SOLVED: Fragment Eight: MAGIQ! (Calling The Corners)

Okay, NOW I’m nervous.


Incredible work @CRSumner and I’m so glad you’re okay. Would you mind reaching out to DG?


Nervous because there could be a woman coming after you who doesn’t mind setting everything and all things on fire… or nervous because you now have to tell the girl you have a seemingly good connection with that her whole life is a lie and that you found a letter for her from her late father?

I feel for you


Yeah, @Brendon, that. And you guys are sure we’re ready? Nothing we should prep before? Nothing to think about?


Uhhhh, I’m not sure. Do you think there is something we should do first?


“repeat the calling phrase for each one”

I’m guessing that third page is the calling phrases for the elements? Maybe they’ll help us figure out what the elements are.

So we have W is the TOTAL and this…

First look upon the red horizon
All awakened by my force
I am the mother and the son, the rising sun my source.

Morning’s called me many names
Gravity and untouched things
Though I am but a force unseen carried on imagined wings

As fire hangs midway in the sky
Move the ground to summon me
But only fire and force will show what I can truly be.

Day grows weary, night awakes
Five moons call to the water
A careful step upon the land but sea is too my daughter

Night black curtains drape the world
Memory and misery, rage and reason too
All are born inside of me, and I am born in you

The darkened world is stirring now
Before dawn breaks its silence
Life and death move hand in have, the minuet of violence


I have no idea. I basically want to go home and change out of my sweaty clothes and drink a beer. And if you guys think it’s time after that, then it’s time.


Okay, let us know when you’re good to go and in the mean time we will think on it and try to work out some of the puzzles.


Just being confronted with the truth might tear her apart if she starts trying to unravel it on her own. Maybe we should have the grounding hex set up before he talks to her?


My thoughts on potential guilds associated with each of these passages:

Weatherwatch: First look upon the red horizon
All awakened by my force
I am the mother and the son, the rising sun my source.

Gossmere: Morning’s called me many names
Gravity and untouched things
Though I am but a force unseen carried on imagined wings

Flinterforge: As fire hangs midway in the sky
Move the ground to summon me
But only fire and force will show what I can truly be.

Ebenguard: Day grows weary, night awakes
Five moons call to the water
A careful step upon the land but sea is too my daughter

Thornmouth: Night black curtains drape the world
Memory and misery, rage and reason too
All are born inside of me, and I am born in you

Balimora: The darkened world is stirring now
Before dawn breaks its silence
Life and death move hand in hand, the minuet of violence


Wind? It’s the only thing that comes to mind


Maybe we can go literal on this thing and say “double you is the total”?


Cags responded to Lauren again:

Excellent work. Study it carefully but don’t put all your faith in it.


Element guesses too:

Weatherwatch: Light
First look upon the red horizon
All awakened by my force
I am the mother and the son, the rising sun my source.

Gossmere: Air
Morning’s called me many names
Gravity and untouched things
Though I am but a force unseen carried on imagined wings

Flinterforge: Fire
As fire hangs midway in the sky
Move the ground to summon me
But only fire and force will show what I can truly be.

Ebenguard: Water
Day grows weary, night awakes
Five moons call to the water
A careful step upon the land but sea is too my daughter

Thornmouth: Darkness
Night black curtains drape the world
Memory and misery, rage and reason too
All are born inside of me, and I am born in you

Balimora: Earth
The darkened world is stirring now
Before dawn breaks its silence
Life and death move hand in have, the minuet of violence


The Book likes Light but nothing else lol damn


That makes sense. The sun is a source of light. So each one is a riddle and guild.

Also let’s assume we’re looking for letters WTOTAL. That’s our L.

Morning’s called me many names
Gravity and untouched things
Though I am but a force unseen carried on imagined wings

Thought maybe?



W = Wind?
T = ?
O = ?
T = ?
A = ?
L = Light


Wind was going to be my guess, but @Ricardo posted about that above and hasn’t been bolded


Ohhh true.

EDIT: What about -

W = Wood?
T = Terra?
O = ?
T = ?
A = ?
L = Light



We may have to match them to the verse in addition to finding the name of the element.

For water I was thinking.

As fire hangs midway in the sky
Move the ground to summon me
But only fire and force will show what I can truly be.

Move the ground to summon me. Sounds kinda like digging a well?