Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: Location/Encounter Descriptions

A topic to discuss the encounter and location files.


It seems to me that the area titles (some have descriptions), such as “Filtration lab” “Bonavarde guardhouse” and “Level four cells”, may need to be put on certain locations on the map given to us.


So, I did what I could to match up locations with the map. I couldn’t do much and honestly I’m not even sure if its right, but its the best I could conclude about it. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to try for yourself.


I made some more progress on it, but not too much. I’ve been at this for a couple hours, switching the locations back and forth, completely overthinking it, and I still have little kinks to work out. As always, I have no idea if any of this is right but I am attempting to at least get a rough idea of what this place looks like.

Yes, that compass is terrible, as are the rest of the graphics. But then again, what do you expect of software used to make line art and little clipart pictures? If anyone has any ideas, or objections to this map, please my dude, speak your mind.

Edit: Since we only have 6 days or less by now, I have been spending a buttload of time on this stuff, and its already like midnight where I am, I think I’ll sleep and work on more of this tomorrow.


@TheBellsAreRinging - I made an attempt, too but stopped because most of the things where more guessing than knowing… I think your map makes much more sense - but maybe it helps anyway. E.g. I thougt the round shape in the compound area could be Recyclops and the other “Water”-Place the Rubblefish Lake? But I don´t know if the Recyclops could be in the Compound? - The story speaks of “The Compound” & “The Junkyard Compound” are those two different things?


Honestly it really is just a guessing game. I was thinking maybe that circular thing was the recyclops hole too, but then there was an issue of the gate room, and if the entire square area was the gate room, then I’d have no idea where to put a lot of the locations


@Crytter theres a new version of the map if you want to have another go at it. Lux posted it in the map thread.


New map time! I only bothered with the stuff I knew for certain, or at least was 80% sure of. I have a feeling there is at least another map piece, saying there is a lot of stuff listed that isn’t even there, and that we got a new section of the world, when we activated the first beacon.
tbh I love doing this even though it can get really frustrating and I will fall asleep during the day because I was up all night trying to figure it out.

p.s.: since my editing software is literal TRASH when it comes to this stuff, in the event that its too difficult to see the words, I’ll see if I can make it more visible. (lol I was right, fixed!)