the Whitehall Staten Island Ferry station.


I’m breaking down the files into smaller chunks and thought the drawn map should go here…


Though there are what look like tents in the sketch, and if they are, then the drawing should be oriented like this…


here’s new map aligned with the previous one


Looks like were heading to the Junkyard. I’m pretty sure that larger square (roof) just above left of center is the Gatehouse. Also if that pool at the top is The Rubblefish Pond it would make sense on the NYC map, because the old city aquarium is right next to the Staten Island Ferry staion (the entrance to the junkyard)


OH THANK ■■■■. (lol censorship) I will get on to labelling those maps right now. Should be simpler with all the new areas.


The map looks like a town


Found Brandon’s Ironhorse (train) graveyard. It was somewhere in Jersey City.


Am I overtired and seeing things? Look at the bottom left corner of the first map drawing. Does that fit over the little triangle where the Verdi statue (first beacon) is in this map?


It could if you flipped it, however, thats definitely the “filtration lab” on the map. It wedge shaped and is sucking water, which is how it is described in the story. I’m not so sure if its of any significance, but it very well could be!
Edit: Don’t be discouraged Alison, it may be useful to compare the locations of the fragments in real life, to the ones on the map!


I had to get up and get on my laptop. This map is definitely laid over this area on the west side of New York City. Look where the big building is on the upper right. It’s the Museum of Natural History…

And the shore on the left of the drawn map is Broadway.

Which means the junkyard map we got earlier is Central Park!

I have no photoshop skills or I’d try and overlay them…


@AlisonB, I adore you. I’ve been staring at maps until I’ve gone cross eyed. Totally missed this.:dizzy_face:
Just a hop skip and jump from the Ramble.


Someone do photoshop on it!
Is it sad that this is the highlight of my actual, real life week?

Edit: the Ramble!!