So I tried starting from the beginning and got this:
3rd my (Line 2: “No, my freind never will I comply with your request till I may be no longer in Danger of again experiencing such dreadful ones”)
4th my (Line 8: “I have suffered the many afflictions of my past Life”)
1st somewhat (Line 15: “softened and somewhat impaired by the Misfortunes I have undergone”)
4th the (Line 4: “the cruel Persecutions of obstinate Fathers”
16th of (Line 12: “natural Daughter of a Scotch Peer by an italian Opera-girl”)
6th of (Line 5: “obstinate Fathers, surely it must be at such a time of Life”)
I don’t think it’s a start from the beginning thing? Unless I’m doing this wrong? But the format of the book is kind of odd, maybe there’s a hint to what letter it’ll start with.
Well here’s what I’ve been doing so far, and remember that may not work here. First I took the first 3 letters of the story and broke it up to 1 line per word. It makes counting easier.
I started with the fourth “letter” (chapter) and got:
3rd my - 156
4th my - 179
1st somewhat - 366
4th the - 83
16th of - 192
6th of -119
These could very well be wrong (and my numbers have frequently been wrong through this fragment). But what’s interesting about not giving us a starting letter, is it isn’t giving us a start to the UTM coordinates. Maybe we are looking for a whole new coordinate system?
Okay, so waaaay out of the loop, and not sure if any of the other pages have been numbered, but the page labeled triptych2 on the Cagliostro website has strange page numbers, a T and a 31
Alright, so I guess now might be a good time to do sort of a recap post:
The four locations we got from the clues SG left are:
Gansu, China (Wuwei)(“streets”, 48S 286579 4210063)
Brierly, England (“unwonted”, 30U 607132 5939617)
Mor, Hungary (“the”, 34T 289266 5250283)
Lye, France (“the”, 31T 384512 5231496)
I included what the start word was, and the corresponding UTM coordinates for each word). The 4th location is supposed to be “home”, I think? I hope I am reading his last clue right. Now it seems we need to figure out what to do with these locations.
This is MUCH easier to see than my Google Earth. Silly spherical shape of the Earth. I feel like this wouldn’t be a problem if we still believed the Earth is flat
Heh. Well the only thing my primitive monkey brain can think of right now it to average out the coordinates to find a theortical ‘middle’ . If you take all the lat longs and find the average of them you get a position of.
36 T 286713 5159097
46.55159°N 30.21767°E
Elevation= 99.7m
I feel like I’m mostly caught up on this fragment but I don’t know if I’m missing… Do we know what we’re looking for? Sully mentioned a book. Have I missed details about it? I tried to dig it up on my own but couldn’t find anything else.
In the short term do we know what we’re looking for? Not entirely. Sullivan has us following him to various points on the globe for some reason.
The book he’s referring to hiding is from Deidre is, I assumed, the Book of Briars, but that’s purely a guess on my part. Maybe it’s another journal.
In the long term the 7th fragment should be an animal. We believe this is the ‘fauna’ key we’re working on. It probably has a semi latin name. As Brachursis was vaguely bear-like (ursis/ursine) and Gallaskulk was vaguely chicken like (gallus). That’s the big end goal anyway.
Also, I wonder if Cags is watching us and we just helped them find the “final piece” - though that’s not to say they didn’t figure it out on their own.
I think there was a 4th we missed. I was reading all of Lauren’s emails and she says “I checked the journal. I noticed a new mark on the outer pages… (I’ve updated the index) so I opened the “triptych” and two new passages have appeared along with a new symbol.”
Did anyone catch where that mark was before the pages changed?