New DG Post: Resolutionary

Originally published at: New DG Post: Resolutionary | Basecamp 33

DG updated and apparently she and Cole are thisclose to sitting in a tree! COLE! WHERE ARE YOU?! WTH is going on!

She also posts her resolutions and briefly discusses her dad’s journal.

Call me nuts, but I was thinking a crazy think. You know how Lauren’s copy of The Monarch Papers is readable by season? Wouldn’t SG have done the same for the copy DG has? Or something kind of like that? DG has a hard time reading it we know, and can’t take pics of it, but I was thinking there’s gotta be something else…

So I went back and read her entries about it. The page that has the wheel of the year in Volume 3 has the Greek symbol for “psyche” in her volume. The wheel of the year was the clue for how Volume 3 worked. DG also writes about being in different “mindsets” while she’s reading it. Confused, happy, curious…

I’m not normally Mister Puzzle, but could the book be triggered by her feels?