SOLVED: Fragment Eight: MAGIQ! (Calling The Corners)

Cags sensed that we were watching but perhaps? It may have been a mistake in the system but all those emails being erased hardly seems able to be accidental.


It might just be Cagliostro cleaning up his account, and his affairs, before the end.

I wish we could see Laureen’s email account. I’ve tried guessing a few basic passwords for but no luck. mostly variations of her sister’s name as I figured she’d fixate on that a bit.


if its anything like cags password then there is almost no way we’d be able to guess it. You’d think the organization would want that but who knows, perhaps they weren’t so smart?


Have you tried “iluvcagsxoxo”?


Lol :sweat_smile:


Omg :astonished: that is awesome


She’s gonna be back this weekend and we’re gonna meet up.

I don’t know, guys. The life she talks about in her blog… all the stuff she wants to do. It sounds so much better than all of this stuff. Every time I help out something insane happens. And her dad was tortured by the truth. I know he built a backdoor for the spell, but he also lived in the freaking park for the last years of his life. We’re just trusting him, trusting this is the right thing to do.

I just need some talking off the ledge. Or talking back on it, I guess.


Idea for novel:

Set in Victorian London. A young woman discovers she has special powers of some sort. She only gets them when she’s 18 or something. She has to hide them or be considered a freak by her family. But then she has to use them to save her sister from a life threatening situation. Her family are deeply religious and decide to ostracize her. She is sent to America to live with her mysterious uncle (some sort of Quaker name – Dutch?) There she learns that he is part of a secret society that foretold her coming and so he agrees to teach her in the ways of The Force (but it’ll be called something that won’t infringe on copyright laws.) After these trials she has to face off against a big bad.

Deidre wrote that a year ago to the day when you were playing ‘guess who’s flammable?’ with Lauren in the library.

I don’t know. That’s sounds like a pretty good life too.

Here’s my, admitted limited, point of view. The person you know isn’t Deidre. Oh sure, she’s in there. When she dreams it’s probably her. When she’s happy, or angry. When she’s hopeful and sees a bright future where anything’s possible, that’s Deidre. The rest of the time, she’s the person her father made.

I don’t mean that in a ‘Daddy was a dentist so I’m going to be a dentist’ way. He literally crafted her very life. Every time she dreamt too big, or hoped she’d see magic around the next corner, that spell he cast pushed her back down to a ‘normal’ life.

I think Deidre’s had other people decide who she should be long enough. Give her everything you know, hold her hand, and let her be Deidre Green. Whoever that is, I have a feeling it’s going to be a pretty great life.


That story concept sounds either like Lauren… or possibly Endri.


Actually I think she was writing about the future she saw for herself.


I think @Robert put it really well.

I can sympathize @CRSumner that it sucks that you have to break the news to her but while she may be initially upset, I think she will be grateful in the long run. Why do I think that? Because I if I were her, I’d want to know. From what I read, I feel like Deirdre has been searching for meaning in her life for years. She is a strong woman who has been through a lot and has still persevered:

  • She made it through her mother dying when she was six
  • She grew up with no father
  • She found out her father was alive for almost her entire life and that he even knew where she was the entire time
  • She learned that her last name was Green and not the name she always knew
  • She moved across the Atlantic by herself
  • She is living in her dad’s old apartment and has been trying to unravel his mysterious life all by herself
  • She has felt the magic of books (though she herself might not know it)
  • She’s been searching for her father’s old books and has even re-opened his old publishing company

She is pretty darn amazing and I think that everything happens for a reason and fate has brought her here. She deserves to know the truth and from there, she can decide what she wants to do with it.

Can you imagine how she must feel? Always feeling like a part of her is missing…Obsessing over these books and her father, but never getting any real answers. We have the ability to help her, to give her the answers she has been seeking. And while it may be hard, and she may be confused or angry at us and/or you, I think this will be good for her.

Whether or not she shares my sentiments, we will have to wait and see. But, in the end, it falls to you to tell her because we are unable to contact her through the magic. If you decided to withhold the information we couldn’t do anything about it, but you would have to live with the fact that you are lying to someone you seem to genuinely care about. My parents always used to use this line on me and I hated it (usually when I didn’t want to do my chores lol) but - do what you think is right.

If not telling her is what you think is right, then don’t.
If telling her is right, even though you may be afraid of the potential repercussions or hurting her feelings, then do.

It’s up to you.


We talked. She’s coming back to the city tonight and we agreed that I’m gonna meet her at the station. I thought neutral, public territory might be the right place to do this, both meeting a stranger from the internet and hearing all of this. I didn’t mention anything. Not yet. She just thinks we’re meeting to meet, so she’s excited. Kind of makes me sad, but I know it’s for the best.

Thanks for your feedback. This is a tough call. For her, for me. She needs to know all of this and for whatever reason I’m the only one that’s able to do it. So I have to do it. I feel like The Book, or whatever is doing all this, knows I need to step up. Weird, I know.

Meeting her like this and explaining everything about us and her dad means I’m gonna have to explain about me too. Stuff I never told her (or you guys) about my past, and my present, basically because I never thought I’d meet any of you.

I know I’m not trying to be a hero because this is gonna be tough for me too, but I’m cool knowing that whatever happens with the two of us isn’t as important as her having her life back. That I get. That I understand.

So tonight, she’ll know everything about everything and it will be up to her to figure out what she wants to do with the information.

I feel like once that seal is broken it isn’t fair for me to be here, you know? I mean, I’ll let you know how it goes, but if I stand a chance of her trusting me again, I need to let you guys do your thing and show her I’m not running back here to tell you everything we talk about (if she ever wants to talk to me again.) And you guys should be free to keep doing what you’re doing without worrying if either of us is looking over your shoulder. Basically, you should be allowed to talk about us and anything else because you guys need this place. The book isn’t gonna open without you.

But I’m always an email or Tumblr post away if you need me. I’d do anything for you guys. You showed me the world’s a lot brighter and the people in it a lot better than I ever gave either credit for.


Good luck, Cole. And remember, we’re here for the both of you if you need us.


Well at least let her read the posts that make you look like a badass. It’s only fair. :slight_smile:

And yeah, if you ever need anything, you know where to find us.


You’re doing the right thing Cole. You’ll be missed here but, who knows, we may meet face to face one day. This isn’t a goodbye, our paths will cross again.
We are always here Cole…
See ya.


It’s for the best. We’re gonna miss you while you’re gone but if (no, WHEN) you come back, we’ll party


Go now, but be sure to return, it was a pleasure, no, an honor to meet you and talk to you. The basecamp33 won’t move, if you need anything, just come back.


I told her everything. About Basecamp. About her dad, and the lost collection. About her life. About me. I tried to show her some of the sites but they wouldn’t load. I don’t know if it was magic or bad cell signal.

To be honest, there was too much going on to gauge how she felt about all of it, except shock, there was definitely shock. We just sat in the middle of Grand Central and she listened to me talk nonsense for hours. Not sure what I was expecting her to say. When I was done she said she was tired from the trip and wanted to go home. But she took her dad’s letter (I was so stressed I forget to hand it to her at first.) I explained what you guys did (as best as I could) and what she has to do, if she wants to. I told her that the stuff she bought upstate might be part of it. So it’s up to her now.

I legit don’t know if she’ll go through with it or never talk to me again, or a combo of the two. It was pretty much the weirdest way to meet someone ever. But it’s done.


Well it’s a good sign she listened to all of it. She could have stormed out after the first five minutes.

I guess now we all wait.


Hey Cole, I don’t know if you will see this or not. I know you mentioned taking a break from all this once you had your chat with Deidre. But I wanted you to know that what you did last night was unbelievably admirable. I can’t even imagine the internal struggle you would have faced wondering if you should talk with her or just continue life as is. I like to play devil’s advocate a lot, maybe that comes from my Balimoran nature, and it often gets me into a few arguments. So as the others were recommending to you that you should talk to her, I started to play out the scenario of you not telling her. Obviously solid relationships aren’t formed on lies, but I can imagine every fiber of your being was telling you you are crazy. You could have had a normal relationship, moved past us recruits and mountaineers and did your own things.

But I think the decision you made speaks to the character and the person you are. I don’t think anyone would have blamed you had you not. And speaking for myself, but I am sure others on here would agree, you will always be a hero in my eyes. Whether it was the Fraylilly, the Minnying of Ojorad, Central Park at Night, The Phone Booths, The Morgan Library. These words truly aren’t enough, it is why I will be holding out hope we cross paths again, and hopefully I can thank you again. Maybe treat you to some poutine (what else would a Canadian Mountaineer suggest). Thanks for all you have done Cole. See you soon.