SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

Seems there are only twelve gates, though. And we are looking for 18…though I can’t remember where the 18 came from. Does anyone remember why the 18 gates was important?


Aether mentioned the 18 Gates, but needing to find Sanvig - Augie - first. Well, we have. It’s possible that the 18 Gates is… a job for Aether, where he is now.


Yes but for all we know there is more then just that book or gates…translations could have been muddled or just plain wrong…lol I’ve probably brought up something totally irrelevant but it does still seem eerily coincidental.


But what if there is a solo, Big Baddie waiting for us behind the curtain? What if it is a thing standing behind Kemetic Solutions - an entity (or nonentity, as may be the case) that’s using them as its human arm?

The alternative that immediately comes to mind is a dude trying for a Fountain of Youth type-o deal. But that could be just… due to my recent experiences.


Based on the way the transcript reads, I do don’t believe the storm and a fight are the same thing. So whatever storm is coming is likely how they shut down the 94 Mounties.


No pressure and feel free to ignore, but could you elaborate on those recent experiences, or why they lead you to think there might be a single Big Bad?


I’m speculating here, pretty hardcore. But this was too much information, too much that’s only opened more doors for us.

@Ajam, a conversation for another day.

@Ajam, check out the rough transcripts and travel log of my recent trip to Morocco up in the Campfire. You’ll see what I mean. It’ll make more sense once the Thornmouths get through with it.


Only 'cause it’s interesting… Kemeticism is Egyptian, and Isis was the “Lady of Storms”


I’m a little freaked out, I don’t feel like we are ready, Only a handful of us have used magic, and most of them got sick! Most of us just got here! We can’t ask the newer ones to risk themselves to something we know nothing about…
Can we ask that of anyone?

The palace made of doors? Sounds cryptic, at the Library now, going to tap into a guild I don’t often tap into (Thornmouth) and do some tome kindling… See you guys in a bit.


I’m pretty new so if I’ve missed something that makes what I’ve found irrelevant then someone let me know :joy: I was looking into kemetics and found that kemet is one of the original names for Egypt, there’s a “book of gates” from ancient Egypt that is divided into 12 chapters each detailing an hour of the day, could be a coincidence but the fact that the original MM was hunted at the 12th fragment could mean something. Also the only reference to a “palace of doors” I can find is the hazarduari palace in India. could be nothing but it made for an interesting read


“You have all the courage you need, my Heart.”

Know who said that? My grandpa. Hardcore Gossmere. Also possibly sounds like something he stole from a C.S Lewis book, but that’s irrelevant.

I don’t think… I don’t think it’s a matter of asking. I think that most of us, even you - even if you’re afraid - we’ve already decided.


I think you are very wise my friend.
In the end no matter what we could face, real or otherwise.
In the course of this year you all have become my family, and like Augie I will go crazy before I let anyone of you get hurt.


I am here, I don’t think that it is by chance. I can’t speak for others but I am willing to try.


Then I guess we have a storm to face


All of this, everything that we’ve learned today, brings me circling right back to the reality that we still don’t have a next step. For the eleventh Fragment. We’ve learned a lot from Augie, but… we still have that to consider now.

For our next step toward whatever is going to come after us, if history repeats.


@Deyavi @OracleSage Let them come, if they bring the storm, we shall summon a Tempest


I’ve always been a little foolish. Nobody has ever needed to ask me to do what’s right. I’m with Deyavi on this. I’d prefer another option, which is why we need to focus on what we have before us.

But if the time comes, I won’t need a request to do what I think is right. I think that’s probably the same for a lot of you. But remember Augie’s advice. He didn’t have a lot of time to speak, so we should take what he said to heart. Avoid hindrances and look for help.

The world has a natural balance to it. Whether it’s due to Magiq or human nature, I couldn’t say. Things may get worse before they get better. But help is out there.


I think we need to look into where to find this help, considering Augie believes we really need it


I think there’s no question of us going forward to face ‘the storm’ whatever that may be. We wouldn’t be here if we were the kind of people who are easy to scare :slight_smile: plus we have to now for Augie and Ascender (do we know where he is?)

Last bit of random googling and grasping at straws before I settle for the night… there are 18 gates inside Belgrade. 10 in the upper city and 8 in the lower

Edit: and this from Wikipedia “The Brandenburg Gate was not part of the old fortifications, but one of 18 gates within the Berlin Customs Wall”


“A ship is safe in harbour, but that is not what ships are built for” -John A Shedd
We have a great group of experience and fresh perspective thad that’s what’s gonna protect us from the storm :muscle:t2: