New DG Post: Adoration

Originally published at:

Deirdre is in Kimberley with a diamond that’s triggered something, but it ain’t a clue!


Uh… in case you guys haven’t seen Cole’s response this morning… :couple_with_heart:

Funny, I seem to recall my life was already pretty weird and complicated. I’d had visions of magic flowers and missing kids who’d turned into poetic wizards even before I “met” you.

I know you’re having phone trouble. I don’t know if you’re getting my messages or texts, but since you kinda opened up here, I’ll do the same, and hope you see it. (Nice to know that you not seeing a text is just your hilarious and adorable inability to figure out your phone, not magic.)

Those words are hard. Adoration. Love. Those words are hard to offer if you don’t know for sure you’re going to get them in return. And you think you barely know the “real” me. You mostly know me pre BC33. But that guy is the same guy. The things I didn’t tell you weren’t about me (mostly) and… I don’t know. You’re not the Deirdre you were either, I guess, yeah? So maybe we can meet again and see if this Cole and that Deirdre hit it off the way the old ones did.

Thing is, I’m reaching out too you know. And sure, there’s a lot of weird between us, but I think we can juuust reach each other if we both reach together.

Cause the words I can (and am brave enough) to use are still really good ones. Like respect. And awe. And butterflies. And hope.

The truth is my life… the simple, uncomplicated one where I go to work and then I go home and back and forth and back and forth, it feels so much darker and scarier now that I know about this other world. The world where there’s magic. And you.

I guess what I’m trying to say is… I’m willing to wade if you’ll wade with me.






This makes me more happy than secretly cheering for the love lives of two people I haven’t actually met should make me