Out-of-Magiqverse Familiars: Post Your Pet!

PUPPY! What will their name be?


That’s still in discussion. Suggestions have been Benny, Ranger and Riley. I’m partial to Benny so far.


Those are all such adorable names! I’m a sucker for a retriever with a cute simple name.


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The new baby is home, and he’s so much smaller than I thought! He sure sleeps a lot.


So adorable! Did you decide on a name, officially?


Yup, Benny! Today he seems to have found the limitless stores of puppy energy because he just can’t seem to lay down for more than 30 seconds. He’s also very fond of eating dirt when let outside.


BABY BENNY!! :heart_eyes:
He’s tiny and perfect.


Oof guys, I’m having a really hard time with my cat, Nimueh. (Spoilers for bummers, sorry I don’t want to bring everyone down).

She licked a bald spot on her leg a few days ago, and we took her to the vet, who gave us a cone to use while we figure out what’s going on. Unfortunately, the cone really isn’t viable for her, it’s just too big for her petite little body and she’s really unwilling to do anything while wearing it.

I fashioned her a little sleeve out of an old pair of toddler leggings which works SO much better than the cone or constant in-person monitoring, but she hates it. She hates it when I adjust it to make it more comfortable, she hates having it put on, she hates having it taken off, but honestly she doesn’t care about it so much when she’s wearing it other than being annoyed she can’t lick.

The point is that she growled at me today when I was wiping down the area to clean it off and hopefully make it a little less itchy, and she wants pretty much nothing to do with me. I know this is a thing with cats that need medical treatment but I feel awful and I haven’t been able to convince myself that she’ll get over it and that she won’t hate me forever. Has anyone else had anything like this? I felt like you guys might get it for some reason.

aaand now for a cute picture because I feel bad being such a downer

Edit: Crisis averted, I gave her dinner and apparently all is forgiven, I got a nice headbutting and purrs.


Poor kitten! Itchy pets are such a struggle because you just want them to feel better, but of course they can’t just tell us what’s wrong.

My roommate and I had a pair of cats in our college apartment that had lived together for years. They adored each other and had never had any issues. The little one had to go in for emergency surgery and was gone for a few days. When he came back, the big one would not stop hissing and screaming at the little guy. They avoided each other, had territorial spats, and literal fur-flying fights. We were distraught, because they had been so bonded before this happened.

About a week-ish later, they stopped hissing and could share rooms again. About a month later, they were back to normal, and now are still total buds. Moral of the story, cats can be prickly weirdos when they’re stressed, but they sort themselves out in time. :purple_heart:


Look who arrived today! We haven’t settled on all the names, but the pale girl at the bottom of the photo is a Snowy Easter Egger - a white chicken that lays pale blue eggs, and as an Official Dork, I decided to name that one Elsa.

Edit: I snapped this quick since they arrived at 6:45 this morning (:roll_eyes:) as I was leaving for work. More 'grammable photos to follow.


I have a friend who just got chickens! She named hers after the Golden Girls, and that was really cute.

Maybe you can name yours after some Mounties at Lion’s Heart?


We each get to name one - one of my sons wants to name one after his previous favorite chicken that passed last year (“Apple”), and the middle son, who’s 4 likes coming up with nonsense names to get a rise out of my wife, who wants then all to have elderly lady names. I’m sticking with my guns with Elsa.


Elsa says “Hi, Ackerly Green Community!”

Her sisters’ names are: Roz, Mildred, Golda and Apple 2.0


Such a cute little floof!




When I came home for the summer I was informed that my family got a new puppy named Sammy. He’s grown a fair amount since this picture was taken, and he’s a wonderful troublemaker.


We have a new addition to the menagerie. I addition to our dog, 2 cats, and human toddler, we now have Yoka, a 9-week-old Californian rabbit. Right now it’s not even 1.5 pounds - eventually, it will be upwards of 10 pounds!!


I just need people to see this very prim and proper picture of Scoops.


Here is a picture of one of our dogs. Her hame is bear and she technically belongs to my sister. Poor little mutt puts up with so much crap. I’d like to add that those aren’t prescription glasses, they’re a build a Bear Accessory.


Meet Cocoa and Beans everyone! Vic is now a proud Rat parent. They fill me with so much joy.