Our solar power bank is now up and running!
We can theoretically stockpile a few more hours of power every day (this is all used and hand-me-down technology, so not the most efficient). Still, we haven’t had spare power because we’ve all been reaching out to loved ones, catching up on world news, and lighting up the unexplored corners of the castle (when exploring things like underground tombs, it’s much more comforting to use electric light than creepy old flickering candles.)
Port and Yuri have been continuing their work, and they feel confident about the following senses Port has found as well as the “calls” Yuri feels from whatever is really in these four locations. They don’t speak French so can’t tell the difference in dialects, but with Yuri’s help, and some people using English in the senses, they think they’ve been able to separate them:
Port senses things like coffee, later feeling jittery and caffeinated, and hearing lots of muffled voices. Her vision becomes blurred as if looking from behind a window or glass. Golden light. Feeling reverence when sitting in a particular spot while waiting to go to the shrine.
She senses walking down a broad, open, tree-lined street. Singing. Nothing Port recognizes. Old, or perhaps a genre she doesn’t know. Upon entering through a door, the smell of old paper.
Now that they think they have the cities separated in their minds they think they should have more concrete clues soon.
Hope you’re all staying safe.
Love from Lion’s Heart,