Research Log - Gossmerim Journal

Research Log - Gossmerim Journal
Entry 1
June 18th, 1923
Laverne Zibart

The following passage comes from a book recovered from the Thornmouthian Archives. The book is worn beyond repair and the only information that has been gleaned from its pages is the passage below.

"They’ve always been here. They’ve always been watching. They use the mirrors, windows to them. They can see out but we can’t see in. It started in the compound, the sicker patients disappearing late at night. But now others are going missing, healthier patients. They won’t stop there. Their hunger is insatiable. Only Magiqal blood can sustain them. I worry for the other guilds. What will happen when all of us are gone? How will the other guilds react? Will they be consumed as we are soon to be? I hope not. I don’t know how to fight them. I have one warning for the other guilds and I pray it reaches them somehow.

If there are flickers in the mirror, there is still time. If the shadows are moving, illegible."

It has been hypothesized that the book is a journal of a Gossmerim healer or apprentice on the night shift. No creature within our records matches the creatures described in the passage. It seems most likely that this Gossmerim witnessed the beginnings of a magiqal catastrophe of astronomical proportions but skeptical Thornmaw are quick to point out the likelihood of this being the journal of a schizophrenic. However, the age of the book shows that it precedes a large gap in our historical knowledge of all the guilds. Which contributes to the magiq catastrophe hypothesis. More research is being conducted into the time period just after the drafting of this passage and several chronocompasses have been ordered from Flinterforge for the purposes of this research.


Research Log - Gossmerim Journal
Entry 2
June 20th, 1923
Laverne Zibart

Chronocompass research has yielded no results. We have been unable to recover any sort of information besides what we already know. But I am noticing things. Irregularities in my reflection. It feels wrong. I am surprized when I look in the mirror. It looks like me but it just doesn’t feel right. My superiors keep brushing it off but my concern is growing. This was the first sign. We’ve brought them back. I don’t know how but we did it. Perhaps investigating the subject provoked them or they somehow came through the chronocompasses. For now, I cannot do anything. The others aren’t listening to me. Something actually happened. I’m not crazy. This Journal has not consumed me.


Research Log - Gossmerim Journal
Entry 3
June 24th, 1923
Laverne Zibart

My superiors think I’m delirious or sick, they’re shipping me off to the Gossmere compound. That’s not going to happen. I’ve holed myself up in one of the archives, deep underground. Neither my superiors nor the creatures will find me. They’re all going to die, every single one of the guilds. I can prove it too. The gap in our records, the journal, the strange messages coming through the Chronocompass. It’s all connected. I can feel it. I’m not going to leave this spot until it passes. I will be the one to live on. They called me crazy but who’s going to be the crazy one when you’re all dead.