HOW TO: Private Message (PM)

Send A New Message

So you’re looking to ask another Mountie for help or to possibly tell one of the Community Leaders how amazing they are. You can do this through the Private Message system.

Step 1: Click on your profile pic in the top right corner of the screen
Step 2: Double click on the envelope tab. this will open your messages screen.

Step 3: To compose a new message, click the “New Message” button on the left-hand side of the page:

Step 4: Start typing the username of the Mountie you wish to message. The system will give you a dropdown of everyone whose username matches what you’re typing:

Step 5: Add a subject and begin to compose your message. You can format it the same way you would write a post or reply on the forum. Make sure to use as many custom AG emojis as possible! :colelulz:

Step 6: Once your message is composed, hit “Message” down the bottom left-hand side of the screen:

Another way that you can Private Message another Mountie is by clicking on their Profile Pic or Username on one of their posts and then clicking the Message button on their Mini Profile (Mini Profiles are also a great way to get to know your fellow Mounties and see what badges they’ve discovered)

Receiving a PM

You’ll know that you have a PM waiting for you to open when you have a notification icon on the bottom left of your Profile Pic.

Step 1: Click on your profile pic, your new message will show up in your notifications. (Alternately you can double click on the envelope to take you to your inbox)

Step 2: Read and reply as you would a normal post on the forum! (make sure to throw a like to your Mountie friends

*Note, all of these actions are identical when using a browser on your mobile phone.