Mountaineer Recap: The Week of August 27th

Originally published at:

With the box tasking us to “find the song” Mountaineers spent last weekend using the clues from the Book and the numbers from the solved riddles to assemble a piece of music. They then worked together to write lyrics that would mourn the loss of, we assumed, Ojorad.

Nim recorded the song and we sent it to Knatz, who woke up with the song stuck in her head. Singing the song back to the box unlocked it and inside was a word, Obscuriotempus. Knatz submitted the word to the ’94 book and it revealed new coordinates that led to the Ramble in Central Park.

Knatz sent Saberlane to New York with the box and left to meet with Augie, who’d just resurfaced. He revealed he’d figured out a way to hide the mountaineers from the storm, but they would forget everything they knew about magiq, and each other. Knatz was faced with a difficult decision.

Cole couldn’t get a new sequence from the Ramble without the chronocompass so he went to the brownstone to check on Deirdre. Instead he found a smashed front window and the journal laying on the floor. He eventually found a message scrawled inside it:

“It came for me. I’ve been trapped in Grey’s apartment for two days. Locked in against the storm. It’s in the walls. Trying to get in, even through phone. I need help. It knows I’ve been to Neithernor. Wants in. Wants me.”
Cole managed to open a door to Neithernor to draw the Storm away from Deirdre, and with the help of the Mounties, escaped into the warren, where Deirdre followed moments later.

After spending two days in Neithernor Deirdre and Cole resurfaced and Deirdre filled us in on what happened with an epic three-part series of blog posts.

The last communication we received from Knatz was a cryptic, confusing goodbye before the compass closed, cutting off our contact with her.

A final note… this is going to be my last recap. @Deyavi has graciously agreed to take over the responsibility. With all the amazing things you guys have done on your own this past year, and all the other original leaders now gone (or being Bash) I’m realizing that I’m not needed as much as I once was, and I’ve been devoting my time to researching and investigating everything we’ve learned from Sullivan’s journals and his time in Neithernor. I may create topics to discuss them, but when I go into research-mode you might hear less from me.

I’m really proud of you all. And I’ll of course be here to help, in any way I can, to see your journey to The Book of Briars through.



Thank you for all of your hard work!


Endri, you have been a wonderful guide for us on this journey. Thank you so much for your time and your conviction.
Loving vibes and as always I wish you luck.


Thank you for all your hard work, Endri.


Thank you Endri. For your support and your service.
I hope we meet again in the future, with tidings of magiq and good will.
I know we will be here for you when you return from your Full-On Research mode.

Have a good day @Endri!


Thanks, @Endri! We could not have ever gotten this far without you!


Thank you, Endri! Your recaps and general forums presence were invaluable for those of us that have joined the group. Best of luck with your research, we’ll be waiting to hear about it when you re-emerge from research mode!


Thank you @Endri for everything you’ve done. We’re grateful that you stepped up to take over the weekly recaps in the first place :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you @Deyavi for taking this on now :two_hearts:


See you in the next life then (or maybe a less nerdy goodbye)? It’s been fun Endri! Hope to see you soon-ish.


Endri :sob:

Sad to see you go…hope you’ll pop in from time to time. Where are we gonna be without our last guild master, after all?


You guys are the best. I’m around, don’t worry. I wouldn’t abandon you now. But you don’t need a leader anymore.

If you need me just @ me.