King Rabbit's Burrow: Those Who Didn't Die

This is a place to discuss the strange messages that show up on Burrow In The Fray whenever we solve one of the protected video passwords.

So far we’ve seen:
Illustrator Helen Wilde did not die in 1966
Messman Valentine Baker did not die in 1942

We’re bound to see at least two more as we solve this fragment. What do they mean and what, if anything, are we supposed to do with them?

Eaves and I have considered that maybe KR is telling us that these are people who died once history was altered, but would’ve otherwise survived?


New here. Sorry if this is repeating anything anyone else has already posted.

Do we need to be researching Helen and Valentine any deeper?
Or just the fact that they Helen (nee Ashman - married John in 1942, btw) was John Wilde’s wife and Valentine was on the SS Muskogee that sunk good enough?

Is there a connection between them? Or to future clues? What happened when they DIDN’T die…
Or am I creating an artificial rabbit hole?

  • Jeff

I have no answers but WELCOME! Glad you’re here!


First of all, WELCOME! As you can see, there are a lot of moving parts so all the help you can provide is wonderful.

And those are some very good questions. It’s difficult to suss out which clues fit with others sometimes. There are some clues that we’ve found that might not come into play right away.

I think researching Helen and Valentine are good ideas, but if all the records in this world show that they died, there may not be much to find. I do know that references to Helen’s death often say it was “tragic” but there’s no description of how she died. At least none that I can find. There might be a clue there that can help us along the way. Maybe something that helps with the “Dirge” fragment? Not sure.

Honestly, every rabbit hole is worth exploring.


Adding a new person.

Seamstress Lily Wilson did not die in 1901

Only info I can find on Lily Wilson is a burial marker in Ireland.

Lily Wilson
Daughter of John and Agnes Wilson
Date of Death: 08/05/1901

Not even sure this is the right one. Deeds is Irish. Maybe it’s a relative?


Didnt see it mentioned yet but

Im pretty sure the last clue means we need to look for the oldest date of death but the person was a child.

Also the year the person died correspond to the other clue but theres a big jump in years from around 1950 to 1901 after the phrase tick tock, might be something there,