Lion's Heart Dispatch: 4/15/20

This is Lion’s Heart to Basecamp, over.

That’s right. I’m writing from Lion’s Heart!

We officially have incredibly sketchy and unreliable satellite internet at the castle! Which is powered, along with everything else, by the solar panels we finally received and installed! We have them jury-rigged in the south field. We’re hoping to get them up on the southern parapet soon, but that part of the castle is in the worst condition, so we want to fortify the roof first. #justcastlethings

Now, right now we only have 4-5 hours of power a day, basically enough for charging devices (everyone is VERY much looking forward to having their phones/tablets back up and running) running the satellite receiver/router for an hour or two, and powering low wattage lights from about 6-9 pm. It doesn’t sound like much, but we’ve been living in the 18th century for almost six months, so— it’s much.

Onto the important stuff, Port and Yuri have been working closely, and basically nonstop, trying to recapture the same energy in Montreal and Paris that they were sensing from Mexico City and St. Petersburg. They think they’re onto something, but it’s hard for them to put into words what they’re experiencing as adepts. And it’s faint. They just know that they’re tapping into magimystic energy differently. Yuri calls it “a new way of thinking.”

I will follow up on everything very soon, including the Icons of Elainnor and Alison.


Hurray, welcome back to the 21st century! Glad you guys are doing well.


Yay! Make sure you clean those pannels daily. They attract dust and blockents like a dragon hoarding gold.


Welcome back, @Eaves!

It will be interesting to see how Port and Yuri separate out the images/feelings from Paris and Montréal. Lots of French, Franglais, Fringlish, Quebecois, and Canadianity, which can sound sort of similar. :upside_down_face: