Remember Deyavi, the best takedown is one that nobody ever sees coming. Let your blood run hot while you can, so that we can make our moves with a cool head.
Teddy is the weak link though. Of that I’m certain. He’s sympathetic to adepts, but he’s trusted enough to not be getting mind wiped. His reports don’t seem detached enough for him to be getting the same treatment the rest are.
I wonder why the Whistler has that memory of Aether (most likely the boy he’s talking about.) walking away from him and not being able to catch up. Was he more involved with Aether than Portencia? Or is something else there?
Why can’t he catch the boy? Is he really seeing the boy or is the not leading him out?
My conspiracy theorist side also wants to entertain the thought that the “good boy” isn’t actually good but is instead manipulating everyone, including us, to do his bidding and open the book.
If Sweeper and Wanderer are successful to a degree I wonder if there are any projects that have been deemed a failuar that we can use as a backdoor in cause if it’s been shelved it wouldn’t be monitored
Given that Aether left his body a while ago and it is safe to assume Whistler was involved with his program… and I suspect that Aether was the one who led Whistler to us. He may have been able to sense a weak link in Whistler.
Perhaps he’s our “help.” God forbid he is our “hinder.”
Whistler is a security engineer who is studying machine learning. I highly suspect that he’s involved with Aether’s program, especially now. Especially if Teddy suspects even slightly what Aether has been up to.
Have found the oracular
Driven the eye of the sun to you
Am getting lost
More and more
Hard to surface
Find the closed eye
It’s close to home
At the moment the sun sets over the 18 Gates.
Choose well
Another piece inside
More soon