SOLVED: Fragment Eight: MAGIQ! (Calling The Corners)

I’m a thornmouth from Portugal is that helpful


Btw I’m so proud of you guys, yall did amazing with that spell. Hope to be more involved this go round.


Me too. Considering I’ve been active here for less than a day, I’m glad that I was able to help with the spell, even if it ends up being the only help I’m able to give.

Everyone here has been such a delight, and all so smart :smiley:


We are a uniquely talented bunch!
Welcome to the Mounties Chordie, seems you’ve got the hang of things but if you need help I’m usually not as absent as I was today :slight_smile:


Hopefully this time I can help a bit.


I made the first post a wki and updated the title. Hope you don’t mind. And thanks!


We have a wiki?


To @CRSumner c/o basecamp

Mr Sumner,

As your magimystic lawyer (it’s a new title I’m trying out) I feel obligated to inform you that there’s nothing I can find in the contract we hold that states that ONLY Ms. Green can perform these acts. Granted a certain amount of force of will, openness, and knowledge is required but given your interactions in the past, particularly with Mr Lachmann I’m sure you qualify.


As your friend, it occurs to me you have a chance here. You once said you always wanted to be a ‘regular guy’. You can do that now. While it would pain me personally to lose you, we owe it to you to offer you this chance. We did almost get you incinerated and/or arrested today. Odds are a second person performing the spell won’t kill us or drive us insane…probably,

You have anything you want to change? Want to remember? or forget?

Think it over anyway. Most people don’t get this chance.

Once you two have completed this and we see the effects we can discuss sending the scans to Lauren.


Admins on here (look at me I have responsibilties now) can turn posts into wikis that anyone can edit. The first post is now a wiki.


You’re a good friend, Robert. You guys have all been incredible.

But I don’t know. He made this for her. To hide her. To use it for myself, as much as I’d like to change some things, feels wrong because this spell as amazing as it is is just another lie. All we’re giving her is the chance to fix that lie.

I don’t know if she’ll turn her back on me when all this shakes down, but I really care about her, and if she sticks with me I want it to be because of the truth. Not a lie.

I texted her an hour ago. Haven’t heard back. If I do, I’ll take the train over, rain and cold and all, and do this thing. Thanks Mounties.


Godspeed Cole.


A new Message from the Book of Briars:

From sky to earth and in between
The elements converge
It’s time to cast a spell or two
And see what might emerge

We’ve already performed one spell. Looks like we’re going to need to perform another.


@Robert Another Thornmouth here…sometimes needing to be at work sucks (started a new job yesterday)

So much missed this time


I’m new here and I just caught up with everything up to today (that was a lot of work :weary:).
Too bad I wasn’t online yesterday to help with the elements…
So now do we wait until CRSumner contacts DG or is there something I can help with in the meantime?


Welcome @Nahemah! Now we wait on them yes for their part.

As for what any of us can do in the meantime. It looks like there’s a new mystery afoot with the Cagliostro and this spell he’s trying to cast called the Translation.

He says for some reason he hasn’t been able to make it work. I wonder if we can figure out why. Maybe the incantation he’s using is wrong, or has a message within it he hasn’t seen yet. Stranger things have happened (like…yesterday) so it’s worth becoming familiar with those and seeing if you can see any connections to anything at all.

The file index can be found at

password: equicorun

Their webmail is


password: 6TZ-Nnx-Uep-rhT

Always worth keeping up with what they’re doing. I have a feeling it’s going to be pretty interesting.


Thanks @Robert :wink: I have already downloaded the audio files, will try and take a look at them


Hey, so it looks like no one has attempted to transcribe the audio yet, so I thought I might give that a shot? Figured it’d be a good way to look at what we’re dealing with.

Attempt 173:

Mythelysmis(?), Crack the bone, when trembling flesh sings tender tone, for kemet(?) tide rings waves of thunder, lighting too rip hearts asunder, by ored’s(?) eye begins our rending, brave and bold our bodies bending, now riled(?) lead(?) born souls start breaching with tooth and claw through veil they’re reaching, and so, unburied, unbound [Audio distortion] [Cags is weeping, seems to say something]

Attempt 212:

Mythelysmis(?), Crack the bone, when trembling flesh sings tender tone, for kemet(?) tide rings waves of thunder, lighting too rip hearts asunder, by ored’s(?) eye begins our rending, brave and bold our bodies bending, now riled(?) lead(?) born souls start breaching with tooth and claw through veil they’re reaching, and so, unburied, unbound, blind to we reform(?) the beasts of (?) [audio distortion] [Cags says something in frustration…“I had it…(??) move”]

Attempt 52:

Mythelysmis(?), Crack the bone, when frightened flesh plays tender tone, for kemet(?) tide send waves of thunder, lighting too rip hearts asunder, by ored’s(?) eye begins our rending, brave and bright our bodies bending, now riled(?) leads his horned souls breaching with teeth and claw through veil they’re reaching, and so unburied, unbound, blind, we bring forth beasts then combined.

Mythelysmis(?), Crack the bone, when trembling flesh plays tender tone, for kemet(?) tide brings waves of thunder, lightning too brings heart asunder, no-

Mythelysmis(?), Crack the bone, when trembling flesh sings tender tone, for kemet(?) tide sends waves of thunder, no, no, brings not send, brings brings,

Mythelysmis(?), Crack the bone, when trembling flesh sings tender tone, for kemet(?) tide brings waves of thunder, lightning to rip hearts asunder, by ored’s(?) eye begins our rending, brave and bright our bodies bending, now riled(?) leads horned souls start breaching, with teeth and claws through veil they’re reaching, and so unburied, unbound yet blind, we bring about the beasts combined.

Methelysmis(?), crack the bone, when trembling flesh sings tender tone, for kemet(?) tide brings waves of thunder, lightning to rip hearts asunder, by ored’s(?) eye begins our rending, brave and bright our bodies bending, now riled(?) leads horned souls start breaching, with teeth and claw through veil they’re reaching, and so unburied, unbound, blind, we bring about the beasts combined.

Attempt 7:

Myths and musk, break the bone, when frightened flesh plays tender tone, for kemet(?) tide send waves of thunder, lightning to rip hearts asunder, by ored’s(?) eye begins our rending, brave and bright our bodies bending, now rail(?) his blood, his horns are breaching, with teeth and claws, the veil they’re reaching, and so unburied, unbound, and blind, we bring about the beasts combined.

Myths and musk, myth and musk, break the bone ,

Myth and musk, break the bone, when frightened flesh sings, plays, sings tender tone… Myth and musk, break…

There were some clear areas where I couldn’t make out what the word was, but I tried my best to kind of phonetically guess? :sweat: I also haven’t looked at the stuff past the audio distortions in the first two incantations, will look attempt to slow those down when I can.


Moving my post over here because it’s probably Eighth fragment related stuff and discussion of the audio recordings should be in one place.

Okay so I’ve had a chance to listen to all the audio. They were awesome! … okay in a frightening, we’re all gonna die, way.

First obersevation: The incantation clearly says ‘we’ and ‘our’ in several places . My amateur guess is it’s intended to be done by multiple people. So having Laureen perform it with him should …help…is help the right word here?

Second observation: “bring forth the beasts combined” bangs head into desk They’re really going to summon this thing aren’t they?

Questions. Because I know we have audio people better than me.

What does he whisper after the incantation attempt 173 at and past 1:03 seconds to the end. I thought I heard ‘four hundred’ …maybe?

What does he say after his tantrum at the end of the last one, attempt 212. I thought I heard ‘why won’t it move?’


I’'m pretty sure I heard “Why won’t it move” as well, @Robert.

Also, I’m wondering if maybe riled is actually R’lyleh maybe? Are we dealing with Cthulu here? :scream: (Okay, that’s a joke. Mostly.)

Seriously, though…it definitely sounds like they’re intending to bring more than Casper the friendly ghost back over… What the heck are they trying to do? :worried:


Not that you’re transcription isn’t appreciated. It’s good to see how it changed. Cags did provide text for what he thinks the incantation is now in his latest email. So while I’d love that to be R’lyeh, he thinks it’s Ra-el

As I’ve told you, The Translation is an object that was constructed in the time of Menkaure. It is a towering tetrahedron engraved with bestial symbols. I have been in possession of its ten parts for centuries, but the conjuration which I’ve collected through the ages, or the manner in which I recite it, remains incomplete.

The result of my partial efforts is dazzling to be sure: the wall between our world and that of the dead crumble around the assembled icon, allowing contact from the beyond. It makes for a rousing finale but I have never unlocked the object’s full potential, or true purpose. There is an aspect of it within my reach, but I have yet been unable to grasp it. Some believe it is a door to the realm of the dead, others believe it is a channel to the Gods of old. Both theories could simply be early Egyptians interpreting the magic around them.

This is the incantation I have pieced together from scrolls, stories, and Egyptian death rites:

Mythelismus crack the bone
When trembling flesh sings tender tone
For Kemetide brings waves of thunder
Lightning to rip hearts asunder
By Orid’s eye begins our rending
Brave, and bold, our bodies bending
Now Ra-el bleeds horned souls start breaching
With tooth and claw through veil they’re reaching
And so unburied, unbound, blind
We bring forth the beasts combined.

I will also upload select recordings to the index of my attempts at perfecting the incantation.

I look forward to your thoughts.