Magiqal Springtime Rituals: Beltane!

Hey all!

Some of you may be celebrating Beltane tonight or tomorrow along with so many of us across the globe. I’m curious who here will be performing any kind of ritual. And, if not, would you in-magiqverse character? What would they do? How might their guild play into that?

For those who aren’t familiar, this is a good basic primer on Beltane.

Some TL;DR type bits of info:

  • It’s a celebration of springtime, fire, and fertility (in all forms, not necessarily simply pregnancy)
  • It’s meant to honor life
  • Bringing plants indoors is traditional around this holiday
  • It’s a great time of year to perform divination of all kinds

Personally, I’m going to organize my home a bit, listen to Lizzo (Soulmate is my current no. 1), buy a beeswax candle and some mead to enjoy with my spouse, hang out with my tarot cards and runes.

I think my Ebenguardian character would probably look into the biomechanics of the surrounding plants and make some beneficial offerings to the surrounding forest of our dorms. And there would definitely still be divination :sparkles:


Omg I’m literally doing the same thing!! I’m going to do a hexennacht reading for the season to really help me hone in how I can better situate myself in my own power!

Happy Beltane darling!

P.s really loving your insta!


ive got a tarot deck, maybe ill do a reading, light a few candles.


I just did a reading with my Celtic tree tarot cards to help guide me.

Thank you for the reminder it is Beltane @witchery



Really hard for me atm to do proper rituals, but I’ll light some candles (against the wishes of my building, but they won’t know), maybe do a reading, and leave out some offerings (cause this is one of the nights when the veil is thinnest).


Some time in the sea breeze today. My Beltane rites were in Wilmington on Sunday - stags, divination and the power of inspiration.
Blessed be.


To you, too! My grocery didn’t carry honey wine, but I think my ancestors would have been delighted by the sparkling rosé I went with instead. Read my spouse’s and my oracle cards and some tarot, we made toasts to one another, and made a little altar for the evening. It was lovely. How did yours go?


I hope everyone had a good evening of blessings! I’m delighted by how many folks responded to this. I felt the abundance of spring/summer last night and enjoyed walking around our busy neighborhood until sunset. Anyone else feel huge waves of gratitude for the longer days?


The oracle readings my Druid gorsedd used were animal cards. I was given a horse. This might mean a year of travel and energy. But right now I’m flaming knackered!


I’d completely forgotten it was Beltane today, thanks for the reminder! I’m probably going to end up doing some geomancy/tarot and seeing if I can spend some time by the fire pit if I can this evening, since formal ritual is hard for me to do rn.


I figure my ancestors wouldn’t mind if I celebrate in meaningful ways as long as I do. Do your sacred stuff the way that is possible for you. :heart:


Apropos of nothing, I really have my heart set on making mead this season and mention of honey wine has me re-inspired.


Yessss! Are you typically a brewer/vintner/whatever a mead-maker is called?


The technical term for mead maker is “honoured guest” if memory serves.


I’m not! But I have a bit of Flinterforge in me and I love creating things!


Though I do dream of growing a field of rye in retirement and making small-batch adult beverages.


Beltane celebrations continued today as it’s my spouse’s birthday! I stitched them a velvet tarot bag with an embroidered eye on it, made them a personalized deck of validation oracle cards, we picked up some of our favorite sandwiches and little cans of fancy champagne and hung out at the park with our dog, Peach. Our favorite ice cream shop debuted their new seasonal flavors today, so we got some cones, walked home, picked up a new issue of their favorite graphic novel (Saga), and have been reading more of the Monarch Papers together! A lovely day of sunshine and celebration.


just got home from my beltane celebration/sick bonfire


Very envious of the fiery celebration!


I also had a bonfire! We burn papers with things we wish to leave in the past written/drawn on them, and then each of us burns a handful of sugar for a sweet year. We almost got rained out but that’s the best kind of weather for burning in our area, so it worked out.