One thing we try to foster in this community is creativity. Dreaming. Setting goals and crushing them. And most of all, encouraging each other
Many of you have heard of (Inter)National Novel Writing Month. In the month of November, every year, there is an international writing “competition.” The goal of this competition is to write a minimum of 50,000 words in 30 days. From the 1st of November, to the 30th. Roughly 1,647 words each day.
To complete - or at least begin - a 50k word novel, in one month.
There are alternatives, as well; custom goals can be created for this event. Finish editing your rough draft. Write a poem every day. Finish the script for a podcast episode. There is also National Solo Album Month for the musically-inclined. Any of this sound like you?
This is the perfect project for a Mountaineer - for a Campfire-stoking, magiq-unleashing, Storm-fighting, Book-opening Mountaineer.
I’m looking for participants to join me over the next 30 days in signing up for this free, challenging competition against yourself. Mountie support, encouragement, writing advice, mini-challenges, inspiration, and accountability (for the procrastinators and the can’t-do-its – of which I know I’ve been one) are included in this deal.
This is the first call. Over the next 30 days leading up to November 1st, there will be more information, NaNoWriMo preparation posts, and reminders to sign up if you’re interested.
If you have any questions, as always, feel free to contact me. I’m always reachable here on the forum, and I check the Discord once a day.