Nepenthe 2018

This is all so amazing! You guys are doing such amazing and kind things, and its so inspiring to me and Augo.

I’m working on my care packages, finding foods that won’t perish and pretty solid scarves or hats has been a process. Tomorrow and into next week I will be assembling them and giving them out, as my part in Nepenthe. Keep up the awesome work, Mounties!


I know that this was a few months ago but during the heatwave that hit us I was doing some shopping. When I came out of the shop I saw a homeless kid trying to stay in shade. So I walked over to him and gave him the 6 pack of water I’d just bought along with the ready meal and £10 something change I had on me. When I go back up to Newcastle this weekend I hope to be able to help more people like him especially as the colder weather creeps in.


When I grabbed dinner before heading back to work, I grabbed a box of mini cupcakes to share with my coworkers (that I think were all on the morning shift with me as well).

Receptionist has eaten four himself (assuming moving them to the other side of the printer helped save him from himself :colelulz: )


Second Prize Reveal!!

This prize is coming straight from the mysterious vaults of Ackerly Green publishing! A one of a kind backpack!


Awesome! It’s so cool that @Saberlane would design a unique, one of a kind item to give away for Nepenthe!

My work has an annual giving tree, where we partner with a local family services center to buy holiday gifts for kids in need. My family always participates, and I was excited to have a teen this year, because I feel like there’s cooler stuff I could buy them?

Here’s the stuff we bought this year for the giving tree!


I volunteered to give out food at a christmas event put on by the kamloops BIA, if that counts? there were people from pretty much every brush stroke, and the event went on till like… 7 or 8 pm :3 i got in touch with my local foodbank, recently, and might volunteer there as well.


For my part in Nepenthe I have taken to making care packages for those less fortunate than myself. My school is not to far from an island that has been turned into a makeshift community for the homeless of New Orleans. I’ve been giving water, food, hats, and gloves; and of course scarves as well. It’s been a really fulfilling experience, helping those of my community, and it makes me fall in love with the city all over again. :yellow_heart:

Happy Nepenthe, Mounties. Keep up the amazing work!


I’m so impressed with all the good deeds everyone has been doing this season! Whaddaya say, @OracleSage? Should we reveal the final prize ?!?!?


Time indeed!

The final prize is perhaps the most shrouded in mystery, but we know that Saberlane is in contact with someone from our past and one lucky Mountaineer will have the opportunity to speak with this individual, and share with them thoughts and ideas.

Keep up the kindness mounties, and a blessed Nepenthe to all!


Tonight I’m going to help the local fire department wrap gifts for those that can’t afford much for Christmas. I’ve done this for a few years and it is so fun and rewarding.
The firefighters always try to hand off the weird shaped packages to me to wrap because they might be able to stop a grassfire, but paper is intimidating lol.


I’ve been ill and haven’t gone out much, so I’m a bit late getting into the Nepenthe spirit, but better late than never!

I’m visiting my parents from now until Christmas. My mom has been taking care of my grandmother more during the holidays and hasn’t really had a chance to tidy the house, so I’m doing some dishes and laundry for her.

My mom and I are also collecting Christmas gifts for a family in my parents’ church that has recently experienced a tragic loss, so I’m wrapping some of those gifts today.


I’ve been a similar situation this year, @Viviane! Ever since I started going to university, it’s been really hard for me to be as involved in community service and general “giving back.” Part of that is an unfortunate reality of a lot of people’s college careers: college can be a full-time job sometimes, so it can be easy to just hunker down and ignore the rest of the world. But I’ve also not been making my best effort to help others and I’ve felt off because of that. So, I decided to do something about it.

It started this past Monday. For context, I’m going to be studying abroad next semester, so I had to spend all of the money that I get to spend at the school’s cafeteria’s by the end of the semester. So, when I saw one of my classmates from my German class who was extremely stressed about our final exam, I offered to get her a coffee, which she took up.

On Tuesday, I was able to get some candy bars with the remainder of my cafeteria money. I handed them out to the housekeepers who work in my dorm as well as the ladies who work the cash registers where I bought the candy bars. All of them were extremely grateful to be recognized for what they do, and I even got some hugs as a thank you! It felt great to be able to give back to the people who often don’t get enough credit for all of the work they do. In short, being able to participate in Nepenthe this season has helped me to help others, and that’s helped me to feel better myself.

And then I had the dream. Much like @Helios’ dream, it started at a place I’m fairly familiar with in Neithernor: the airship. I was in my bed on board, and though I couldn’t see outside, I could tell something was different. Unsure of what to expect, I pulled on my windbreaker and moved quickly out of my room and the quarters area in general. When I arrived on deck, the first thing I noticed was the smell of the air. The air was void of the salty scent I had become accustomed to, and as I looked around, I realized I had no idea where I was. The land around the airship was grassy and yellow and strong winds whipped across the deck which carried a chill that I was unprepared for in the clothes I was wearing in the dream.

I was about to move back into the quarters when I saw a strange movement to the north. It seemed like a small part of the plains was moving towards the ship, and I stood on the deck, it steadily became clear what it was: a caravan of wagons. The wagons were topped with yellow covers which blended into the dry prairie grass around them, but as they came closer, I was able to see the wagons were decorated in all sorts of colors, each one different in color and design. The wagons, too, had a strange ethereal quality to them, and as they reached the ship, the ship’s deck exploded with activity around me.

Ghostly figures moved around and through me, preparing the deck for whatever they expected from those below. I stared down towards the ground and saw yellow-clad figures carrying wooden boxes and crates towards the ship. Some of the ship’s crew had now moved to the side of the ship. The crew was working a pulley whose ropes moved steadily towards the ground and waiting caravan party below. When the ropes reached the ground, the figures below quickly got to work. They placed a net on the ground and then placed the crates they’d been carrying onto it. Once all of the boxes were loaded, the figures below tied the net to the rope then signaled to the crew above.

The Weatherwatchers began to hoist the collection of boxes upwards. As the net filled with boxes left the ground, several of the figures from below quickly shifted into the form of birds, speeding past the net to meet the Weatherwatchers on deck. The newcomers shifted back into their human forms once they arrived on deck and joined the crew in moving the crates onto the deck. When the crates made it onto the deck, everyone got to work, sorting them into different stacks based on their contents. With this finished, the shifters turned to the crew. The symbol of Gossmere adorned each of their jackets.

The Gossmerrim spoke with the crew, checking to ensure their journey had been safe. With this confirmed, the two guilds hammered out the details of the upcoming journey: the Weatherwatchers would deliver these goods to each of the other guilds for distribution out of Neithernor during Nepenthe. This settled, the Gossmerrim moved to leave the ship. At this moment, one of them met eyes with me. At first, I thought it was a fluke: I had been passed through and ignored by my Weatherwatcher forebears during this whole dream. But I watched as this Gossemere’s face registered shock, and then cleared, then met my own shock with a smile. Moving quickly and silently towards me, they whispered to me “Happy Nepenthe. Remember, it’s not too late to help those you can.” With that, all of the Gossmerrim shifted back into birds. The Weatherwatchers began to shout commands around me and slowly drifted out of the dream.

The dream made it clear to me that there’s still a lot of time (and a lot of ways) to give back this Nepenthe! Keep at it Mounties, and happy Nepenthe!


So when I was in Newcastle last weekend i was able to give a couple of homeless people a warm meal and drink as I was doing my shopping. Later on when I was heading home I met a guy from the Cat and Dog shelter who was collecting money and I have him £20. He was so happy that he shook my hand and we got to talking about the shelter and the work he’s does. I hadn’t realised before that they didn’t just care for cats and dogs but all animals including horses and exotic pets! He told me that I should keep an eye on their jobs page as they have a high turn over so I got some good advice in return.


Today I gave blood (took longer than the last few times :cagsko: ), and found out that my blood type paired with my CMV status means it is likely going to be used for immune-deficient patients. :hermanthumbs:


So, I decided to do a thing?

I don’t donate enough to charities, so I thought this would be a good time to do so. And it’s a really good organization, so I’m happy I did it.


These are all amazing!
@Remus , I am still in shock about your dream its… so beautiful, and makes me so happy to think we are carrying on a tradition our guilds shared so long ago!

@Revenir , I have donated to them a few times in the past! Great cause! Keep up the great work :smile:

Mounties, I am truly blown away by all of you this year.


I had the most vivid dream last night.
I was in the Thornmouth library with about two dozen other people. I didn’t recognize any of them but most had Thornmouth emblems or small Mindflame vials on their necks. It was a cold evening, and I could feel the damp air even with the fires lit.
I heard a knock at the door and one of the other Thornmaw opened it. A grinning face presented itself, wet with the sea spray off the cliffs. As they were ushered inside, it became obvious what guild they belonged to. The visitor was draped in layers of patchwork and knit, with stains at the hems of their sleeves. They gestured back towards the door, and more Gosmerim entered, carrying bags and trays with steaming hot drinks in mismatched ceramic mugs.
They filled the quiet library with lively sounds and offered drinks and gifts to all the assembled Thornmaw, and even helping gather books or patch torn clothes for them.
The whole time, I was aware that I had been dreaming and did not expect any of them to interact with me, so I was surprised when one of the smiling Goss danced up to me with a steaming mug and pressed it into my hands. I took a sip but as the steam fogged my glasses, the scene changed.
I was alone in the great library, and once again the howling of the wind against the craggy shoreline replaced the laughter and conversation. I was about to knock back home when I noticed that the cup I was holding- a blue and brown glazed mug with chipped edges- was stil hot. I sat on the floor in my spot under the stairs for what could have been minutes or hours, just breathing in the sweet steam from my cup. I don’t remember anything remarkable happening before I woke up, but this morning, I am more relaxed and well-rested than I have been in years.
Thank you so much, Oracle and Augo, for bringing back this ancient tradition.


Ok so time to add my community involvement.
Technically it’s not my community anymore but rather my hometowns. I support a charity CCRDFV (Coordinated community response to domestic and family violence). It’s a organisation that helps individuals and family’s escape domestic abuse. Wether it’s by getting them into counselling programs, temporary accomodation (for themselves and their furry friends). My involvement was designing a discreet card that they can produce at some of the local businesses for discounted or free services (a coffee and cake at a local cafe, tire rotation and balance at the tire shop ect) I also designed the cards and flyers for their “empowering maintenance program” which goes to the women in the shelters and teaches them how to change the tires on their cars, check oil and water levels and replace wiper blades so they can look after their cars without needing to rely on a man which can be quite confronting for them while they’re getting help.
In addition I collect things from the hotel rooms I stay at. The free shampoo and conditioners and soaps, some also have slippers which are great too. These get sent home with mum or with me when I get home and they go towards making little packs for the people in shelters.


Small thing but I spent all day today and Wednesday helping my dad move. We did a bunch of heavy lifting and runs to the dump.


I’m so bowled over by everything everyone posted here. Of course, the sum is greater than all the parts. I love imagining positive energy rippling out from our little lodge and changing the world around us into something a little better for everyone, like each deed (big or small) being a piece of a greater work of magiq.

That being said, the festival month of Nepenthe is drawing to a close. If there’s anything anyone else wants to contribute, you have a day or so to do it, and also be eligible for the three awesome prizes gifted by @OracleSage and @Saberlane:

  • A handmade, custom guild-color scarf
  • A totally one-of-a-kind backpack from the AGP vaults
  • The unique opportunity to speak to a mystery figure from our past.

This has been really wonderful this year, Mounties! Thank you each, and Happy Nepenthe!