Out-of-Magiqverse Familiars: Post Your Pet!

This is Cloud. He’s the least cuddly of the boys, he prefers to drift through the house untouched by the common cares of mortals. This was actually a really affectionate photo of him.


This is Fudge ‘The Pudge’ Flerken. He loves food, puzzle box toys, and shredding things with his powerful jaws. He also loves cuddling and waking me up at 6 am with affectionate face nibbles. He’s probably the genetic brother of Cloud, since they were found in the same colony before they came to us, and they look similar.


This is a rare photo of the three boys being nice during meal time.


I feel like this just became a cat-love one-upsmanship thread and I LOVE IT :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:
Cyber snuggles all the kittens


Hi everyone! New to the forums so I’m still trying to find my way around, but I was super excited to find this thread!

This is my charlie, aka either baby or old man (depending on his mood). His full name is Prince Charles La Poof Poof, but we only call him that when he’s in trouble. He currently lives with my parents in California, but I will be stealing him back when I move into an apartment that allows pets.


This picture is kind of dark, but it cracks me up. Our cat Lancelot (black with the white chest) LOVE my husband, and since he was little, whenever my husband was in a room with the door closed, Lancelot would either meow at the door or just lay down next to it waiting for him to get out. Today, while my husband was using the restroom, Lancelot’s little sister Katie decided to join in :joy: my husband had a little greeting committee when he exited the bathroom!


This is Cinder, my almost 6 year old German Shepherd! I love dogs. :)


My derpy dachshund Scoops.


Meet Halley, named aptly after the comet that only comes around every so many years. She loves to eat, snuggle, chase lasers, go on walks in the great outdoors and talk constantly.


Awww, looking at all the pictures of the well-loved pets has cheered me up :slight_smile:
Thanks guys, I really needed it today :hermanthumbs:


This ridiculous little dog is 9 today! It’s chilly, so she is cuddling with my hot water bottle. :sparkling_heart:


I just love your babies! They remind me of my dog I used to have as a kid named Captain. Well, Captain Good Dog of the Great Midwest. LOL! We went on adventures together.


After more than 6 months since I first introduced myself, I have finally completed TMP: F&F (is that an okay abbreviation?), and think I’m ready to delve into the forum. What better way to jump in than pics of pets? Please meet Frankie (13 year-old Maine Coon mix), PJ (12 year-old tabby mix), and Samwise (5 year-old lab mix)!


I have a three year old Maine Coon mix at home who is such a joy. I also love dogs and cats that have “socks” where their feet are a different color from the rest.


The hair is a terrible pain, but he’s so gorgeous, it’s hard to get too mad at him. And when we lion cut him in the summer…I just can’t!


This is Sage, aka Little Sage, aka Little Bits.
She is an 8 year old Saluki mix rescued from Aruba. She was once a wild street dog now living her best life as a spoiled princess.
She loves to nap and chase things, specificially neighborhood cats.
She is very particular about how she likes her food prepared and will stamp her foot and knock her bowl over to let you know you have made an error. She is such a little sweetheart and loves nothing more than to snuggle and watch tv with you. Her favorite show is Adventure Time and she absolutely loves when people sing the ending theme to her.
Sage loves to go hiking and trips to the beach!


This choker turned my sister’s neck green, so it belongs to Lisa now. She is very proud of it, and has been sitting especially tall so that everyone can see it and tell her that she looks pretty.


I’ll be completely honest; Frankie, who was included in my previous post has been put down a couple of days previously. I didn’t exactly want to exclude him from my post.

Obviously, my wife (his first mom) was pretty torn up about losing him, and we weren’t even going to entertain the thought of looking for a new cat until well after the holidays. Until the day I made my last post…one of the shelters she follows on facebook added a beautiful girl that we couldn’t resist.5 days later, she came to live with us. Meet Harvest!



I ended up with the tiniest (full-sized) dog in the world. He was a runt of four… These dogs don’t have four puppies normally. We were watching a breeder for a future litter - in a couple of years. She put up an xray that showed four and I was immediately worried, for the mom, mostly. I’d done my research and we checked every day for news. It’ll probably be fine… The mom birthed just fine, thankfully. But there was a very small puppy in the mix, and the mother wanted nothing to do with it. He was so small he had an open fontanel and could barely drink, not that mom was helping any. The breeder took over, feeding and caring for him until he made it. He’s about half the size of his siblings, even to this day. His head closed up, but the breeder still wanted a special family, namely people familiar with dog owning but with no dogs, no kids, and no stairs. We’re all of those things. But we didn’t want such a small dog, nor a white one. But, sometimes this kind of thing is a compromise ; } Bilo’s the center of our lives, now! (and beat his initial projected size already!)


He’s so cute and fluffy!!! :heart_eyes: