SOLVED Fragment Eleven: Durkonos

I am no audio engineer, or even remotely knowledgeable in the area, but when the voice gets particularly distorted around 2:52, is there anyway to clean that up at all? Slow it down, etc.

@Leigha - I see you just posted about this, thanks!


I might know a guy who could do something with it, lemme ask him.


Was Aether being held somewhere? Why didn’t they want him to get out…this is strange, I feel like he may be being held captive for some type of experiment.


K, so my friend can’t help with that audio. But from what I know I’d suggest messing with the speed pitch and bass in something like audacity.
Don’t think a visualiser will do much.


@LightofLife, you’re absolutely right. Aether was abducted by Kemetic Solutions so they could mine the power of his… power. If you click the blue summarize button over on Fragment 10 it should catch you up on what happened over past couple weeks. Great instincts! :mag_right: :nerd:


Aether was kidnapped by Kemetic Solutions, sometime in November. We learned from the livestream he did last week that they are keeping him and two others in an underground facility of some sort. We also learned from a video Aether altered with his power that he was kidnapped at a meeting with Teddy - the same guy who’s voice we hear in this new video.


I’m on the audio guys, just give me some time. I’m rolling through the filters now.


Nice, hope we find something worthwhile.


@BlackBronze, check link above. The final video is at a different link.


I can’t make out what he said just as everything started to crash, but I made this out:
“I know you’re trying to reach into the system” “* * stop”
“Aether you remember what happened last time don’t you?”
“Aether, Aether listen to me! You come back here! Back to this room!”
After that it gets too distorted, but it sounds like he said “Goddamn, pull!” Then it just gets too distorted and the voice cuts out abruptly.
I’ll try to play with it some more, see if I can make those last words clearer. This is the audio thus far.
It would seem Aether has tried this before.


watches video
closes laptop


So: my notes.
Teddy - southern USA accent.
A science set up with monitoringnof heart rate and"levels".
More than three people in the room - “they say”.
A repeat of the experiment.
Opening the door - notice no words from Aether.

A door knob.

Did he open it? Is all that static and interference and noise the other side of the door?


I think maybe the other side is just inaudible to the machine. Just a thought though.


I wouldn’t hazard a guess what the noise was, but I’d locate it on the other side of the door.

Is this anything to do with the knocking on Deidre’s doors?

Is that coming from magiq?


So, not to distract from what happened, buuuut I got another message from Constance;

My last response; “Have you spoken with him lately? He hasn’t logged on in a while.”

Her new response: “Nah, it’s been a while, but I’m super happy for him. He was SO depressed, but now he’s away at a special school and doing really well.”

Time for more prodding…

And my (admittedly a bit sassy) response: “Oh, really? But…how do you know he’s doing well if you haven’t heard from him in a while? Shouldn’t you check in on him? I’m sure his special new school has internet.”


Okay, so betwixt (yes, betwixt, I’m trying to bring it back), the usual digital distortion, we have a series of images, starting at 1:43 just as Aether’s “levels” go high. They are definitely analog. There’s not much in them, but they’re different enough from what we’ve seen before to raise an eyebrow.

I have all 24 images, but didn’t want to upload them all unless it becomes necessary


KS really aren’t all that great at wiping peoples memories if all they can manage is to imprint everyone with the same stupid patent response over and over.

KS sucks.


weird, you can just barely make out the child there.has anyone found any sense or reason in the digital distortion so far? I didn’t catch anything myself after going through it at 1/4 the original speed.


We’ve gotten information in the distortions before.
It looks like a broken up and scrambled set of still video images (the digitized images) to me, possibly the room Aether is being kept in, where they’re “working” on him.


Yeah, that was my thought. I mean, you’d think you’d do a more thorough job after kidnapping a kid. I guess they just didn’t expect anyone to look too much into his disappearance.