Imagination Is Nothing More Than Memory, Transposed

Hello Mountaineers, sorry I haven’t posted in a while. It’s been a bit of a rough time in my personal life, but I’m going to be around here a lot more now. After all, if we only saved magic for the best of times, it wouldn’t do us very much good, would it? Since I last posted I’ve been thinking a lot about the way imagination works. As we all know, imagination is memory transposed, and that means that magic wouldn’t be possible if not for memory.

Lately, the things that have been happening in my life have reminded me that memory isn’t something that we can take for granted. Life is already fragile in itself, but memory is far more ephemeral. If you think about it, it’s one of the least reliable parts of our experience. We forget almost everything that we do on any given day. If magic comes from imagination, and imagination relies on memory, this means that almost all of our magical potential floats away, before we’ve been able to think about what it could have done for us.

Recently, I read that according to neuroscientists, almost any memory can be recovered if our perception is stimulated powerfully enough. I think it’s important for us to admit that the right stimulus for any given memory will never come, though. We will get older, and our memories will become harder and harder to recover.

This is why we can’t waste memory. As Mountaineers, we know that our lives are at greater risk than the average person. We’re doing this, in part, for the sake of memory. Because we believe that it’s important to rememberer the creative efforts of others. We want to understand what was transposed to create The Lost Collection. But we also need to keep in mind that if the danger gets the best of us, and we aren’t the ones to find out the full truth of The Lost Collection, then there may be another generation of Mountaineers who want to understand us just as much as we want to understand the creators of The Lost Collection, not to mention the ’94 Mountaineers.

Why don’t we keep this in mind, as we create more magic? I think we should try to create a chronicle of everything we’ve learned, everything we’ve believed or imagined. Even if memory can’t survive forever, at least this will provide a way for future generations to understand that we’ve been doing here. Maybe it will make it easier for magic to come into their lives, even if only a little. This should be exciting! I have a plan and I can’t wait to share it with you very soon.



Glad you listened to me, Itz. :kissing_heart: