New DG Post: Istanbul*****

Originally published at: New DG Post: Istanbul***** | Basecamp 33

Hey Mounties…

DG posted today. She’s stuck in Istanbul and feeling frustrated.


Hey @Leigha and everyone else, did you see that Deirdre responded to Leigha’s comment on the latest post? She’s stuck in Istanbul and asking for help. Props to @Leigha for being the first Mountaineer DG has directly spoken with (aside from Ascender last summer.)


WOW, should we help her with her clue?




I thought maybe she’d want to figure it out by herself


Oh you mean @Leigha? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind some group Mountaineer assistance.


Humm, I did a little bit of research and maybe “A line of lovers offer a sorrowful rest in Topkapi.” relates to the Harem quarters of the palace?


The harem definitely seems like a point of interest. I found this when looking up information about the palace:

When a padishah died, his entire harem was moved into the infamous Palace of Tears. Originally built as one of the Padishah’s Istanbul houses, the palace was given to the women of the harem that was discarded to make way for the new padishah’s harem. This was a sad and lonesome place. No man ever entered the building, nor were there many visitors. The women were forbidden to leave and spent the rest of their lives in the dark and morbid atmosphere. Even the Valide Sultana, once a very powerful woman, was now discarded to make way for the new woman to take her position. The women spent the rest of their days here, a sad end to an imprisoned life.

I’m not sure where the Palace of Tears is, but that sounds sufficiently sorrowful. A good place to look?


I was reading that as well, seems like it could be interesting

EDIT: So the so-called “Palace of Tears” is the nickname of the Old Palace (Eski Saray) where today is the Istanbul University. Maybe Deeds is searching in the wrong place?


That sounds like a good place to start! Maybe comment so that she’s sure to see it?


Also, keep in mind that she previously mentioned that the trail she’s following is “a trail of paintings and sculptures and tapestries and books, all around the world.” so the solution will most likely be an object/place that is artistic/created. Which is in keeping with Sullivan’s other journal volumes. :mag: :flashlight:


Thanks for the reminder on that! Totally wasn’t thinking.

I managed to find a virtual tour or the palace. Not sure if that could help. I’m wondering if we could find some listings or art within the palace, see if anything has to do with lovers? The site I’d linked to before had a story about a concubine of Ibrahim I who had a tragic ending. Maybe if there’s a portrait of his or something?


Hey guys, I’m here, I’ve just had a lot going on today, and now I just need to rest for a while and decompress. I’ll be back on later.


I just looked for classical pictures with harem/serail scenes but there are so many and i did not manage to find which belongs directly to Topkapi or the Palace of Tears.

Could it be, that there are the graves or something similar of the passed away women in the Palace of Tears?

Interesting find: There was one women, who gained much power after entering the harem. of course there is some artwork showing her but that doesent really fit the “sorrowful rest” part…