Pre-Fragment 15: Unlock the Chronocompass

That sounds awesome! Well done!


Mmkay, whew! I sent the thing. Hope that’s alright…


Whew, thanks for doing it. I ran back to my room from dinner to try to do it in time. It sounds awesome! :+1:


Thankfully my phone has a decent mic! :sweat_smile:


I think it may be based moreso on intentions than on execution :heart: good job Vivi!

Edit: spelling


Wonderful job today @Viviane !!
Keep up the great work mounties, any luck and we will be blazing through this “fragment” ! (calling anything our journey a complication still doesn’t feel quite right with me yet.)
I hope Knatz hears your wonderful words of encouragement, and I hope they help her get through this really troubling time we know is yet to come.


It sounds great! Thanks for getting that done!


Random thought: if we DID somehow change the past for the better, and augies fine, doesnt this mean we have a huge advantage? From the gist of what i got from previous fragments, it seems like augie’s a pretty smart and extremely important guy. If he doesnt fall to the storm we’d have a HUGE info bank on our hands, if nothing else.


But since we learned much of we know of the book and storm was from him in his afflicted state changing that would mess up our own history. And I am tempted to just hand wave that as ‘oh it’s magiq so it’ll work out’ but, the book has warned us not to alter the timeline or bad things may happen. So I doubt we have.

Yes, if you are right hed be a huge help to us. But I’m betting we aren’t changing history at all. We are just rediscovering it.


It’s a long reply, so I guess we did something right!



So, ummm, what do we do? Steal the BoB? Hopefully not… But!!! We do know we changed the timeline! Even though Tink still was destroyed by the Storm, it was at a later date.


Is there something we can do or say to prove we’re Mounties? Would that even change anything? I feel like there’s got to be something we can do…but I have no idea what.


I want to say is traveling back in time, but that sounds like a really bad idea. Or maybe we could send something back I time…


We need a better way of communicating with them again, something more reliable, and with someone that’ll be able to either get us direct book access again or hold off the Nazi mind wipe/death spell until we can get the book open.

Have we had any word on possible Ramble stuff on our end?

If we’re still stuck with dream hacking, we need to find out what Saberlane may or may not have found in the Ramble in their time.


Okay, the way I see it, there’s two possibilities for what’s happened:

  1. We messed up the timeline somehow in our communications and this wasn’t how it was supposed to go down
  2. This is how time was supposed to progress and that means that we find a way to keep them from doing this spell

So if it’s 2, we just have to figure out how we did it (do it? time is getting real wobbly up in here). If it’s 1, there has to be some way to steer them back to the right path


I don’t see a comment on Deed’s blog post responding to @Augustus_Octavian’s message about the Ramble, so unless she responded somewhere else or is going to respond by send time tomorrow, I think we’re on our own

Edit: though, silver lining to all this, it wasn’t a trap and Knatz and Augie are still safe from the storm


Maybe we could “break” the Chronocompass and try to use the maqic to send one final thing… But then we wouldn’t be able to receive a message back. :sweat: There’s not going to be an easy answer to this something tells me.


Is anyone else reminded of the Calling of the Corners spell? Because this hex, the way they describe it ‘protecting’ them by taking their memories…it sounds like the same thing Sullivan performed on Deirdre. Especially with the fact that it takes multiple people and they all have to gather… Maybe Sullivan found the spell from the same source? Warner fought in WWII after all.

Whatever the case…I don’t know, I just feel like it’s not going to end well if they try. Either the storm will interfere, or something else will. At the same time, I feel bad trying to convince them to do otherwise. They’re quickly being picked off, turned into zombies. I can’t blame them for wanting to do anything to try to avoid that fate. But…where does that leave us? :cold_sweat:


Well, is there a possible way for is to get them into Neithernoor? Maybe show them the items Deidre has and point out to where they would be in the past?