SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

For everyone’s information I got a reply to my question to ThereAreNoConstance. Simply she/he asked me ‘Who is this?’. So I told them.

Now we’ll see if they call me insane and block me. :slight_smile:


Well, that’s a good sign that they replied. It means either they’re planning to do something with the blog or it’s attached to an email they regularly check.

Hopefully they are the person we’re looking for. I mean, ‘there are no constance’ is a pretty weird phrase. Seems likely they’re involved somehow.


Here’s what I have from my Grimm’s collection:

The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids: This is called The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids in my book. This wolf physically transforms himself by eating chalk and coating himself in powders in order to eat the baby goats. He eats all of them except the youngest who hid inside the clock. The mom goat comes home and the youngest goat tells her what happened. The mom goat gets the kids out and replaces them with rocks. The wolf tries to drink some water, but falls in from the rocks and drowns.

Snow White: There are two Snow White stories in my book. The first is Little Snow White and the second is Snow-White and Rose Red. Little Snow White is closer to the Disney version.
Little Snow White: After a queen gave birth to a daughter white as snow, red as blood, and with hair as black as ebony, she died. The king remarried a woman who couldn’t stand the idea of anyone being prettier than her. She would ask her looking-glass (not mirror, looking-glass) who in the land was the fairest of them all and it would tell her that she was. Once Snow-white turned seven, the looking glass told the queen that Snow-white was more beautiful than she was. She got so jealous that she sent a huntsman to take Snow-white into the forrest, kill her, and return her heart to the queen as proof. The huntsman agreed to let Snow-white run away, and he took a boar’s heart to the queen. The queen ate it, thinking she had just eaten Snow-white’s heart. Snow-white ran through the forrest and no animals harmed her. She eventually found a cottage and went to sleep in one of the seven beds. The seven dwarves came home, but they did not disturb her when they found her. They agreed to take care of her if she would cook and clean while they were away in the mines during the day. The queen’s looking glass eventually told her that Snow-white was alive and well where the seven dwarves dwell. So the queen disguised herself as an old peddler and went to the dwarves’ house claiming to sell pretty things for cheap prices. Snow-white let the woman in and the queen wrapped Snow-white so tightly in colored laces that she collapsed. The dwarves came home and cut the laces off of her, and she started breathing again. The looking glass once again told the queen that Snow-white was alive and well. The queen made a posionous comb (not apple) and disguised herself as a different old woman. Snow-white initially wouldn’t let the queen in, but the comb was too pretty to resist. The queen brushed her hair and she collapsed. The dwarves came home and took the comb out of her hair, and she told them what happened. The looking glass told the queen Snow-white was alive, and the queen vowed to kill her even if she died in the process. This is when she makes the poisionous apple. This time, she disguises herself as a country woman and went to the house. Snow-white won’t let the queen in, so the queen takes a bite of the white part of the apple, knowing that only the red part is toxic. Snow-white bites the red part and dies. The looking glass tells the queen that she is the fairest in the land. The dwarves came home, did everything they could think of to save Snow-white, and then mourned her for three days straight. They put her in a glass coffin because her red cheeks made it look like she was still alive. They put her name and that she was a princess in golden letters on the coffin, and one of them always guarded it in the mountain. A prince came to stay the night in the dwarves’ house and they gave him the coffin because he promised to honor her as his dearest possession. When he was taking it home, he went over a bump and the piece of apple came out of her throat. She lifted open the coffin, alive and well. Snow-white went with the prince to his castle, where they married. The evil queen went to the wedding, where she was forced to put on iron slippers straight out of the fire and dance in them until she died.

Snow-White and Rose Red: A widow had two trees in front of her house, one with white roses and one with red roses. She named her two daughters after these trees. Snow-white was gentler and liked being inside, while Rose-red liked to play in nature. They played in the forrest a lot and the animals were always kind to them. During the winter, a bear came to the door and the girls were frightened, but he promised to do them no harm and he stayed the night in their cottage. He stayed with them throughout the winter, but he had to guard his treasure from the dwarves during the spring and summer. One day, the girls found a dwarf whose beard was stuck inside a tree. He was rude to them, but they helped him get free anyway by cutting off the end of his beard. They found him again caught in fishing line and once again cut off part of his beard to free him. The third time they found him, he was about to be eaten by a bird. Once again, they saved him and once again he was rude. The dwarf had just emptied all his treasures in the meadow when the girls came upon him again. A bear appeared and he tried to convince the bear to eat the girls instead of him. The bear knocked out the dwarf with one smack of his paw. The girls started to run away, but then they recognized the voice of their bear friend. The bear was actually a prince who was cursed to live as a bear until the dwarf died. Snow-white married the bear prince, Rose-red married his brother, they divided the dwarf’s stolen treasure, and the mother and the rose trees both lived in the castle with them.

Hansel and Gretel: Gretel is spelled “Grethel” in my book. So the family’s poor and the mom decides the best way to save money is to take the kids out into the woods and let them die. The kids overhear it, which is where the pebbles come in and they find their way back home. The second time, the mom takes them further out and the birds eat the bread crumbs. That’s when they get to the witch’s house and she locks Hansel in the stable and makes Grethel help fatten him to be eaten. Hansel tricks the witch with the bone for about a month. Grethel realizes the witch wants to shove her in the oven, so Grethel plays dumb and shoves the witch in instead. The kids take all the jewels from the house and use a duck to cross the river so they can get back home. Their mom is dead and their dad welcomes them home with open arms.

Rumpelstiltskin: This poor man lies to the king and says his pretty daughter can turn straw into gold. So the dad locks the girl in a room and tells her she has to do that overnight or she’ll die. This manneqin (spelled manikin in the book) comes in and says he’ll spin the string if she gives him something, so she gives him her necklace. Then the king sees it and locks her in a bigger room with more straw and says she’ll die if she doesn’t spin it into gold overnight. The manikin comes back and this time the girl gives him her ring. Once again, the king decides to be greedy and puts her in an even bigger room with more straw and says that he’ll marry her if she turns this into gold. Basically she’s pretty and can make him rich so what does he have to lose? The manikin comes back and asks what she has to give him and she says nothing, so he says he’ll do it if she gives him her first born child. She reluctantly agrees, gets married, and forgets about the deal until she has her baby. The manikin makes a deal that if she can figure out his name in three days, she can keep her baby. The first two days, she just asks around and tries common names and any name she hears, none of which are right. Then she overhears his cocky self dancing around and saying his name is Rumpelstiltskin. So on the third day, she guesses a couple basic names first and then correctly guesses Rumpelstiltskin. He gets so angry that his right leg gets stuck in the ground. Then he pulls his left leg so hard with both hands that he tears himself in half.

Mother Hulda’s Well: This is called Mother Holle in my book. This lady has an ugly daughter that she loves and a pretty daughter who she treats like crap. The pretty daughter pricks herself sewing one day and throws the shuttle in the well. When she goes into the well after out, she comes out somewhere else. She helps the breads that are about to burn in the oven and then helps shake the ripe apples off the tree. She gets to Mother Holle’s house and agrees to shake out Mother Holle’s bed every day in exchange for staying there. She gets homesick after a while and Mother Holle agrees to help her home, but first she makes it rain gold on the girl. So the girl goes home and her mom and sister are happy to see her because she’s rich. So the mom and ugly sister decide to try getting more gold with the ugly sister. The mom pricks her daughter’s finger, puts the blood on the shuttle, and throws it down the well. This sister is mean and lazy and doesn’t help the bread or the apples. She gets to Mother Holle’s house and doesn’t do anything. Mother Holle kicks her out and pours black tar on her first. The ugly sister goes home and is never able to get the tar off. My translation actually compares the nice pretty sister to Cinderella, but this story is NOT Cinderella itself.

The Six Servants: This queen who is also a witch really enjoys killing people, so every time someone tries to date her beautiful daughter, she gives them an impossible task. When they fail the task, she beheads them. This one prince really wants to try, but his father says no and he gets super sick. When it looks like he’s going to die anyways because no one can cure him, the king decides to let his son try to win the princess. The prince finds a really fat man (The Stout One) and agrees to let him help because he is able to make himself three thousand times fatter when he wants to. Then they find this guy listening to grass grow (The Listener) and bring him along to help. They keep going and find essentially a giant (The Tall One) who is able to make himself three thousand times taller, so he comes along for the ride too. Now they find someone with his eyes bound up because everyone he looks at splits to pieces, so obviously they need that skill too. Number 5 is a guy who gets really cold when it’s hot and vice versa (The Frosty One). They then find servant number 6 who can see pretty much anything anywhere in the world. So they get to the Queen and she’s like I have three tasks for you. First, you have to get my ring from the Red Sea. Good eyesight finds where it is, the Tall One carries them there, the Stout One drinks up all the water, and the Tall One grabs it. The second task is to eat 300 oxen and drink 300 casks of wine. The prince is allowed to take one person with him, so he takes the Stout One who eats and drinks everything. The third task is for the prince to wrap his arm around the princess and not fall asleep until after midnight. The Stout One guarded the door and The Tall One supported the prince and princess, but the queen cast a spell at 11 which put everyone to sleep and teleported the princess somewhere else. Everybody woke up at 11:45 and started freaking out. The Listener found the princess on a rock, the one with the bandaged eyes destroyed the rock, and The Tall One carried the princess back. The queen agrees to give her daughter away, but tells the princess it isn’t her choice who she gets to marry. So the princess gets pissed off and says she won’t marry him unless someone lets themselves be burned alive on this giant pile of wood she makes. They put The Frosty One on the fire and it burns for three days without causing him harm. The queen decides ain’t nobody about to marry her daughter, so she sends her entire army to kill everyone and bring back the prince. Too bad for her, The Listener heard this plan and The Stout One spits out the sea he drank, which drowns the army. She tried to send her knights, but the Listener heard that too and bandaged eyes turns them all to glass. The prince finally gets to marry the princess and the servants set off on their marry way. Except plot twist: the prince is actually the son of a pig herder. So the princess loses all her royal clothes and starts working with the pigs. She feels like she deserves it for being so prideful before. After about a week, we get lot twist number 2: the prince was lying and he is actually a prince. So the prince and princess have both suffered for each other and get married in the castle.

Rapunzel: This man and woman live way too close to a witch. The woman starts craving some rampion (rapunzel) that grows in the witch’s garden and her husband decides to climb over the wall to get it. The wife eats a salad and decides she wants even more, but this time the husband gets caught. The witch agrees to let him take as much rampion as he wants as long as he gives his pregnant wife’s child to the witch. This child is named Rampunzel and is apparently the most beautiful baby in the whole world. The witch locks her in the tower on her 12th birthday. After a few years, this prince somehow winds up next to the tower and hears Rapunzel singing. He tells her to let down her hair and he climbs it up, but Rapunzel apparently thought it was going to be her witch mother (but like obviously their voices were different so i don’t understand this part like ok Rapunzel) and freaks out a bit. They talk for a bit and he asks her to marry him and she says yes. She figures out the only way to get down is for him to bring silk whenever he visits her so that she can make a silk ladder. Then Rapunzel screws up and reveals to Dame Gothel (the witch) that the prince has been coming to see her by saying Dame Gothel weighs more than the prince. So Gothel chops off Rapunzel’s hair and banishes her to the desert. She then attaches the chopped of hair to her head and brings up the prince just to tell him that Rapunzel is gone. So the prince tries to find her but ends up blinded by some thorns and walks around the forest for years. He somehow manages to find Rapunzel living in the desert with twins. She cries when she sees him and her tears heal his sight. They go back to the kingdom and live happily ever after.

The Frog King: Called The Frog-King, or Iron Henry in my book. So this princess likes to play with a golden ball and one day it falls down a well. This frog in the well agrees to get it for her as long as they can be friends, he can sit with her at the table, eat off her plate, drink out of her cup, and sleep in her bed. The princess says yes, gets her ball back, and then leaves him. Well Mr. Frog manages to make his way to the castle and the king makes the princess keep her promises. She throws the frog out of her bed and he turns into a prince, which her father makes her marry. He says he had been cursed by a witch and she was the only one who could break the curse. They set off for his kingdom the next day. The prince’s servant, Faithful Henry, had been so miserable when the prince was turned into the frog that three iron bands had formed around his heart to keep it from breaking from grief. As they made their way into the prince’s kingdom, the bands around Faithful Henry’s heat broke because they were no longer needed.

The Wishing-Table: In my book, The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack. This tailor has three sons who he has to sustain off of one goat’s milk. They take turns taking care of the goat. The oldest one takes the goat to a churchyard with fancy herbs and lets her run around. The goat tells the son she’s full, but then they get home and she tells the father she didn’t eat anything because there was no food. The father gets mad and beats his son with the yardstick. The middle son takes her to a spot in the fence with good herbs. She eats them all and tells the son she’s full, but once again tells the father there wasn’t any food. The father chases this son down the road with the yardstick. The youngest son takes her to some good bushes, she says she’s full, and they go home. Once again, she says there wasn’t anything to eat. The father beats this son so badly that he runs away. The father himself takes the goat to some hedges, she says she’s full, and then says the same thing about not having any food when they get home. He gets really mad, shaves the goat, and whips her with the horsewhip. The goat runs away and the father starts to miss his sons. The oldest son was an apprentice to a furniture maker who had been given a plain looking table by his master. This table could set itself with a feast on command. The son’s table gets stolen from him by an inn keeper. The son goes home to show his father the magic table, but instead gets mocked and called a liar. The middle son becomes an apprentice to a miller and is given a donkey that drops gold from its mouth instead of carrying things. His donkey gets stolen by the same inn keeper. The youngest brother apprenticed under a turner and received a letter from his older brothers warning him about the innkeeper. When it was his turn to leave, his master gave him a bag with a cudgel in it. On command, the beater would dance on the backs of those who had wronged the boy and it would not stop until commanded to. The youngest brother went to the inn and had his cudgel attack the innkeeper until the innkeeper gave back the magic table and donkey. The youngest brother went home with all three items and the father was able to retire. The goat ended up crawling into a fox hole to hide her baldness. The fox got scared and told a bear. The bear went to get the goat out, but he got scared and told a bee. The bee stung the goat, who ran away never to be heard from again.

Sleeping Beauty: Called Briar-Rose in my book. This king and queen really wanted a baby, but they never thought it would happen until a frog told the queen she would have a daughter within a year. The king had a big feast and invited a lot of people, including 12 of the 13 Wise Women (one had to be left out due to a lack of plates). After 11 of them had given the daughter their wises, the one who was left out came in and cursed the baby to prick her finger on a spindle on her 15th birthday and die. The last Wise Woman couldn’t undo the curse, but her gift to the baby was to fall into a 100 year sleep instead of dying. They burned all the spindles and everyone in the kingdom fell in love with the princess. I guess people forgot about the curse or something because they left her alone on her 15th birthday and she snuck into this creepy room with a rusty key and pricked her finger. Everyone in the castle fell asleep and a hedge of thorns grew around the castle. The princess became known as “Briar Rose,” and all the princes who tried to get through the thorns got tangled in them and died. 100 years passed and a prince came to see if he could save Briar Rose. This time, the thorns all turned into flowers and let him pass. He kissed Briar-Rose and then everyone woke up. The prince and Briar-Rose got married, and their marriage was marked with a huge celebration.


So out of 25 scenes, 10 are Grimm, 3 are Mother Goose/Perrault, 5 are HCA, one is Indian Water Lilies, and the remaining 6 aren’t affiliated with a tale or author.


Do any of them reference events which didn’t happen? If history has been changed, legends and fairy tails would be a good place to hide events which were removed. Fairytales already focus on the impossible, and no one would notice references to something which never happened. Unless you are actually looking for them…


No one ever found the goat from The Wishing-Table. And at the end of The Six Servants, the narrator says he wished he could have been there to see the wedding.

The thing that stuck out to me the most is the phrase “happily ever after” was only ever actually used in Rapunzel. Unless it’s in one of the stories I haven’t read in a while (my collection contains the 201 stories and 10 legends).


I tried the Dutch name of the park as well as the city where it’s located. No dice.


this is gonna be fun. and Good job everyone!


Well we have progressed from ’ who are you’ to ‘is this some kind of joke?’ At this rate I should have her talking or a restraining order against me by mid week.


Oh goodness, this reminds me of when we called all those phone numbers searching for the right one. Goodness me.


So is the owner of “TherearenoConstance” the person that we’re meant to help? I keep thinking about the message “help her” over and over. If so, they’re probably not aware of Kemetic Solutions, or that they’re in any danger, if that’s what they mean by “helping”.


I mean it’s a very slim possibility, but that blog could really just be a regular person. I would say it’s a 0.01% chance at max given they don’t have any posts, likes, or follows (not counting tumblr staff).

Maybe link them to the new recruit’s guide? To send links in Tumblr, you just have to put spaces or something between the dots. So something like therearenoconstance(.)tumblr(.)com. I spend waaaayyyyy too much time on that website to not know tricks like that.


I found this if anyone thinks anything of it


We figured out that it was oer-wout, who is the photographer who took the image. The image comes from a fairy tale theme park in the Netherlands.


I went camping and someone came up with the Tumblr thing! Good job guys. As for the tumblrs, I think that the one with 0 posts, notes, etc is probably related to all this. Who knows? Maybe that person even the, whoever she/he/it may be, is the holder of the password. Maybe not. Anyway, I found this site related to the park and already tried its name as a password with no avail.


I couldn’t resist, so I straight up asked them if they know anyone named Aether. If they do, that should confirm that we’ve found the right person. I mean, how many people are named Aether?


I probably should have mentioned earlier that I tried the name of the park and the four subareas within it, all in multiple case combinations. Oops.
Also when it locks you out, you’re not locked out permanently. I’m not sure how long you’re blocked for though.


Not many. Probably


We just beat the record!? We have sent almost a hundred more chats on this thread than it’s taken in previous fragments!
Im starting to feel the burn :wink:


And yet we are not even close on finding the fragment :unamused: