New year forum topic

hey mounties, Endri wants me to start a topic here where you guys can complain about what you want to change about the forum and I’ll see what I can do to fix it. let me know about category organization, color codes, etc. anything that might make it easier to get around.


I didn’t exactly ask for a topic “where you guys can complain about what you want to change” but I hope you all get the gist. What can we (Bash) do to make the forum easier to use?


Well its pretty great already, like a library where you can find everything you need. All I can say is a general chat section, rather than topic, may make it easier for me and my fellow mounties to talk and ask questions?


Like Oracle says, I agree that it could be cool to have a chat room thing where we could talk and discuss puzzles in real time for better collaboration and to avoid creating super long forum topics.


As oracle mentions this is like a library. I really think we could consider a reference system…or at least a card catalog. You can maybe call it The Stacks.

There’s tons of valuable information for new and existing mountaineers here but buried in post 63 of a 100 thread topic marked solved. How would a new user find Lauren’s file server infirnation and password? Or why Martin rank is familiar? Or what were all the previous Roman numerals?

Now I’m not sure if that’s best done in a single big wiki post, with links to all the existin great posts. Or we copy and coalate information into more streamlined forms and just have a category for it withas a master table of contents post.

For example I’ve been thinking of putting together a ‘fragments so far’ post going through each one and the general path through them and important characters in each. I just haven’t cause I was pretty sure while it might be helpful to new people it might vanish down the list of topics pretty quickly.

I’d be happy to help gather the info for our reference as well.


Actually after thinking on it. Between Eaves weekly updates and the search function maybe that’s covered already.


think you have a point @Robert. how about this… from now on lets make the first post in a topic a wiki (you guys can do that) then when you figure stuff out anybody can update it so theres a summary at the top of every topic. So you can find things by either searching, using the summarize button in a topic, or reading that top post… I think you might be the guy to do that.


I can help with that sure.

Of course now I have to embarrass myself by saying ‘We have a summarize button?!’ Okay that’s a nice feature I didn’t know we had.


Let me clarify :
A general chat for the Mountineers to get to know each other. Talk about things like magic, ourselves, and meetups. Not to talk about the fragments or puzzles. Though I must say, I live the idea of a wiki. I’ll write articles if someone will design the wiki?