
I use a popular app called Simple Habit which has a good amount of meditations that you don’t have to have a membership for. I also did some free trials on which helped a ton but that requires a subscription. I think meditation is so important and the key to happiness so I’m glad someone started this topic!


I tend to listened to yoga music and listen to gudied meditation. It also sounds funny by ASMR videos can help you to find peace. I hope that this work for you.


I’ve been personally studying “energy” and practicing meditation on energy for many years. During my martial arts years I was introduced to Kouksundo. Before I was ever taught anything about it by the Master at our school, he was testing out the cd that had the “chanting” on it. This chanting, which is all in Korean, was to be listened to while meditating as a sort of timing for breathing and changing of postures. Anyway, the very first time those sounds hit my eardrums my body, out of my will, immediately aligned to the sound. My spine went erect, my eyes closed and I went immediately into a rhythmic deep breathing. Mind you it sounds similar to sleep, but I assure you that I was conscious and acutely aware of the present moment and the energy smoothly circulating and settling in its rightful balance in my body.


Body scan is good. Where the mind goes the energy follows.


Very good. That’s a technique I used to use as well. It works for physical pain too. That “diffusing” effect is a rebalancing/resettleing of your energy.


Meditation has never worked for me. Either I fall asleep or I’m distracted by bodily needs or external things.


@Statera For me, meditation does not have to be fixated to deep breathing technique and emptying your mind. I do tarot card reading for myself on the daily basis as a way to get to know how my body will be like for the whole day. This is a way for me to meditate and tap into my consciousness to discover the positive and negative aspects of myself. There are numerous websites that can do tarot reading for you for free by sending you emails everyday. Read and contemplate what it says about you. If it does not sound good to you at all, twist its meaning and provide your own optimistic interpretation to it. This will help you nurture your mind and self holistically. Hope this helps a bit!


I totally agree with @Song_Cye ! Meditation doesn’t always have to be a session of breathing and emptying your mind but rather a time of mindfulness that you can draw out from an activity where you feel free and open to expel negativity or express positivity.

As a pretty social individual, I like to meditate by sitting back from a social gathering and just taking in that expressed energy of the people who I’m with and being rejuvenated by it.


Another good meditation I came up with to get your “energy” flowing:

Imagine that in your belly is a valve and to open that valve you have to relax your belly or your center. When you open the valve, it releases water.
Now imagine that inside your joints are gates and in order for the water to flow to the rest of your body you have to open those gates. You open the gates by relaxing your joints all the way down to the little joints in your fingers and toes.
Remember to stay focused on the deepest part of your center from which the water flows.

This meditation can be done anywhere, in any setting, standing or sitting.


You will notice that when you successfully do this meditation, you’ll be relaxed, alert, and extremely well balanced. Physically and otherwise.


For those who are adept, this may open new possibilities of perception and awareness.


I’ve never been especially good at clearing my mind, but I love playing with dream exercises (hence the name), which require a lot of focus during a meditative state. I found it to be a great way of learning more about one’s self, experiencing lucid dreaming, and having extremely wierd and conscious “trips” without drugs. The only downside being weird sleeping patterns, sleep paralysis, and your mind becoming adept at hiding the fact that you’re in a dream XD. Lucid dreaming and sleep meditation has been one of the most magical experiences in my life, and I highly recommend it, as long as you’re currently not experiencing horrible sleeping problems or are prone to night terrors~♧


Sorry if I’m bringing this up randomly/after a while, I’m still sorting through all the interesting topics on the forum and seeing if I can engage.

I’ve always had way too much anxiety and racing thoughts, so when I was a kid I did this version of meditation (I guess) where I would put my hands flat on the table and feet flat on the floor and visualize these idk benevolent figures just warrior pose pushing all of the negative/extraneous things out of my mind until there was just a peacefull whiteness.

I don’t do that as much nowadays, I’ve shifted my meditation practices towards crystals and trying to let their proposed metaphysical properties resonate with me.


I have one that’s probably more of a mantra that helps me to refocus my mind. It happens in a round, and I know once I can do it without messing it up or having to think of the order that I’m ready to refocus on my task.


I used to meditate with a red candle set in front of my obsidian sphere, but for the past couple years I’ve been searching for my higher self through guided vision quests.

For the sake of staying PG-13, I won’t extrapolate.


I also have a good one for rebalancing/recentering myself. It’s quite involved but I can share it here. But it essentially works on having a central gald in the forest and then finding trails to each of the corners to engage them before returning the final time to reaffirm yourself as who you are/want to be.


I use this app too and love it so much! Great recommendation!