New DG Post: The Storm: Part Three

Alright, I asked her about all of it.


Can you share it with us? I don’t think I ever had the chance to read it.


The Seven Tributes of Rochefoucauld

The month’s mind for the beast was naturally a solemn affair. The people of the island came from all its corners to the heart of the forest to pay their respects. This is an old place, a sacred glade, where only the greatest are honored. The creatures who bore the casket could only just manage the weight. Human and animal stood hand in paw as he was lowered into the ground for the earth of accept.

Of course the beast looked very different to each of the groups. To the humans the great masked man was the image of a hero. A leader forged from The Great Division. To the animals they saw his true self. The creature within, in all its majestic beauty. Each group paid their tributes. Some in gifts other in song and other in the spoken word. The rich and powerful paid their respects first and as the days wore on the peasants and paupers came to give all they could.

It was in these final days that the Rochefoucauld family laid their gifts. Seven in total: the spoils of the hunt, the water from the well, the blood from a battle, a shield, two lock of virgin’s hair, the dust scared from a castle wall, and a tiny flytrap. The other humans looked at the gifts in puzzlement. What sort of tributes were these? But the animals knew. They regarded the family with untold respect and vowed to protect them if ever there came a need. In the name of the beast the family would be forever well and cared for.

This is from Fragment Four, I should mention. It was the story that lead us to the cloisters, because the different gifts in the story correlate to each of the unicorn tapestries.


For the record, I’ve been looking for the compass all day. Dee is (finally) asleep after spending all day catching you guys up.

Here’s what happened on my end: I bolted into the warren and shut the door and about ten seconds later it opened again and it was Dee and Grey’s apartment was behind her. We tried to figure out what to do, but decided it would probably go back to Grey’s and we’d be safer in the warren, even if we had to wait it out.

So we spent two nights there.
It was still crazy scary to open the door again. (We wondered where it would take us, the street or Grey’s, but I knocked back and it put us on the street so I guess that’s how it works. Whoever knocks.)

The Storm was gone. We ran into Central Park, waited there for a while, and then headed back to the brownstone. Which is where we’ve been ever since (aside from me trolling up and down the street, looking for a compass.)

I’m going to widen my search for it tomorrow. I’m sorry I didn’t find it today. I know you’re waiting to see what happens with it in the park.

I’ll let her know about The Seven Tributes, but I hope she’ll just rest for a day or two. She seems… not herself. Tired. Distant. I guess that’s what happens when a living weather pattern tries to eat you.


Where is Grey right now? Is he still in the magiq room?


He wanted to stay in the apartment. I think the past two days were a little too crazy for him. He felt safe there.


Well at least he’s safe…


It seems strange that the storm has given up so easily. Make you you both stay safe!


Phew, glad you both are safe!

Did you have the journal with you when you went back to Central Park? If so, did anything new appear?


I didn’t have the journal. And I haven’t found the compass, but I’ll go to the park tomorrow and see if the journal says anything new.


Dee wanted me to show you guys this…

She didn’t notice at the time, but this showed up after she cast the spell on the journal and the compass at Grey’s.

There’s a split running down the middle of her dad’s walking stick now. And it’s glowing inside.


Grab a Geiger counter Cole… just in case.


Looks like there was more to that cane then met the eye


Or perhaps it’s splitting apart because there isn’t a lot of Magiq left in our mundane world ?


I think it would be likely that something broke it, for if there was that little maqic, our spells wouldn’t be working.


Maybe the split is a good thing? Like, there’s something hidden inside that she (or we) need to proceed, and performing magic is a test to access it?


I’m hoping, quite badly, that what is inside will lead us to the next fragment.


Im not sure breaking the stick will help us