SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

This is great news! Okay, a couple things I am noting:

  • List item Our mystery person has to go back on Monday so we may be on a time crunch to help them out. I don’t see KS taking kindly to whistle blowers.

  • I wonder if our mystery contact might be the Kendrick mentioned on Portencia’s page?

  • Or if they aren’t Kendrick maybenthey can get us in contact with them?

  • We need to get together a list of questions to ask them about KS.


I’ll respond now, let them know I believe what they’re saying and will respond later to buy time for you guys to come up with questions.


Questions I currently have:

  • Does the number 117-2 have any significance?

  • What are the 18 gates?

  • Does Project Sweeper or Wanderer sound familiar?

  • Have you ever encountered a young girl there? Possibly by the name Portencia?

  • Is there any way to gain access to more of KS internal files?


My question contributions.

What is Sweeper?

What is Wanderer?

Do you know of two adepts being held named Porentica and Climber?

If yes, can you get access to them?

I’d want to ask this person if they know Teddy, but I’m worried this turns out to be Teddy’s BFF or something, so let’s get to know them first.


From what point do they remember having two sets of memories, where does the divison start from?

What is their specialism, their field of science/ enquiry?

Has their employer had any computer trouble lately?

Have they had any projects abruptly stopped or changed lately, if so, what? Why?

Have they used any previous research dating from the 1990s? Has there been anything seemingly cyclical to this? If so, what details can they remember?

Are there any accommodation areas at their workplace? What are they used for?


Questions I have:

  • What kind of people work at KS? Do you notice any trends in the types of people they recruit?
  • Aside from your own experiences from the accident, have you noticed any changes in your workplace recently? Like people seeming particularly agitated or rushing to do certain projects?
  • Are the names Kendrick or Theodore Fallon familiar to you?
  • Are you familiar with The Cagliostro or Lauren Ellsworth? (I have to ask, the connection with KS and Cags is killing me)
  • Do you know of any people of interest to your company?
  • Has your employer mentioned anything about doors?
  • Are you working on the memory erasing project or something else? If something else, what?
  • Do you know about Project Sweeper or Project Wanderer? Can you find out who the projects were used on?

Do you know where the shuttle from Boston takes you? Where is their facility located or at least what major freeways/exits you use to get there?

What are your co-workers like? Do they ever talk about strange goings on at work?


The project he’s working on could be related to Aether if it’s been inactive for a week.

Some questions:

  1. What can he tell us about Projects Wanderer and Sweeper? What are the differences between them, when is one used and not the other?
  2. What is the workplace atmosphere? Are employees encouraged to collaborate, or allowed to socialize, or are they more strict about restricting opportunities for employees to potentially “overshare?”
  3. Does he know the names Climber and Portencia? Aether? Augernon?
  4. What does he know about the Mountaineers? (This may or may not be a safe question to ask.)
  5. Is he familiar with the name “Book of Briars?”
  6. Can he recall the route he takes to get to work? Familiar landmarks?
  7. What is the earliest point he can sense that his memories don’t converge? What are the most striking differences?
  8. Perhaps if you bring up some of the names from 117-2, like “Her a” or Va e" he may have some insight.
  9. Does he know anything about the history of KS? A company mission statement, history of company executives, what his supervisor’s name is?

I have a ton more, but it would be wise, I think if we are picky about what we ask. We don’t know him, and he may be put in danger by what he shares with us. Or worse, whatever potential conditioning left in his mind might cause problems for him as it did for Augie.


Hence mine were more general, hoping that he volunteers information we need, rather than us giving him anything he could report back to KS.


That’s some pretty solid Intelligence Collection technique, lady :wink:.

I am brainstorming, threw out a number of options in the event that it turns out this guy is legitimate, and becomes a trustworthy source

I admit that I’m… becoming impatient. Sitting idle when someone may be in danger, especially given all that’s happened in the past few days, doesn’t suit me well.

And I worry that Marty’s just going deeper down the rabbit hole, if you’ll pardon the expression. He’s taking all the risk upon himself. That doesn’t sit well with me, either.


I agree with @MissEvans. We should probably take this slow and not bombard him with questions just in case this person’s working for KS. Or we scare him away by accident.


Keep in mind that we have to be super patient with fragments. It’s not uncommon to have to wait a couple days for things to happen.

In regards to this person, let’s not ask them too many questions since they’re kinda crunched for time. Also it could be that something massively important will happen when they go back to work on Monday and they are able to report back to us. Either way, I think we need to give them some space and not ask too many questions.

On another note, be careful running things through anagram solvers online. Let’s just say I know people who work in certain professions that use code words/anagrams and things can get triggered if too many people are searching for those words or solutions. My friends aren’t at the CIA or anything super secure like that, so it wouldn’t surprise me if KS has the same technology.


These are questions I would like answered:

What is your name?
What specifically is your job?
What kind if research and development does the lab you work for do?
What project is being ramped up again and does this project involve anyone with special abilities?
Being as detailed as possible what things are you starting to remember?
Could you record what you saw before the details start feeling unimportant?
Can you describe each set of memories in as much detail as possible?

I know he’s crunched for time but we don’t even know if we can trust him. Also if he is an ally and KS finds out he contacted us they could end up knowing we know more then they want us to.


I think I’m in agreement with the people who’ve said we should tread carefully here.
This person is reaching out to us for help. They’re scared and they have to go straight back to work tomorrow and pretend everything is fine. They need to trust us and feel that we’re supporting them.
So let’s be there for them, and ask questions if the opportunity arises.


Are they really scared or is it a ruse??


We can’t tell right now can we? If we charge in with a list of questions we either fall into a trap or frighten them off…


We should ask questions that are pertinent to somethings we want to know that also show we are curious about this person and their situation and want to know more and ones we know answers to perhaps as a form of verification/validation. Like get to know you questions that aren’t simply yes and no and require they give at least semi in depth answers.


I don’t care about their trusting us so much as to whether we can actually trust them…


He (or she) seems really keen on maintaining anonimity. We should probably avoid too many personal questions.


I think the asking their name question could prove useful…though maybe ask the name on their drivers licence/if they remember or affiliate with any other names due to their feeling that they have two sets of memories?