Patreon Poll!

Hey Mounties! Hope you had an awesome holiday/time off/weekend!

I could really use your help with finishing up my Patreon page.

At the top of the Patreon page there is a headline that will say “CJ Bernstein is creating…” and I’m still trying to nail down what it will say. And I could use your thoughts! I would like to keep it as sharp and short as possible. And I’d like to mention something about literature, something like “storytelling”, “novels” or “books”.

Basically, if you weren’t already a Mountaineer, what would be the best description of all of this?

So pick your favorite from the poll suggestions below, or reply with your own suggestions below!

CJ Bernstein is creating–

  • an interactive world of fantasy novels
  • interactive fantasy novels
  • a connected world of magic storytelling
  • interactive fantasy
  • interactive fantasy storytelling
  • a magical world of storytelling
  • a magical literary universe

0 voters


We have a winner! Thanks so much Mounties!