SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

The reason I’m skeptical about this person’s intentions is they offered no actual simple personal information…which I get if they are scared/want anonymity. So perhaps we should be like “okay we will help but we need to know we can trust you too so we need you to answer questions x y and z first.” Kind of thing.


Kemetic Solutions is a highly technologically advanced company. Whomever this is, doesn’t want to put their personal information online for a reason. If KS could track that email back to them, they lose their job, their livelihood, and all the information they could be providing to us. So don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


Just take everything with an ocean of salt


Chances are that contacting us started a metaphorical countdown to their inevitably being found out, anyway. Given KS has no issues with kidnapping and torture, I think they have a lot more on the line than a job. Whether they are fully aware of it, or not, I think they have a good sense that they’ve more to fear than being fired.

I would trust them more if they were cautious, anyway. I think we can trust Marty and his instincts, to know how much he can ask. We have brainstormed a healthy number of possible lines of questioning for him. He can adjust fire as needed.


I think that any personal questions are out of the question. Maybe something more along the lines, what should we call you? I’m sorry, if this is our first line into the actual staff of KS, I don’t want to scare them off or get them hurt. For them to trust us, we need to show a little trust in them, that’s how this works. We are in a position where we, technically, know more than them as a person, in the grand scheme of things.

I’m of the opinion that alongside the most pertinent questions, we offer a few empathetic comments. If there are any that are particularly good at calming and empathizing, please help with that. Regardless of whether or not they are or aren’t actually trying to help, showing real, human compassion is just a good move. Ethically and strategically.

I say we pick out a few of the more pertinent but less revealing questions to ask, as well as two that we know the answer to. Keep in mind, this is a company. The chances of them knowing everything we want to know, need to know, or already know are slim. Don’t condemn them for a lack of knowledge.

Also let’s try not to overload them with questions. They’ll already be overburdened with fear. Something I learned when I was in a bad place, ‘It’s easier to steal food (information) bit by bit, than it is to rob the whole store all at once.’


Yes, everything with an Ocean of salt.

While we wait for @Marty.60 to decide which questions would be most valuable. Do we have any theories as to who this mystery person might prove to be? Or any more potential clues yielded from the past links.


They’re waiting and expecting my email. I’m making a short list of questions based on yours and mine and will post here before sending. Expect within the hour.


Thanks @Marty.60!!

I’ve been looking at the links. In the Wanderer one it made mention of someone dying. Do we know who that is already?


My suspicion? They found a way to harness an adept’s power to create their “program” and it killed her in the process. It may be that Wanderer was her moniker.


Could it be the same person not named in Aether’s statement of “He is a kind boy. Reminds me of [ ] It hurts to see, hurts to say, I hope I can do better by him than I did her.” Or has that mystery already been solved as well?


That’s a page about Aether, Teddy’s notes about him, I’m fairly sure. Aether is the “kind boy” he’s talking about.


The [ ] that Teddy mentions may be Portentia. KS tried to exploit her ability to see the future and the past and ended up fragmenting her mind.


Ohhh I see!


That’s what I believe as well.


What I am suddenly curious about, is how KS is locating all of these adepts. What do they have at their disposal that enables them to find the people who have access to an advanced, powerful Magiqal gift?


Could it be the “head” of KS is a corrupt adept? Who has similar powers as Climber? And instead used their powers for bad, was some how stripped of their power and using what they knew abducted an adept they knew could find others? And is now on a mission to not regain what they lost but something greater and more powerful?


Or perhaps their ability to find a adepts is simply them “following the path of wool”?


That’s what I’ve been wondering… do they have a common thread aside from being adept? Is there an intake process? We know they’ve abducted these three and seemingly covered their tracks with the Sweeper program… but how did they find them? Fallon says he himself found Portencia.


It seems that KS is just the mundane branch of a larger, supernatural entity. It could be that an adept using their powers gives off a kind of emission that can be tracked with either advanced technology or an affinity that we don’t know about.


There seems to be referwnce to home…Portencia wanted to go home, Climber was found at her home…what if home isn’t like the typical idea of a home?