Neithernor Reborn: The Ascension Rises

OMG. A collection of different environments that mirror other places you’ve explored?!


EXACTLY! :star_struck: :desert_island:


ok HECK YEAH that seems like the perfect solution! I love the idea of having different biomes present, and you’d have to prepare for whatever island you’re visiting.


Okay, so to clarify, we’ve got a collection of floating islands as our guild home. On these islands, there is space for docking our flying ships (like The Ascension, but also our fleet - maybe we’ll have to find those?), as well spaces for living, working, and gather (some of which are above ground and some of which are delightful little hobbit holes - I love your justification for these, @Louisa). The primary island has a mountain as well as a water source of some sort (either from the island itself or from a floating island above - see Sky Loft images above). We don’t have a solid climate (we could just say temperate as the default?), but we do have a multitude of islands whose climates represent where or for what purpose they were created. Oh, and smaller islands can be moved with larger ships!

First of all, I love it, folks :constanceblush: I’m really happy with what we’ve all been able to create together here, and I can’t wait to have some amazing adventures with you all in NNR (especially with a guild home as cool as this)! Is there anything else you all think is missing right now? I like what we’ve got here, but I’m more than happy to hear more ideas!


I didn’t forget about NNR, per se. But it only hit me after reading all of these amazing ideas together in one paragraph that we’ll get to explore this place! WOW! I’m so psyched!

The only additional thing I can think to add is that we mentioned the architecture is largely made up from retired ships or recycled ship resources. I imagine this means that it’s both kind of cobbled together (since it’s repurposed), but simultaneously beautifully made and intricately carved (a lot of love goes into building a ship!).

I’ll brainstorm for additional ideas, but honestly…this sounds incredible. :smiley:


Another idea: lanterns EVERYWHERE. Big old waxed paper lanterns. Fiery Chinese lanterns. Small paths lined with stone-set lights, magiq or electric. Candles in windows and oil lamps carried by those out after dark. Witch lights and will-o-the-wisps. I like the idea that at night, all these lights turn on, and from the ground/a distance the islands almost look like part of the star-filled sky. You’d have to look for the uninhabited spots/the undersides for unlit portions to figure out they were there.
Also I just like lanterns.


Stained glass lanterns and lampposts that politely bow to newcomers and offer directions :cjheart: lanterns are a good thing to love


Y’all I’m so sorry I disappeared, the school year has been craaaaaaazy so far. But is there still opportunity to help with this?

Because the lantern idea is amazing! We could use @Skylad’s stained glass to personalize our own lantern aesthetics.

I’m really excited for us to have a home base to go back to because even just making a place for ourselves feels like a mini adventure!


Of course! Today’s the day of change, so we’re running out of time to implement ideas, but I’d live to here them! And no worries, I completely understand the school work issue :joy:


It’s okay! I was mostly just seconding the ideas stated.


All these ideas are amazing! I wish I had had more time to be more creative lately!


Less of an environmental thing, and more of a cultural, but what kind of celebrations/festivals are there? I’ve been thinking about holidays a lot and was wondering what kind of holidays Neithernor might celebrate.
For Weatherwatchers, I think most of them would be tied not to seasonal or weather changes but about leaving or returning. Found family certainly. Perhaps festivals for feats of strength and such that can be done on ships? Like the pirate version of Highland Games. Ship entertainment in the past used to involve plays, fake trials, and various ceremonies like the Polly-woggles and Shellbacks (hardbacks? I’m a bit vague on terms) and NN versions of those would be interesting! Does NN even have an equator?
Anyways, it would be really interesting to learn some culture tied to the guilds like that!

edit to add that the Polly-woggle ceremony still happens, it’s one of the longest ceremonies of the western world and is just a cool cultural phenomenon


This is brilliant. I can smell the mead on the air and the boisterous cheering as Watchers take bets on each other (all in good fun of course). Add some sort of sky race among the traditional Highland style games we know and love. Maybe some magiq competitions of some sort. :beers:


There is also some interesting room for holidays signifying “homecomings” where everyone returns to the base area, then.


Remus and I where discussing that before the day of change and wether we have a sports/training ground but we couldn’t figure out mechanics for a sport in time for the day of change but if it’s something you guys are super keen on we could figure something out for later on
edit I’ve just woken up and I reread that and it didnt make sense to me either… may try to fix after coffee*


I know this was mostly for planning what things would look like, but I was wondering if we wanted to use it/make a new topic for any meta discussion for our guild explorations?

Since we can only explore our own guild areas it may be useful for us and we can maybe further some of the cultural things that we got into at the end by creating it ourselves in world.

But also if this isn’t the place or y’all don’t want to I understand! Just had the idea and thought I should share!


I’d personally love a place to pass ideas by people and discuss our explorations!


I’m not sure if here’s the best place for that discussion, but I’ll think about where we should put stuff like that and make a thread for it! I’ll put a link here once it’s up!


I figured as much, it seemed a little off! Thank you so much!


Hey guys, I just caught up with the latest posts at The Docks in NNR. I’m hoping to hop in again soon, but just wanted to say it was so lovely reading what you guys have posted. I’ve missed NNR! I’ve been keeping an eye on the forums, things have just been busy with the holidays so I haven’t managed to post anything in a while.

I guess this is kind of a long way to say hi, NNR Watchers! I hope y’all are well! Happy Holidays! :wave: