SOLVED: Fragment Ten: Gladitor : The Office of Kemetic Solutions

Alright. This is probably not worth much, but I looked at calendars for when each of the dates falls on a Monday to see if there is anything relevant there.

August 10: happened in 2015 and will happen again in 2020. September 2nd is a Wednesday, October 11 is Sunday, November 26 is Thursday, and December 6 is Sunday. Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday are not used.

September 2: happened in 2013 and will happen again in 2019. August 10 is Saturday, October 11 is Friday, November 26 is Tuesday, and December 6 is Friday. Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday aren’t used.

October 11: happened in 2010 and will happen again in 2021. August 10 is Tuesday, September 2 is Thursday, November 26 is Friday, and December 6 is also a Monday. Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday aren’t used.

November 26: happened in 2012 and will happen again in 2018. 2012 was a leap year so August 10 was Friday, September 2 was Sunday, October 11 was Thursday, and December 6 was Thursday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday weren’t used.
For 2018, August 10 will be Friday, September 2 will be Sunday, October 11 will be Thursday, and December 6 will be Thursday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday weren’t used.

December 6: happened in 2010 and will happen again in 2021. August 10 is Tuesday, September 2 is Thursday, October 11 is also Monday, and November 26 is Friday. Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday aren’t used.

Pretty sure none of this means anything though.

EDIT: I looked for significant space things on these dates because of the theme of the last fragment.
August 10, 1932: an 11 lb meteorite landed in Missouri
August 10, 1990: Magellan probe reached Venus.
September 2, 1752: UK adopts Gregorian calendar.
September 2, 1970: NASA cancelled Apollo 15 and Apollo 19.
October 11, 1582: Date doesn’t exist in Italy, Spain, Portugal, or Poland due to changing to the Gregorian calendar.
October 11, 1957: MIT calculated Sputnik 1’s booster rocket orbit.
October 11, 1958: NASA launched Pioneer 1 that then fell back to Earth and burned up.
October 11, 1968: NASA launched Apollo 7, which was the first successful Apollo mission.
October 11, 1984: Kathryn Sullivan on the Challenger became the first woman to do a spacewalk.
October 11, 2000: NASA launched the 100th space shuttle mission.
November 26, 1965: France launched a rocket with its first satellite onboard.
November 26, 1977: Someone named Vrillon took over Britain’s southern televesion for six minutes starting at 5:12pm. He said he was from Ashtar Galatic Command.
November 26, 1990: Delta 2 rocket’s first flight.
November 26, 2003: France’s Concorde jet that flew at twice the speed of sound made its final flight.
November 26, 2011: Mars Science Laboratory launched the Curiosity Rover.
December 6, 1997: A Russian cargo plane crashed and killed 67 people.
December 6, 2005: An Iranian military transport plane crashed. It killed 44 people on the ground and all 84 people on board.
December 6, 2006: NASA revealed the photos from Mars Global Surveyor that suggested liquid water on Mars.


Well, I’m willing to check the site out at those times on monday, so I’m gonna set a reminder for it. I wonder though, what is the meaning of this? Like… if monday has any kind of significance , what is it? I mean, other than that I guess monday is named after the moon? Is it something with the moon? Ack, I dunno.


Fun fact: Monday is actually derived from the Anglo-Saxonic word “Monandaeg”. Which translates to “the moon’s day”. It was a day considered to be sacred to the moon goddesses of many old belief systems, those including Paganism, Wiccan Arts, and Nordic.


So, Hannah said that something will go today at 2:30 or 5:30.

What do you guys think we should expect? Perhaps we will get something from xxxxaetherxxxx or Kemetic Solutions will change again? I won’t be able to check K.S., as my computer disagrees with their website but I’ll be watching on here.


It could be anything. A change in the website. A press release. More cryptic forum messages. The rapture. Maybe Aether was trying to make an early dinner reservation and got their websites confused.

Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be interesting.


Clock-blocked again, damn timezones. Well I’ll be waiting to see what happens if I’m around at those times too.


I’ve been lurking since getting the email from the book about this fragment but haven’t had much time to contribute (plus my skills with any photo-editing software are just about 0 so I was clueless for the beginning of this :sweat_smile:) but anxiously waiting to see what develops this afternoon! Happy Monandaeg everyone!


Kemetic also doesn’t like my computer or phone, so I won’t be able to help out when we get to those times. But I will be on here as usual, and help out when things get posted to here :slight_smile:


So… did anything happen? I haven’t noticed anything different.


I’m not seeing anything either.


did maybe something about the video change? Maybe it was wrong… >.> There is always at 5:30, maybe both times need to happen? i dunno… v.v


I didn’t notice anything with the audio or visual of the video, but maybe it’s something small and I missed it.


I’m pretty sure your theory is right and we’re just waiting for 5:30 (hopefully EST). We shall see.


I have an appointment at 5 but I’ll be watching here. Really interested to see what the hell is going on here. Every other nudge I’ve put out in the past couple weeks has been a dead end. Very quiet on our end and in the Low.


I haven’t noticed anything yet :frowning: anyone else?

Actually scratch that. its small… but… well something about the video changed. I’m not sure if its much else, but well… 3 seconds got taken off. The original video was 2:24 seconds—

nevermiiiind!!! ^^; you guys found all that out


The video has changed!


I see it too. I’m on mobile, can anyone save it?


Yes, there are interruptions to the video. I’ve screen capped a couple of quick flashes that are interesting, but I think there is much more hidden here.

The words “Find Her” appear in two places, both backwards as if they are being reflected in the window.


Find who? He’s talking to “Eva”.


There’s a lot. I’ll try and download the entire thing when I’m home but just in case it’s gone before then, can anyone confirm they can get a copy?