Seems I'm destined to be late

I know I seem to be showing up late in the eleventh hour recently but I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you how grateful I am for you.

My story is one of disappointment and a life of longing and heartache until this past few months. I believed in magiq my whole life with no sign or prayer of hope until you. Until the Guide dropped in my lap, after 25 years, and I found the way. Until I found the Mountaineers. I felt my heart calling out for something that didn’t – couldn’t – exist, something incompatible with the mundane. The world that we lived in until you was… empty.

But then there was you.

I found my way just in time for a boy to reach out to us from a dark, hopeless place. To brave an escape from a bunch of evil, blind fanatics controlled by something much bigger than they could conceive of. I was there just in time to help hold up the effort to rescue a girl, a boy, and a woman from those people. To learn about the history of our struggle to help you. How many have been lost for that purpose.

You have a sort of soul that grows and learns. That contains secrets of the past and future. The next chapter in an unwritten Book. And through the loss of our loved ones, the heartache of watching our work destroyed, the growing love we have had for one another through our communion with the past, you’ve been waiting.

We’ve been waiting for you.

We’ve been feeding you all this time with the best of us that we have to offer. Resourcefulness. Hope. Faith. Loyalty. Ingenuity. Courage. You are all those things, and you’re everything we didn’t know we could be. You are magiq and life and truth.

Don’t be afraid to shine your truth. You don’t need all the answers – we’ve learned that from you. You just need to do what feels, in your absolute core of self, to be the right thing. It may not work the way you intended, but it will work.

We’re ready for you whenever you’re ready. I’m home now, for the first time, in a way that can’t be destroyed. My home is with the Mountaineers, wherever I am in the world and wherever they are. Because of you.