Movie Recommendation Thread!

Sorry Rimor, good idea.


Ahaha it’s all good


Movies that I watch over and over again: lord of the rings, Harry Potter, the secret life of Walter Mitty (best soundtrack ever)

Movies that changed me: princess mononoke, 13th warrior, last of the mohicans, brotherhood of the wolf (if you haven’t seen these, at least give them a go…I am a sucker for great creative story telling)

Ok, I might have a type lol

I forgot one, and this is an absolute must see: Akira


@SabineBean I love pretty much anything by Hayao Miyazaki


Favourite good-time movie: Big Trouble in Little China.

The characters and story all feel like it’s a movie adaptation of a Roleplay Campaign. You have a small time scoop-getting reporter, an Asian trucker who knows Kung Fu, an elderly tour bus driver who has magic, and a big headed guy who threw all his points into one awesome ability meaning he’s nigh useless at everything else!
Campaign goal: save the girl from an immortal Big Bad, his three overpowered henchmen, and an endless number of expendable martial artists.


I’ve just watched the Hobbit extended editions and now I’m watching the lord of the rings extended editions! I’m currently on two towers part one!


The riders of Rohan are my favorite, hands down!


Yes. Just yes. This whole post.


Woo, movie thread!!

So for favorite movie I never quite know what to answer. There are numerous movies that I can never get bored of, but that doesn’t make them great or make me want to recommend them. (Ahem. twilight. It’s very nostalgic. Do not judge me please lol)

Some movies stick with me in some odd ways. They might have a questionable plot at times, but they will always feel strangely nostalgic, home-y or just generally like a warm hug. I think almost everyone has LOTR/The Hobbit and Harry Potter as these, me included, but there’s a few others that stuck with me over the years;

Howl’s moving castle will always be my go-to comfort movie. It’s the first Studio Ghibli movie I ever watched and it will always be my favourite! the whole vibe of the movie feels ‘warm’ in a way, kind of hard to describe!
Upside down is a sci-fi drama/romance movie with s t u n n i n g scenery. The movie has questionable plot and sci-fi elements to it, but aesthetic-wise I have always loved this one!! Again, it has that whole ‘warm hug’ effect.
Matilda for obvious reasons, because I remember rereading the book over and over again as a child and feel like the movie really captured some scenes just as I would have imagined them!
The land before time is my childhood, I love dinosaurs, I cry every time I watch them (Especially the first movie, but others have brought me to tears before as well.) and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of these.
Hugo; I loved the book as a kid. I loved how some parts were written and others were literal storyboards ; as a kid who loved both drawing and writing it seemed like the bets of both worlds. I was scared to watch the movie, scared it would ruin my love for it but it only made me pick up the book and re-read it! They made it gorgeous!
Oliver & Co is a childhood favorite and will always be the perfect movie to rewatch on a rainy day for me. One of my Disney faves!
Whisper of the heart is a very underrated and generally unknown Ghibli movie, yet it has always felt so oddly close to my heart, even from the first time I watched it. It’s a very simple and non-magical story, pretty slice-of-life for a Ghibli movie, but it just…does things, you know?
The hunchback of the Notre Dame was a movie that came out in my birth year. I never got into it a lot until I had to compare the book to the movie for my French class, and things just… clicked? I relate to Quasimodo for several reasons, though at the same time look up to his kindness more than anything. Still get chills from the music whenever I rewatch it :smiley:
5 cm per second is a movie by Makoto Shinkai. I randomly stumbled across it at some point and was initially just confused after watching it. Second time I did, I was full-on sobbing at the end lol. It takes a pretty dark twist at the ending and again, has beautiful scenery! The plot is a bit hard to follow (Possibly because there is a lack of it?) but it also feels like you get a very intimate look into someone’s life.
Kimi no na wa/ your name is also a Makoto Shinkai movie that just… deep breath. I have seen this movie so many times and I cry every time. The music is stunning, the scenery, the characters. I was surprised that an animated movie could move me as much as this one did, but it will probably one I will always come back to.

Lots of animated movies, I honestly feel no shame in admitting that I might prefer these over ones with actual actors sometimes, oops?
I have a lot of movies I would also recommend watching but I know I can be one of those people that is very forgiving when it comes to plotholes, which a lot of people disagree with :stuck_out_tongue:


Howl’s Moving Castle
I managed to get it out of the library before I moved here, but it was pretty wrecked in a number of spots. Ended up having to skip chapters entirely to get it to keep going. :laurencry:

Back in middle/high school, I would have the Sailor Moon R, S, and Super S movies, and Scooby Doo and the Witch’s Ghost on standby when I stayed home sick (or “sick” if I had a lot of back assignments). I may have known several songs by heart back in the day and may still remember a fair bit.

No shame in animated flicks. :hermanthumbs:


Animated films are some of the best ones imo! Kubo and the Two Strings, so many Ghibli movies, Coraline, Origin: Spirits of the Past (as I’ve mentioned haha), Into the Spiderverse (I’ve also mentioned this one), Road to El Dorado, The Prince of Egypt, Phantom Boy, Dofus (Which is pg but has a few innuendos) and so on are all fantastic examples! I also love so many of the Scooby Doo movies, and honestly, so many Barbie movies are genuinely really good too. And, of course, Shrek! I know Shrek has become such a meme, but the movies are really ever so good. :cherry_blossom:


Kubo was so good! I have a soft spot for Read or Die, so music storytelling paper-bending magics was right up my alley.

I recently saw the Scooby Doo one where they try to save the KISS theme park. The Sailor Moon transformation rip-off segment was spectacular.


Absolutely! You’ve gotta have a team of not only stellar writers, but amazing visual artists as well. Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart is another great one - and The Book of Kell’s :star_struck: screenshots alone of those are beautiful!


I love animusic. The first time i saw it was on techtv.


I watched Hook every day for months once when I was a kid. I always recommend Saved! I’ll think of more insightful answers later.


Oh! And for symbolism based cinematography I’d highly recommend Pleasantville and Gattica. The use of colors in both are so so good!


As I’m sitting there, thinking about animated movies, I remembered very much enjoying Mune: Guardian of the Moon, Rise of the Guardians, Guardians of Ga’Hoole… Actually, generally, if a movie has ‘guardians’ in it, that’s a pretty good sign! Don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie with ‘guardians’ in the title that I didn’t enjoy. :cherry_blossom:


I might have bused myself over to the theater in RotG’s last days to see it.

I also might have been the only person there not with a child.

0 shame, and I grabbed a Jack Frost ornament from the Hallmark store on the way home. :deirdrexd:


See, when I moved out of my ex’s place, I forgot my book there. I was in the middle of reading it and we ended things on bad terms so I doubt I’ll get it back. Might have a look if the library has it, preferably not in Swedish though :sweat_smile:

My dad made it a game to put on random Disney songs and have me guess both movie and song title. We’ve gotten to the point where he plays soundtracks of the movie that don’t have singing in them, which are considerably more difficult.
Needless to say, I absolutely love animated movies! They usually stick with me longer than acted ones (I feel like me being so involved with art might have to do with it) though I love those too!

Talking about animated movies…
Anyone remember ‘The last unicorn’?



Full disclosure, I had never heard of it until I was in my 20s. My mom bought a 3-disc set of America’s music (the band) at a concert outside of Atlanta and we were looking at the track listings and saw “The Last Unicorn.”
They happened to play it that night. :deirdrexd:
So after that we tracked the movie down and watched it.