Wraps head in tinfoil and pours salt protection circle around bed
Please don’t summon any spiders into my dreams
Omg she’s so darn cute!
I…dislike…spiders as well. I used to have nightmares like that when I was younger. Spiders and webs everywhere. Those nightmares became a reality for me in '96 when I was on deployment in the outback training with the Australian Army.
Although I’m at a point now where if I find a big ugly wolf spider in my house (common here in FL) I can catch it in a cup and throw it back outside. I don’t kill spiders anymore, but that’s another story.
This is Bobby we got him from a rescue two years ago now He is a very anxious bean and is very scared of people. When we first got him he used to hide inside our couch because he was terrified. He loves us and comes and cuddles us all the time but is still scared of other people. His purr is like a tractor and he makes me so happy. He has a lot of problems bc he’s so anxious so he often has to have operations. Overall I love him so much and he’s changed my life he’s so precious
I agree! It came to the point where I have to respect them as living beings and killing them is just… unnecessary.
My katten. Her foster named her Mariah, I think of her as Minerva, but I usually just call her kitty or B.
There are also three cats that started coming by after one of the neighbor cats kept getting out and hanging out on my AC until they let it back in; fluff cat got snacks, and those snacks attracted these guys…
This is Bert. He seems to have lived in one of the other buildings, but he would come by my door regularly. I think whoever kept letting him out moved, because he hasn’t been by in a while.
This is Hemingway. He likes meowing at people and has recently started trying to headbutt Ashmom’s knees. (He didn’t really have a name until I saw he was polydactyl)
And this is Bob. He started bringing a small black kitty by the other night.
Hides rolled up newspaper behind his back
I actually um…made a pact with them😆. Another long story. Let’s just say I vowed not to kill them as long as they just left me alone.
I am a proud catmom to two black monsters.
This is my baby Lily aka Lillith aka Ms. Lily aka KitKat aka Ms. Kit, and my boy James aka Jamie aka Jameson aka the Chunk/Chunkamunk/Chunkahunkamunk aka Spooks. Hard to believe, but they’re siblings from the same litter. I think Jamie is part wolf because he’s a beast.
I also have two boxer sisters, Rogue (Rogie Perogie) and Storm (Stormy Poo or just Poo) that are named after the X-men and just turned 8 this week! Old ladies…
Omg so much cuteness in one topic
I love the X-Men names!